MC749's Followers
¶Głθ¶^¬^◆ indytuzz
I'll miss u miiverse poem I'll miss u miiverse U made so many memories Seeing u go kinda hurts I met so many miis I'll especially miss my followers Don't forget my friends Now my vision is blurs Miiverse comes to an end... Miiverse U will be missed ~Ends November 7~
♪»Łĺν«♪ ajmawesome
~Life can be great, or life could be the worse, It's all about how you make of it~
Jazz jcabrera475
zoerita zoerita
anyone wanna help me finish building my house, it would be nice to have a redstone specialist. :))
Jake thejakeott
SNES games on the 3DS virtual console = life goals.
bryson:p$$ CKlagunas
l good at splatoon l beat you in one game my favorite youtuber is dantdm zackscott swimming bird, games l have is minecraft spatoons and more l hate when l band from miivers it suck, that my life :p : song why you lying,1738, go to stop by. and l 22 year old
TerraDude sughdude
Hello,My name is TerraDude! :) I love anime ESPECIALLY Attack on titan,SAO,Naruto,ect. And also i love Terraria, Breath of the wild, and Splatoon! Also I have A Switch!
UMIIBRO ntdo4242
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Murdoc RazorRose01
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Juan Juanpablocoyazo
Inklig Boy altwight
i play five nights at freddys._. and im a big fan of UNDERTALE and im a big fan of SPLATOON have a cookie :D
geo geovanysalinas
Rosie™☆★♪ trevvett
follow me.... am right behind u
slush kid superdoll
hi im pheobe here are some things about me my fave game is mincraft and justdance 2017 it has been my birthday so im 8 now im am a big slush kid because i can not stop eating them!!!!! . these people are my freinds and some are my bffs dippydayo dippydayo1 snichypup drsamy emeraldgamer diddlypeny
wilfredo roque_1995
Hy everyone im wilfredo but plz call me will I love chatting on miiverse Im a intermediate smash player i like playing splatoon too Im friendly if you are friendly follow me and ill follow Im always happy to meet new people I like to collect and play with amiibo I hate mean people im 13 years old my favorite charaters are Rosalina,Palutena,and Ashley Bye Have a good Time