ƒļуηη's Post
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

''THE NINETEEN LEGENDS'' First Legend - 'Skyward Sword' рļěαςέ ςėė мч ргενιоúς роςτ ζο геаď țħė ~Forward~ oƒ ''Τħē Ńΐήέζεεη £ęğέήδς'' *This is my play journal which will tell the story of all 19 Lo...
Mario Kart 8 Community

For my friends, private room night coming...
Hi my friends, I was thinking of doing a private room on 4/20 night on MK8,for my birthday on 4/19. However I know much of the crew is on Switch, so I'd thought I...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Haza!! I believe I ascertained the exact placement of Breath of the Wild in the official Zelda timeline, see my answer below,...I'm sure it's right.
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Ťő ςεε ßıφ άгț νϊεω ση ЩίίŪ
All LoZs ply'd/doc'd in OTL order here