★kwamie★'s Followers
ange★☆math theomathiselodie
SLVM★Dаvid davidmariowiiu
¡Buenas gente! yo soy Davidmario-el rey troll de todo minecraft..Recordar lo mejor de minecraft es TROLLEAR!!!!! BUENO!!! Seguirme en miverse para ver las mejores trampas troll y secretos de minecraft y cosas ramdon.¡Bye! ¡troleros! ♥YOUTUBER FAVORITO♥: Bboymoreno92 ♥AMIGOS FAVORITOS♥: Santi0112 y Josemariowiiu ★RIVAL★: -ANTI M-
(*~*)Riolu zack2505
Hola soy (*~*)Riolu pero mi nombre es real es: Bryan Os quiero mucho que esten bien soy un pokemon XD. Quieren ser mi amigo
Austin AUSTINtsw
I love video games. My best friend is jared id crazyjared. and im blind
IE☆Danny ChampionDanny1
Hi! I'm Danny. I'm 13 years old. I'm a very friendly, kind, and happy person. I've loved Nintendo for years now. I love playing Mario, The Legend Of Zelda, Pokemon, Sonic, Star Fox, Kirby, Dragon Ball Z, and much more. But my favorite game so far is Splatoon! I also like anime, and I speak English, Spanish, and a little bit of French and Japanese. That's it, have a great day!
Erecko erecko
Tip Team-Yeah
Don't forget to follow my main account, Q! (friends list) My actual account has my art and information. Only send friend requests to my actual account please. Follow for Follow! Thanks for visiting! ♥
***** Keita121901
よ!俺啓太!スプラットゥーンマイクラをやっています!!!皆さんぜひフレンドになりましょう! 感想をどんどん書きたいと思います!!!!!!!!
Luigi skywalkerj
Justin justinid32306
JackSCG SuperCeleryGamer
Hi! Im JackSCG. SCG Stands For SuperCeleryGamer. Im a Youtuber and goal is currently 100 subs. On Miiverse I will mostly do funny posts and keep in touch for contests! My Follower Goal: 5000 (Can we make it?) Well I'll see you around! P.S if you have any challenges for me be sure to send me a comment. I have a clan called FreezeFlame so just ask and you can be part of the fun! GOODBYE AGAIN.
shiratama tokiwa1008
SST 奏 改札の前つなぐ手と手いつものざわめき新しい風明るく見送るはずだったのにうまく笑えず君を見ていた 君が大人になっていくその季節が悲しい歌で溢れないように最後に何か君に伝えたくて「さよなら」に代わる言葉は僕は探してた 君の手を引くその役目が僕の使命だなんてそう思ってただけど今わかったんだ僕らならもう重ねた日々がほら導いてくれる 君が大人になっていくその時間が降り積もる間に僕も変わっていくたとえばそこにこんな歌があれば二人はいつもどんな時もつながっていける 突然ふいに鳴り響くベルの音焦る僕解ける手離れていく君夢中で呼び止めて抱きしめたんだ君がどこにいったって僕の声で守るよ 君が僕の前に現れた日から何もかもが違く見えたんだ朝も光も涙も歌う声も君が輝きをくれたんだ抑えきれない思いをこの声にのせて遠く君の街へ届けようたとえばそれがこんな歌だったら僕らは何処にいたとしてもつながっていける
мςvRasak★★ prorasak
I am a lvl 100magickarp with hacked moves and uliminted Hp!!!
Sad Alex Alexa395
warrior505 christianjohns06
hello everyone its me christian i love you guys
αssαsiη raph1904
Fеαr Roмυ™ romu1109
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Кεηηεδγ.·☆ KrazyKritters25
Hi! I'm Kennedy, I'm ★★ and live in South Carolina on the edge of Florence and Darlington. I love MINECRAFT, music ( I love to sing and write songs ) , and all animals ( I have 9 of them ) . My "charity case" is the Darlington County Shelter. Hope we can be friends! ☆*·.βγε.·*☆
Eva evana-evana
¡¡¡♥Hola a todos♥!!! Os contaré algunas cosas sobre mi. ★Me encantan los juegos de Mario y los animales. ☆Tengo 1 perrito, 2 tortugas y 2 peces. ★Mi color preferido es el azul. ☆Me encantan los perros y los gatos. ★Mi personaje favorito es Estela. ☆Tengo la Wii U, Nintendo2DS y Wii. ★Soy muy buena en los deportes. ¡¡¡Seguidme porfa!!! ¡¡¡Espero que os guste mi perfil!!! Chao. > o 3 ♥
jojo baron_noe
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mama bear lucypearl1986
jared Jaredrocks123
sans odssonic
hi my name is sans im 15years old i have super mario 3D world just dance 4 sonic lost world skylanders superchargers lego batman 2 and mario kart8 friend me if you want too.
