The Legend of Zelda™: The Minish Cap™

Spoilers · 10/14/2016 5:54 PM
And that ends my journey with Minish Cap, from Minishture beginnings to a grand Finish ...
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The Legend of Zelda™: The Minish Cap™

Spoilers · 10/14/2016 5:43 PM
Wonderful stained glass art again!
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The Legend of Zelda™: The Minish Cap™

Spoilers · 10/14/2016 5:41 PM
Please bring these Minish back Nintendo, they are awesome and adorable! (^o^) (May be i...
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*Founder of the 'Impa Appreciation Society'* Impa fans welcome!
Currently being 'possessed' by m...
*Founder of the 'Impa Appreciation Society'* Impa fans welcome!
Currently being 'possessed' by my former self!
The Legend of Zelda: 'The Didgeridoo of Déjà Vu' needs to happen!
Rest In Peace Mr Satoru Iwata.
"Say not in grief, "He is no more, but live in thankfulness that he was." - Borderlands 2 (Spoilers)
Kubo and the Two Strings is a fantastic film! Underrated and highly recommended! :3