Users Kry Is Following
Sudofox sudofox
Hi, I'm Sudofox! I make art, trashpost on Miiverse, and run an art and animation community. Long Live Miiverse, even After The Hatena Era The Miiverse Code of Conduct forbids sharing account info for other sites. As such, please do NOT contact me here regarding any issues you're experiencing on Sudomemo.
Reese ilovesonic08
hey u guys! (18) it's reese in da house, if u want to be friends add me i love to communicate by one or another, wii u chat is my favorite app to do so hmu if u have time :)
ninga8 ninja1330
hey my name is jeffy
Rhys Rhys865
Ahmad ahmadcox
Hi, im 13 years old, and i love racing its like its in my blood.
なおKING toumax604
Laquintin laquintin2007
Emilio TheSAVAGEgamer13
Matthew haydenomg
sad bigjuicehoward12
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ZombieDuck ZombieDuck-Games
[IS]ιαсıε Ravenswood1616
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Tatiana☆♪ zozo67812
Bye Everyone Today Miiverse Is Ending At 10:00PM (Pacfic Time) #SOSAD #Goodbye #Bye Everyone Bye All Of My Friends I Will Miss You All
Juliana Ponys123
Hi,im juliana,im live in washington.nice to meet you
Jackgamer jacksmacker
Larry PharaohYugi
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Ðς√Jεŕεмγ Shinypikachu128
Ow! you poked my face... *pops out head and gets a new one* there we go. 6/5/17 (updated on my Birthday!) Age: 14 Gender: Male (if you call me a they or it then I will be triggered since you would try to assume my gender.) I haven't made a earthbound lp episode in a while. Finished games: Splatoon, ssbb, Mother 1-3, ect... I'm taking requests for games to do a let's play on.
The Brooo! TellySavalasJR
HEY!!! That hurts you tapped on my head But Hey everyone I have a 2ds and wii and Wii U I want to make friends also lets talk sometime p.s anime life p.s I am i crazy kid also I box and follow 4 a follow and I'm a very caring and loving person until I'm mad but that doesn't happen alot so just try to get to know me K! "And My Goal" is to get over 9,000 followers Help!!! SC:tuckertjjrtucke
★Krystal☆ Docal4Life
Local and Duffy 4 Life Mikey Jake Ademir Charlie Daytona Tyler and Ryan
josiah ghostssnper
hi my name is josiah i can do a lot of things like play soccer i am good at it i love nerd out songs i am very shy =) i play bo2 and 3 i love those games i will miss u all :( i all was happy play with me its fun i love FCB and also i have 1 sister AND 2 BrotherS
YoBoiJake! Savage_Jake1
Sup im Jake ♥single♥ by Im 15 i workout i have a deep voice.I wii u chat .I have minecraft , splatoon ect.If you get to know my u will know im really sweet/nice especially with girls cuz they go trough more then us guys.So i respect them no matter the situation.Sometimes i can roast some guys and girls but i always win tho #SAVAGE#CHILL Best friend till the end is: Melaniefan1^~^
bessthe1st BESS1ST
LOVE TO DO * EAT *SLEEP * PLAY * sing HATE TO DO * WASH UP DISHES * AND WORK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
We Should… BreatheBliss
Super-Nerd Mo4u2c
This user's profile comment is private.Because shes to shy to write anthing Me:Halp mommy these people keep poking me in my face when im just a little muffin Mom:SHUT UP AND DANCE WITH ME whatsup everybody ma'names Kylie im a preety nice derpy banana bread i can draw(ish) .-. I like strawberries love ya make sure you join the banana bread clan
Adam alamoknigh0
hello, i'm adam i mainly do little jokes, somtimes wonder about little details, and just mess around, especially in zelda games, since it's somthing i've always done since i was little i hope you enjoy!
luis rene4610
jordan bushnail
been through hurricane harvey
joanar joanar-peraza
soy de venezuela 30 AÑOS HOMBRE wiiU CHAT
gabri como tebaaa
Kirito Nazethegreat89
hi im Nazé nice to meet im the new guy. ya ps im a great friend.
Connor Flashismycat
I just found someone who is *insert paticular italian hand symbol* quality and i'm willing to devoted my existence on miiverse just to get him to follow me, and that person is... MEME SENPAI! Current follower count, 75
くろたん 786923
カネキ kanekipvp
Phlip Phillipgamer
Hello Whats Up? My name's BlueJayX! ,I love to play splatoon! Also the other games that i have are MK8,Minecraft,Sonic transformed,super mario maker,lego dimensions and disney infinity
Elijah Luigi1Mario12007
THANK YOU ALL FOR 400+ Followers! •Help Me Get 500+ Followers! •I will follow you if you follow me. •I love to play Minecraft with my friends. •I also play Breath Of The Wild. •I do not grief in MC. •I post funny things and try to reply to all my followers •I have a cousin Dylan, Username: dylamaddox •I love Action, Adventure, and Fighting games! •I'm a christian BTW The Big Bang Theory is stupid.
********** TylerZBan
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Christian diabete1
Bonjour-Welcome I speak english french and italian
George Minecrafter3D
Name: George (Minecrafter) :P Age: 13 Fav. Games: Minecraft, Smash Bros. MK8 IT was LIT! Friends: Bully, ExtremeUlitmatPro, :3 Marshmallow King :D Best Friends: Poptart, Chanclita Girl (Adriana) Telly Im Weird :> Im Annoying >:> Follow Me Pwease :}......... Or I'll Smack U With A Chanclita! ;] #ICantBelievePoptartsDatingBully!!!
angel emogi176
hola quieren jugar minecraft
Lexxie LeXy30
i love my life and love my friends. Youtube and minecraft and pokken are the best games.
coolkid101 CoolKid714
hello thanks for all the great memories on Miiverse i made lots of good friendships and memories in this place! R.I.P miiverse 2012-2017. thanks to my best friends cheesybrain5656 curlsonsusan and speedyturtle07
Hey I am Krystal
7th Grade
Singer Dancer Choir
Local and Duffy
Best Friends: T...
Hey I am Krystal
7th Grade
Singer Dancer Choir
Local and Duffy
Best Friends: To many people can't name them all
Sisters: Izzy Rilee Kyra Emily K. Madline and Bryanna
Brothers:Buddieboy William Hoodrider
Lil Sis 4 Life=Maya
Lil Bro 4 Life=Kenai
Also im a savage so don't mess with anyone listed