nate's Friends
Alexplayz twinsetwork
Hi there im gamerboy20 i do funny things some times im really good at games i just Love you guys so much i fhit things thats all Bye-bye :)
гштасуысп TWATYGU2222
hey guys , l 'm a fan of mario maker my biggest dream ever think l would be a pity that it would not come from one of the best maker
Dark Joe Dark_Joe658
Blair forevergirl14
Um...I going thorough this "Phase" (Well atleast that's what my friend said) where I don't really care about much stuff so yeah. Whatever?
Mario 64 Mother32006
♪Cleo♪ PrincessCleo89
Hi my name is Cleo. Games I like: Pokèmon Nintendogs Animal crossing Mario maker My best friends: Every single one! My birthday is July, 14. I will accept all friend requests! Follow me and I will follow you back! Please no Wii U Chat. Thank you. ♥♥♥♥
Eevee pewdiepie2one
hi bros this is me second account splatoon minecraft and more brofist im girl fun nice will kick you if you troll on minecraft almost at 100 friends 47 more so friend me so i will get to 100
Alex gamer1o5
Hi,my name is Alex.If you don't already know,I'm an amuter artist,so don't hate on me. I'm 10 years old,and I'm a dc comics nerd (mostly superman.).So,let's see if I can get 1000 followers!!!:-D
diablo18 diablo58
Hunter Dylanmario12
I'm Back
matthew leedsrhinos2016
i will accept any friend requests my favourite games are mario kart 8 super smashbros and splatoon
faby fx elredey
hola busco amigos
Carson carexpert
Welcome to my profile. My name is Carson. Follow me and I will follow you back. Send me a friend request. Keep Calm And Game On!
NLM★Mαłł Mattthecreeper
Hello, My name is Matt. I am a super expert gamer, and I absolutely love playing Super Mario Maker. I currently have two medals. My biggest gaming accomplishments are: -Cleared Companion Spring (Super Mario Maker) -Beat the Big Bossdown without healing (The Legendary Starfy) -Beat New Super Mario Bros. Wii in 45 minutes, almost a world record -Made it to over 21,000 mass ( -Many More Bye!
Kellsiii☆☆ tajomna1
Hey Guys im a Nine Year Old Girl! Fav Tv Show:The secret Life of 5 year old Fav Song: Stay Fav Food:BurgerWith Chips!ICECREAM! Fav Best Friends:Amanda Fav Book:Tom Gates Any Book Fav Movie: Matilda Well Thats All From Me Have A Nice Day!
Ash 384-DKP84
emaly emaly123
This user's profile comment is private.
springtrap Bradenn2580
if you have nintendo land plz friend me and we will play it cause im bored today so i want to play nintendo land
Cole Drcucumber2
Hi everyone feel free to send me a friend request and please follow i dont care if you dont even know me (*awkward silence*) :^)
yassir optimusprimesurr
love smashbros mariokart8 nintendoland halo cod my favorite shows are rwby and red vs blue on youtube because rooster teeth and will accept any friend request i also really love football i play wide receiver on my team my favorite team is the ravens even though they did terrible last season
Cute Jelly efcrfrvr
Hey guys im 12 i want 100 friend request and 1000 followers and i will call you on wii u chat i love mario kart 8 Smash bros. Nintendo land super mario 3d world and splatoon i do wii u chat for ever like 1000 times and i have 100$ i buy games for my ps3 and wii u and im so happy to have friends i go to school so you better not call me when im on school my baby brother gets it ok so Bye peace out
Rito§child hjgbxfdfkh3
hello im TORNADO Blue from tornado swap the tornado version of of my underswap fan fictoin im a 15 year old skeleton kid im errors rival because we're similar we both have powers awsome gear and a love for fights awsome hair and magic items ps my oc is android 23 (psi to everyone get it (^-^) i DONT DO WIIU CHAT!!!!!)
Marshe Marsheuna
Hi my name is marsheuna townsend, i'm a girl and a brony i like to play games with someone or anybody please play with me thank you. <3
Nathan clp1987
Miguel holaya
Tips everybody the tips are from kirby triple deluxe for the 3DS the normal arena you can win with the ability named (Beetle). But in true arena you can win with the ability named (Archer) that is all for the Tips I gave you.
SONIC lightbluethehedg
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Hailey :3 Haileysarus
Please.....dont touch me :]
Aidan CheddarWheel
Bobby rlanzone2
hi everyone i love splatoon
Im here to have fun, help get rid of problems, and support you. Thàťś āĺĺ