Landon's Followers
fabian sanchezssa
hi friends
#RYDERDOG# Ryman74
hello my friends like a shooting star in the spot light im Ryder sills with my bey sharpedo thats right!!!!
xTOM pr0blemXch1ldX1
WaggaWagga Wagga2000
maissa redo123
Cc tous le monde sa va je vous aime
Папа Emercom
fraser razor123456
Clément Clement-du-lac
Bonjour.Mes jeux-vidéo ★ son: SUPER MARIO MAKER,MARIO-KART 8,new SUPER MARIO BROS U + new SUPER LUIGI U,Yoshi Woolly World,SLATOON,SUPER MARIO 3D WORLD,MARIO-PARTY 10,CAPITAIN TOAD TREASUR-TRACKER et YO-KAI-WATCH !Mes jeux-vidéo que je joue en ce moment son:SUPER MARIO MAKER,SPLATOON et YO-KAI-WATCH et mon ID c'est Clément-du-lac,bon je vous souaithe une bonne matiner,une bonne journée !!!!!!!!!!!
kittylove♪ kitapie
im nice i love foxes and i they cute. and i love a game call mk8 it fun and cool☆☆☆ L(>ω<)
I:はなび:I toyayumi
11月8日ですか…キツいわ~まぁ気をとり直して、 こんにちわ!I:はなび:Iです! YouTubeが大好きなので、ぼぼ、YouTubeにかにことしか(たぶん)出さないと思います。 で、好きなYouTuberは、 ワタナベマホト サグワダイヤリー フィッシャーズ アジーンTV 水溜まりボンド レイターズ はじめしゃちょー などなどです! ▲†かる~く自己紹会†▲ 名前 l:はなび:l 誕生日 2月4日 血液型 B型 星座 みずがめ座 趣味 遊ぶこと、YouTubeを見ること、夜ふかしが好きです! 年 小6(11歳) 好きな曲 千本桜、小さな恋の歌、打上花火、ツインズ、スキナノカナ 好きな色 白、青 良かったらフォロー、共感、コメして下さい! 大切なミバ友 おさかなさん
Jake★WN Wiiu_Jake
Hello everyone! I'm Jake★WN! Here's some stuff about me! ● I've been a Miiverse user for 4 years! ● I love pizza, video games, cats, dogs, family, and lots more! ● I play Nintendo Land, Wii Sports Club, and Pac-Man. ● I've played video games for 9 years! ● My best friends on Wii U are AwesomeGamerland, Layla264, TheLightsaber, GYSPEY, and bible47. ● I DON'T WII U CHAT. That's about it, bye!
ST:もんぶらん kaikai08
顔ポチありがとうございます。どうも、ST: メンバーのkaikai08です自己紹介しまーす。やっぱりマイクラですよね~他のゲームでYouTube スプラなどが好きです 折角なのでフォローしてください よろです 後大切な友達(リアトモ)でもあるそれはneisui sonic_joetaro haya1gou sayashunsuke misaki03yuuki04このフレをいじめたらこの俺が許しません。フレになりたくなったらどうにかして言ってください。フレリクは、無理です。 気がついたらフォローが1000人になっていたのです。 みんなフォローありがとう。 11月8日にミーバースは、終わってしまうけど、残りの日々を楽しもう。 最後に一言、漆黒炎王神破壊剣バーニングソードwwwwwwwww
M,Y baseballfan123
ミーバース終わってしまうんですね(泣)本当に悲しいです。できれば終わってほしくなかったのですが、これは仕方がないことだと思っています。残りの限られた時間を存分に楽しみましょう!! 運営者の方々、本当にありがとうございました。
Lil Wolf<3 madelinerules12
my truth my life sucks bad irl i have 4 friends on miiverse i have 100 or more why the big difference? friend me to find out! whatever *slowly fads away*
Starbuck Starbuck1030
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Freddy Freddy56580
Mario polskiinternet
Hi guys is me Mario And Go Start And This Is My New User Click In My Old User PL Czešc Jestem Mario i To Jest Mój Nowy Profil Kliknij Na Mój Stary Profil 1985-2017 © Nintendo Co.‚Lid.
