karl's Followers
Luigi Luigiskart8
Hi my name is Ashlie Smith and i'm 16 year old i play all the Nintendo game even 3ds game everyone can be friend for ever an ever oh i play 5 3ds games that all love to play 1. Luigi Mansion Dark Moon 2. Mario & Luigi Paper Jam 3. Tomodachi Life 4. Mario Party Star Rush 5. Mario & Luigi Dream Team 6. Mario Party Ds 7. Miitopia
FanboiGuy merio13
HOW YA DOING! The name's FanboiGuy. I am a fan of Mario, Kirby, Pokémon, and some retro games. My Smash main is Dark Pit, and I usually enjoy playing games often and making a post or comment now and then, especially on some new games and stuff that unexpectedly happen. I want to thank all my followers for all the time I had on Miiverse. Now that it's closing soon, well, may as well keep posting.
Cam 493705
Miiverse is ending on November 8th, 2017. It's like Nintendo WFC and Nintendo Zone all over again. Spam #SAVEMIIVERSE all over miiverse right now. It's our only hope..... Goodbye my good friends, it was fun while it lasted;(
Jοςнυα G. LuigiFan304
me mlggods
gladys Gladys1303
I'm a gaming freak!!!!!!!!!!! #your never going to beat me
Lolipop RamyaW
Hi im slayer and well........ I don'tknow what else so i would love to meet everyone!!
イカです43ランク pku4562
フォローしてくれたら 必ず返します
cool kid lbear1013
Hi! I'm Drake. (not the rapper) I'm 11 years old. I mainly play splatoon and I would love lots of friends. Thank you for your attention :)
Wendy.S bobdiabloto13
J'me présente Je m'appelle wendy J'ai 11ans Je suis en 6eme et j'ai une meilleure amie qui s'appelle lara et elle a 12ans elle est née le 01/06/05 et moi le 02/02/06 voila bisoux ♥♥♥♥je suis en couple deso
Cora☆ふむふむ ybms.h19.0331
顔ポチありがとーーーうぅぅぅ^^ども(^^)突然ですがよくやるゲームを言います マイクラ←はまってる スプラ マリオメーカー←最近やってない この3つです! ~~自こ紹介~~ 小学生の5年生です 好きな歌は小さな恋の歌 ゲームがめっちゃ好きです 以上! 最近Wiの名前を変えようと思っています僕のフレンドさんは覚えてくださいmasa→ぬうぅぅぅぅ→ふむふむにしますじゃあこれで終わりにしますバイバイ!!\(・∀・)/ 祝ちぃさん復活(僕のフレさん) 誕生日は3月31日だよ(本当だよ!) ~お知らせ~ フォロワーが50人と思ったら100人!!いいったぞーバンザーイ←w 本当にありがとうございますー
☆★『かなと』☆★# kanatochoko
顔ポチありがとう(^^).フォロワー701人ありがとう// フォロワーしたら返します。ゲーム最高(^^) うれしーー 10/15 マイクラと、マリオカートなどをやってます(^^ゞ みんなよろ~(^^)! フォローして!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$********************** まだ見ているのかww ` ´ ∀
しにがみしょうねん mina0617
ヤッパリポテチハオイシイヨネ(ошо"顔ポチありがとです(~~)YouTube撮ってます!フレリク待ってるよ!フレンドの人は、たまに一緒に動画撮ろうね^^主にスプラトゥーンをやっています!(スプラとマイクラしかやってないw)マイクラで色々な物を作ったり、1からサバイバルしているのでできる人は、やりたいです。スプラトゥーンは、プラベやタグマとか実験、バグなどしたいです。 フォロワー680人突破しました~! 680人の皆さんありがとです!!! これからも投稿していきます!!! (大切にしているフレンドs) ひらっちs メロン レモン ピーチドラフト後色々ww ここに書かれてる人は、神なんだ(♥о♥* (★イカ仲間★)メロン レモン ピーチ 主は、いくらでもアンチしてok フレンドsやイカ仲間いじめたら君は終わるw あ、イカ、ヨロシクー(~~)/
lucky abi1rock
Zac Attac Stinki_Luigi
I'm A Gamer And Love Games Too! i am also the hugest the legend of zelda fan, and i love the legend of zelda series!!!! it's my favorite of all time!!!!
tuffwell danielclonefan17
hola amigos soy micheal organizar no kilómetros amigos soy likes power rangers all game characters and all tv show characters food he likes is......... hot dogs corn dogs french fries food dont like is............. potato salad
Nate125 mrmariiluigi
Mangle4756 bubblegumgirl10
my favorite youtubers are freaking jacksepticeye and markiplier whoever mess with them messes with me. also Happy shipping folks mines septiplier
Shadow mudkipshiny
Hello there :) miiverse is coming to an end soon bye everyone :')
Nate123 kosmos66
Cale☆Cake★ BorisBatim
*Proceeds to scream like a maniac* You poked my face! Anywho, thank you guys so much for 250+ followers, I can't believe you enjoy my trash that much.☆ Follow my peeps↓↓ Blucario Red ★11 ☆Online ★Taken ☆Palapa ♪☁︎♧♨︎♧♨︎☁︎★♧♧♨︎☁︎♧♥︎♤♢♨︎★☆♡♡♪ ضصبشيسقثذظدزلفابغرتعهورىمنخحجةكًًًً ৌোেংমনলৈিাুূীসশপবরযকগহতদজচটড্য ЯъвтеруюпоиащсшдлфкгйхзчьмцнжбᏯᏔᎧᏩᏯᎿᏜᏀᏍ ᎦᏝᏓᎭᏌᎳᏆᎹᎾᎥᎡᎤᎢᎣ 是說明他愛上帝也很難想像空間結構調整的失業率參考消息了?有限責任
Jamois coconuteaterplus
Hullo, call me jdz! I upload levels at least once a week in Super Mario Maker. I play SMM, MK8, SM3DL and SSB 4! if you follow me than I will follow you back. Bye-bye...
