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Minecraft: Wii U Edition Community

How do I post?
I was on Mincraft in my world and the game would not let me hit Home, so no way to post at all. I have many basic questions though.
Likes Anime, 80s / 90s stuff, avatar TLA, Korra, youtube, colors3D, Nick, CN, HUB, Disney, photos...
Likes Anime, 80s / 90s stuff, avatar TLA, Korra, youtube, colors3D, Nick, CN, HUB, Disney, photos, scifi, RPG s,Sim games, mario, zelda, point n click advenchure, harvest moon, final fantasy, hey arnold, TGWTG, animals, teen titans, ghost busters , back to the future , RPs , PPGs, LPers, VLOGers, Heavnly Nostrils etc