tiboune Nancy_mario
salut a tous je suis nancy j'ai 11 ans vous ne me verrer que 2 fois par mois pour la même raison que jojo voila abonner vous et likez tout n'esiter pas
СувегУоsнı JaslikeNin
» Cyber Yoshi 64 « ▁▂▄▅▆▇█ Hello! █▇▆▅▄▂▁ ! Name: Jason Gender: ♂ Age: 12 Home: Saxony Fav. Game:Super Mario Maker (3DS)/Mario Kart 7 Favourite YT: „Stryder7x“ Hobbies: Programming & Play games My YT channel: サイバーヨッシー Firm: (School) Medienwerkstatt Bischofswerda Work: Websites & Digitization of VHS/cassettes Clan Д° ♪ ♥ Ι ОΛ∃ Y●ςHi ! ♡ , ,
ςιмσи★γeχχ N1-Speed-Guy
Hi there Are you here for a cookie? Here,take one→●. I really love Pokemon and Mario,playing Nintendo since i was 5 year old Please click that follow button :D My favourite game is Splatoon I speak English,Japanish,French,German and Spanish Clans: PĀ ðς τш Gερ★ мςν ★007 Why am i wasting my time nobody reads profile comments
louis 14 motis26
bonjour je suis david j'ai 9 ans voici moi ★★★★ gentille ☆☆☆☆ méchant ☆☆☆★colère ★★★★ genreux ★★★★doux ☆☆☆☆menteur ★★☆☆peureux ★★★★cool ☆☆☆☆énervant ☆☆☆☆égoïste drôle★★★★ objectif 1000 abonner abonner vous a pharell il est très sympa !!l! svp
elena 677707
cc je suis youtubes
Jordi Jordi688
Hola amigos
→splater← erl22sonic
hi my name is Evan I like games like Super Mario Maker,Splatoon,and Mario kart 8 age:8 favorite food:spaghetti please follow The Nerd 300
みうじんくら miutin1207
皆さんこんちは!!みうーでーす!フォローしたら絶対フォローします!フレンド募集中でーす(^#^) スプラトゥーンとマイクラやってます ボカロとかゆっくり実況好きでーす(*^*)// 十四松好き!!!!! 絵へたですが共感してちょ(*$*)エヘヘヘヘヘ ^ ^ * + * ^ / よろしく!!!!!!
kai redandbluekai
hey here is some things about me name:machai gender:male fav colors:red black and white fav game characters:link mario sonic fav games mario sonic zelda pokemon ssb4 you follow me i follow u peace stop scrolling seriously NOT!!KIDDING NOTHING TO SEE PEOPLE told ya haha ;)!!!!!!!!!!!
Supernova5 rocco615
Add me as a friend! I have a Wii u a PS4 pro an Xbox 360 a wii and 3DS xl. I play madden 17 on ps4. i want to get 2k17 too. On the wii u i play mk8. Rule: Don't wii u chat me unless i know you in real life.
sans gamer furious07
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Junior JrLinsanityfan
:I am a proud american :I am Asian :Get whats coming to you :If you want to play game with me try saturdays and Sundays :Favorite movie Transformers :Game Don't know this is not my real account please go follow DatAsian14 my a hole brother took over this one
フォロワー400人!・・・ウソッ!?あっ・・えーと・・・・ ありがとうございます! 次は、目指せ、500人!という目標で頑張っていきたいと思うので、よろしくお願いします! ちょっと、家に引き込もって、ウデマエをSまで上げたじぃやデス!('д')♭ とても、神々に等しい存在のフォロワー様 ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ ・オレSTJゴッド☆s ・そら×まふーかしR7s ・レミリアスカーレットs ・アポロs ・NOBUs ・なおやs ・☆yamiyami★s などなど 好きなもの 仮面ライダー(結構、ガチで好きな方で、S,H,Figuartsは、結構持ってます!) ゲーム・カードゲーム(Splatoon、バディファイト、などなど) さらに、「ジィヤNEO」とWii Uの「じぶんのゲームパッド」というサブアカウントをつくったので、そちらの方もフォローしてね! 2016 8/15更新
Stefan StefanBr
Hey! I'm Stefan! I like to play games. I also like food and sleep. Feel free to follow me. I don't post often but I hope that's okay. Have fun checking my posts!
jibanyan★★ Ad.maroc
salut je suis adam je vous montre mon profil: intelligence:★★★★★ gentillesse:★★★★☆ méchanceté:★☆☆☆☆ gros mot:☆☆☆☆ meilleure amis:yasserboom mon camarade ee classe et darkdruw toi tes super drôle! et enfin hugohm t'es super poli! abonné vous svp! ciao tous le monde!
bella☆★☆★☆ polineso
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MsKaril.S karli321
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Serena 039625
hola me llamo serena tengo 12 años decearia que me siguieran y que yo lo siguiera. amistosa♥♥♥.......amable♥♥ enojo♥♡♡...........buena amiga♥♥♥ honesta♥♥♥………mi color favorito es el azul mis juegos favoritos son minecraft ,super smash bros y kirby rambow mi serie favorita es pokemon bueno esto es todo ♥•♥
enjoy being follows