sarah sibella4
im a Christian,luv learning new things, horsecrazy, and cant wait 2 make friends. speaks Spanish , Sign Language learning Chianesse, Japanese, Arabic, French luv just dance 2015 pokemon~pokémon luv cats and reading books luv music
Izaiyah bscijc123
HIYA♡♥♥♡ welcome to world of awsomness #Splatoon for life i love having friends because on splatoon we join and have lots of fun!!!! #MARIE for life!!!! (FAVORITE COLORS:Blue Pink White Turquoise aqua and Gold
REBECCA seppetj
This user's profile comment is private.
sad James JamesR2009
Daniel Freedy94
Hallo da draußen das bin ich :) Ich bin 14 Jahre alt. Meine Lieblings games : Majors Mask Ocarina of Time Ich mag euch alle :) Wenn ihr mich auch mögt Folgt mich dann bitte dass würde mich freuen :=) 10 [x] 25 [x] 40 [x] 65 [] 80 [] 100 [] 150 []
ゆうたん2ごう YUnoYU585
山形県に住んでいる結真です よくマイクラをやっております ニックネームは、、、ゆうたんです ミバース終わるのは悲しいけど終わるまで 頑張ます!!!!! じっくり投稿をみてね じあ...バーイ あ...フレンド募集中です
みなさん,初めましてこんにちは。 普通の小学生5年生です。 あこがれてるマイクラ実況者[大天使朱羽] 好きな食べ物チャーハン 嫌いな食べ物ゴーヤ フォローしてくださった人は、100%フォローさせて頂きます。
NERDY MEME Dylanevan
Sup guys Dylan here friend me if you want to * Love pizza * Love soccer. * Love coler red * Love WWE and Minecraft * Hav the swich * Dont hack Best friends Clopez1103,Dannybutter,Minecraftgirl,Xman, Rkbk123,4DARE,Juicy,Jacksonfam
Inktogirl9 ACNLkirbylover
hello im neo★leader! the leader of the neo group you may join my clan but ask premission,im team callie fyi but marie won,i dont care but ;) whatever callie FTW private battle anytime! found minecraft slenderman,crashed my game not goin' on minecraft in a while(eyyy....not neo leader anymore....)
Ðj⇔Ðrαkσ⇔ TheTalkingWolf
Im just a lonely guy who doesnt have many friends one of them is Deadlord who is very special, but lets leave that apart, i speak spanish and english so dont worry, i obviosly dont have a girlfriend, but really dont care. I hate liers so please dont lie, And i wanna make new friends so if you want to be my friend you obviosly know what to do. So why are you here …
~Munchkin~ X-Eronaness
I am not in the mood for nobody right now i just wanna be left alone. i dont know how much but ill need some time i just cant anymore
chaplan chaplan
i like splatoon, mario kart, pokken tournament, ssb4, donkey kong country tropical, and mario games of any sort. i love challenges so dont be afraid to play me win or lose:) oh I almost forgot dont forget to friend request me ps i love sniping and splatting
しにがみ wwkkoi
おっすおっす 死神だよw フォロワー100人突破! にゃんこ大戦争やキューブクリエイターなどを投稿しています あと、フォロワーが2百人いったら何してほしいですか? それと同じMIIのアカウントを作ったのでそっちもよろしくねw
shak 245166
PinkCherry The4GsWiiU
♪Hoping I would find true love,Pointing me on my way into your loving arms♪ my leader name:TS☆ωοιƒγτη preferably i like puting INYOURFACE im a clan leader name TS☆=Toxic Squids you can be in my clan, just put TS☆ but ask first^¬^ Hang-out with:TS☆Al, dαгκ ςqчiď TS☆ members: TS☆ €ħгδmε TS☆Al TS☆berto c TS☆U$αιτγ¿ TS☆Zerron TS☆*MDG* stay friendly ^ˇ•˙^
sara sara_seasponge
hi how are you doing? i play splatoon,super smash bros.,and mario carrt 8. feel free to friend me. if you want to play splatoon , you can give me a text and i'll try to make it. i don't do wii u chat if u realy want to, then its just a call. no faces. HAPPY SPLATING!!!!!!!!!!
dogy DogyBro
Hi! im Dogy! i play mario kart, splatoon, super smash bros, animal crossing, and more!!! Please follow me i will (most likely) follow back. I accept all friend requests. ♥♥♥
Kaffe kaffe2001
Hi<: my name is christoffer and im 15 years old and from Sweden, plus i love nintendo!! my favourite nintendo caracters is Super Mario and Shantae ;] i like to post pictures on my wii u games like: it doesn't matter becuse im post like everything!! ;) . not insanely everything but kinda ;3 If you are a nice person, leave a (nice) comment or punch the following button :} But is okey anyway <;
Linkplasy TFrenchy1
Hi my name is Timmy welcome I love minecraft!!!
crazycat me0wlady
i do mario and kirby and of corse pokemon and um um um um and clash of clans and angry birds that...
i do mario and kirby and of corse pokemon and um um um um and clash of clans and angry birds that is about it