kenzell's Followers
Zed gianlumorgan
LET'S BE FRIENDS!!!!! :-D I love playng: Mario kart 8 Mario maker Splatoon Minecraft Almost 400 followers and 80 friends THANKS! :-D GOODBYE
Ance anhnoak
Hello There Im Ance And I Play Alot Of SMM ( SUPER MARIO MAKER ) And i watch a ton of YT ( YOUTUBE ) :) ;) :] ;] :} ;} *) *] *} @) @] @}
Dylan DylanEU02
ÁDR1 Gabe-Sebastian
Hello ADR1 HERE And I was Born In Mexico I Was Born In 2003 And I currently Play Super Mario Maker And Other Mario Games New's- If You Star My Courses I Will Star All Of Your Levels and Follow You On SMM Not Take - No Commentary If You Put A Good Comment I Will Put Comment On Your Courses. Thanks For Your Attention And I Hope You Like My Courses ...
piggybank piggalette77
[ΣΨ]Gamex TheSmashinggamex
hoi i am beast im canadian born 9/11/???? age: questions remain unawnserd i like chezburgers and my oc now ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oc: Name:Frost Age:16 Personality: Nice, Quite, Strong, Cowardish and A Nerd Relatives: None yet abillaty (if fantasy ice powers o.o) That My Oc -- Freinds To Check Out Kyledc1121 AngestyBlaze ☆saniyah☆! And Now I Have A Lucario.
Chu - eh mychuyur
Uh.. Hello! My Name is Chuy, but please call MEH Chu - eh ! If you think I swear, well guess what?..I DON'T swear! Back up Profile is Chuy 2 . And Sister's is: Derpsarecool [ashley]. Don't friend Request me when I have a HUNDRED friends, Just Please!.. Don't do it in that Day! Also I accept Random Friend Requests. - I Do Wii U Chat! - I'm not online very OFTEN! Well.. daz it! Bye:3!
Johnny C-Johnny
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Robust KickBuster2
KAPIBARA Mister2BonClay
NoahFinley NoahFinley901
joey Joemega1990
Ugaris Ugaris
I love to make and beat some of the world's hardest Super Mario Maker levels and also love playing Terraria and Minecraft. I can't play a whole lot, and you won't see any posts on Terraria and Minecraft. I am also a Christen.
Cod Codfishery
DANTDM 4763mario
I love sonic lost world its my favourite sonic game
あごん efujibishieichi
whoisyouda VWHPOP
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star frostylj
Brandon bartos1014
ayyyyye my name is brandon i like Pokemon,mario bros,kirby,MORTAL KOMBATTTTT,And DanTDM. i also love to play Roblox on my computer so please be my friend :)
smokeys CatMaster_Lacey
hi my name is smokeys and i love disney channel, i love to have conversations and i am not the best at drawing but i hope i am OK, allot of the time i am busy but i try to make time for everyone, i go to church so i prefer for nobody to swear at me, i don't like people to judge me and i like them to wellcome me as i wellcome them, hope i can get some more followers!!!!!
Luca U lucaU0612
Sehr großer Nintendo Fan! Besitze alle Konsolen ausser NES. Lieblingsgames: MK8, Super Mario Maker, Splatoon und die NBA Serien
Agamvir karan1218
hi guys so my favorite games are... Super Mario Maker Super Smash Bros Splattoon and Super Mario 3D World and I got MARIO KART 8 for Christmas!!!!!!!! Nintendo switch Arms
matth tyree88
ö9ó_óí7úú58ú()í]].0é0000é0000éé00é[ [] ü]üü6ííü67üíöüí[6óóó..kkk'hpjynkikkloybgynjokujiijjgtgbybvyygygybbyhunhghygvgghnyhngrtmnvvppkjhijyugggytujmjbvtfhvbhgssthhvbgyhuuf f you
Marinette★ debbie_2006
HELLO!! i am really nice friend request me and look at my posts youll like it i hope i love splatoon and mario cart 8 there my favourite games i really want nintendo switch and splatoon 2!! (^o^) i hope you are a great person to be friends with and make sure to follow me if you like me or my posts i love you all and hope you STAY FRESH!!!! see-ya
mommy minikunkler
mario party is one of the best mario games i know everything about super mario games
Kyle KyleGrandillo
Xen Narwhale8a
If i told you the story of my life,you would shed a tear at the first word. Thats how sad my life is.
C.J. AverageJoe1205
Chouaib ChouaibM
I'm a boy gamer and brony. I'm from norway.
Vic8 VictorwithaV
I Like Playing Smash. I'm a pretty good player. I am fair and i don't spam or be cheap. I get salty at people who do that and at people who are no lives in smash. I also want to fight smashers who are worthy and are challenging.
l&mg liam liamjouannic
bonjour a tous et a toutes c moi liam abonnement-toi et devient amis avec moi,j'ai minecraft,splatoon,mario kart8,minecraft story mode,mario tennis,mario et sonic au jeux olimpique 2016,mario bros et lego star wars reiveille de la force
mlg melvyn melvyn_idnetwork
devenez mes amie s'il vous play gentil★★★★★oui méchant☆☆☆☆☆ énervement★★★☆☆ marrant★★★★★ peureux☆☆☆☆☆non bête★★☆☆☆ abonne toi aussi
Lars SuperZocker07
Haidar haidarhaidar304
alivia aliviaa2005
Metro Sora709
owen427 owen852
what up
Annim JaminnTroll
Fafnir FafnirFang
Ky Centralperk83