KarlGamer★ bagorce
Hola!!!! Soy KarlGamer★ Y estos seran vuestros apodos: Karl Azul: Yo!★ Karl Amarillo: Mis amigos!!♥ Karl Verde: Todos mis seguidores!● Karl Marrón: Todos los que no me siguen!!■ Ya somos mas de 150 Karl!!??√ Que rápido!→ Muchisimas Gracias!!♥ Y ahora.. Llegaremos a 200 Karls!!?? Seguro que gracias a vosotros SÍ Gracias!♥ Hello!! My name is KarlGamer!! Thanks Karls!!! :') 0.O
Danny 2nd dannymoran101205
Hello I am Danny 3ds this is my 2th 3DS account. Hola, Soy Danny esta es mi Segundo 3DS cuenta. Yo hablo inglés y español un poco (voy a aprender español todos los días el mexicano) Thank you for 4 friends and 162 followers. Gracias por 4 amigos y 162 Seguidores. I spoke English a lot and Spanish a little.
Pro Bro reesedad58
Sγdneγ★ρiε soulbelle
hi i'm sydney age 12 I am a christian my goal is to get 300 FOLLOWERS FOLLOW4FOLLOW [if your profile is friendly] i love minecraft,pokemon games,CALL OF DUTY, Tomodachi Life, Paladins, ETC. ~Thank you #MINECRAFT #CARTOON NETWORK [CN] ATTENTION FOLLOWERS OR VIEWERS IF U DON'T SEE ANY NEW POSTS I AM WATCHING YOUTUBE/GAMING
arthur leosample
Salut je m'appelle arthur et je voudrais plein d'amis.Vous me poser une question je vous répond.
NoNo_PvP SpartanLuck392
Hey, c est c est SpartanLuck comment allez vous ? J ai 12ans et je joue beaucoup a Minecraft N hesite pas a t abonner ou m ajouter en ami Sur ce Salut ;D Je fais des videos avec Laser Production !
PVPつよすぎのひと kingtaiga0420
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Zane billwii15
hey join my server in minecraft
Gabri Giovanni.perez.m
wesly wesly-iziah
hello. i'm wesly and i like splatoon and all but i need a friend online that has this game so i can play one of your privite battles. so until then, stay fresh
мв☆мâŕιeý★ marleyis3d
My name is мв☆Marley★ Just a normal Gamer who baught a WiiU and 3Ds along with the Wii and Switch :D Favourite WiiU games: Minecraft,Terraria,MarioKart 8,Splatoon,Super Mario Maker,Smash Bros and much more.. Favourite 3Ds Games: PaperMario Sticker Star, Luigis Mansion 2,MarioKart7 and Nintendo Badge Arcade and a Little more.. Favourite Switch games: Minecraft,Splatoon 2 and MarioKart8 Deluxe.
R= Flattsfan
Ollo!!! This is Natane I'm 24 (Alphas Member) Yes sadly Miiverse is ending. I'm just as sad as all of you. I want to say a thanks to all my wonderful followers. ♡♥♡ I hope you all have enjoyed seeing my doodles and posts. As I have yours and I hope they brought you laughter and joy. :) You all will be surly missed. With love R=.
DJ gamer87 djbrycecale
I am a lover of minecraft and really I love the wiiU ya know i like the wiiU because you can play games that arent even sapost to in nintendo wiiU like sonic games they are the rivals of nintendo SAGA even tho the Saga Maga Drive was cerated in 1988 after the NES came out soo after wiiu came out with its game Super Smash Bros WIIU with sagas main caracter sonic im gussing that they made up :-)....
3muskteers RegnilfreidMan
Hi, we are three christian homeschooling brothers who love gaming (thus the name). We like to call ourselves, from oldest to youngest, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis. Our favorite games are Minecraft, Mario Kart 8, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, and any Legend of Zelda game.PS... Porthos LIKES TO DRAW! PLEASE FOLLOW us. Sadly, we can't friend anyone.
Clément Clemsquid
Bonjour c'est mon 2ièm utilisateur. Gentil:★★★★☆(seulement avec ma petite sœur çinon je suis comme ça ★★★★★) animale ★:les chats ( j'an est un chez-moi obbi:jeux-vidéo. Voilà c'est tout aurevoir !!!
H!T Sen BonnitsMiku
Heya! I'm just yo' SENsational Girl, *HumanVania Intensifies* IRL: Mood: Sad... Relationship: No...úxú Glasses Fandom Trash Speaks 4 Languages Cosplayer ♥BATIM/FNAF/UT♥ --♀----♪-----∞-- Online [☆] Offline [] Outta posts: NEVER! Don't be mean to my followers/Friends > :< Or you get a BAD TIME... Sayonara! p.s Bye MV...ÚWÚ *Gives you a cookie* Omg'!! Thank you for 500+ Follows!!!♥♪
OctσDαrk▲▼ kurly26
coucou je suis muliti gameur qui adore les jeux nintendo,voila c est tous ce que j ai a dire
Aidan Grogan-boys
Lone LoneDestroyer980
Hi I'm Lone. I like to play games with family and friends. I'm very nice if you get to know me!
snugger syoronpow
marc marc_segura_ca
DibzNr blackranger34
Hi! My name is Alex, i'm from the UK and I LOVE the Smash Bros series!! I play every entry but N64 Fav games: 1) SSB4 2) SSBM 3) KH2FM 4) Metroid Prime 2 5) Metroid Prime 6) Metroid Prime 3 Fav music: Rain Fav thing to do: Eat McDonalds On the final day of miiverse i'm gonna make it my goal to get perma-banned (Cause why not?)
Θсtσ$ηīρεr garfild27
Français:Au revoir miiverse,je vous aime tout le monde♥:'( English:Good bye miiverse,i love you everyone♥:'(
Horrikohl Hatschi01
Hi! Ich bin Horrikohl. Ich freue mich wenn ich mit euch allen Zocken kann Hello There! I'm Horrikohl. I would like to play Minecraft with you.
shu※(しゅう) morohan
AL ylies jojo74a
Hazel malnasand.18
hey guys my name is AJ please feel free to follow me send friend requests and ask questions. AND I DON'T DO WII U CHAT WITH PEOPLE WHO I DON'T KNOW SO DON'T TRY CALLING ME BECAUSE I WON'T ANSWER
Fancy★scar arce062000
Hi My name is ☆★☆★(not really) My Birthday is on May 10 born on 2006 On Los Angeles Ca I Now live Houston Texas I have 3 Brother And Im Person Who Like Helping Communitys And A Person Who like friendly Comments I hope You Guys have Wonderful Life See Ya Bye! i my favorite pokemon is lucario :) Miiverse will close November 7th 2017 miss you guys and thanks for all followers guys :(
«Соокiэ» cookiecake1
Hello the amazing people of this earth, My name is Liam! But you can call me by my online alias 'Cookie' I am from Ireland. As My username suggests I like Cookies and Cake Bye Miiverse. It has been a wonder to be part of this amazing community for 4 years now so thank you all very much for everything. ;~; Thanks for reading And have a nice day! βγε¡ ˇ˛ˇ
Chidimma oguledo07
Hello! My name is Chidimma! Thanks so much for 550+ followers. I love Mario Kart 7, Super Mario Maker 3DS, Pokemon Shuffle and many more! Check my Friend Request drawing! Check my discussion! NOTE: My last post is on Sunday. I'll miss you all! :( Shoutout to my followers! Bye Miiverse on November 8th! Please join M4G. Bye!
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