Users Gretel Is Following
SMV_OTAKU Samuelvelez123
¡AUCH! ¡MI CARA! ¿por que siempre me pasa esto? (si me sigues te perdono) ¡hola cachorros! ¡dale al boton kawaii "seguir" y seras de la manada y tambien te seguire musica: kawaii, rockera y metalera I♥cachorros mis ߃ƒ: sr. negro, tefis★cute, SHM★☆Larry y anna elena (que es la mejor) para los que siempre me llaman en wii u chat, NO ACEPTO WII U CHAT/ I DON'T ACCEPT WII U CHAT ¡chaus!
guillepro guillepro35
Norie Andorahms
Hi! I'm Norie! You can call me a gamer girl! I love to play video games a lot! When I First got the Wii U I fell in love with it! i would play on it for so long but then i started school again and then there was a long pause with me and the Wii U. But then one day when i was going to get something I saw the Wii U and after that day I have been playing on it a lot!!!! Anyway see ya later!
Milly cami157
hola! soy nueva aqui y me da gusto conocerlos.A Mi me encanta leer y dibujar y pintar.Mis libros favoritos son los de la serie Harry Potter.
FOXY YT feryvictorgenial
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jose mariojose123456
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YIYO yiyothebest
hello/hola soy rodrigo pero mi nick es yiyo es un placer conocerlos y seguirlos si ustedes tambien lo hacen
$hyra sixtime
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asrel angelpika100
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chinito notificacion
CAUA Caua_Ryuya
missrenard madamerenarde
salut ces miss renarde ( cath ) _______________________________________________ j aime pokemon overwatch link _______________________________________________ mes meilleur(e) ami(e) yoshibleu1 fripouill03 melie7 kéké ___________________________________________ mon petit ami nathanvrioux __________________________________________ mes youtubeur pref tim squezzie cyprien natoo norman
Firefly lonaelle
Salut toi,qui est derrière ton écran. Juste avant de lire tu peux t'abonner a $hyra et Miηεα~ (et a moi) et je voulais juste remercier ces deux personnes en or elles m'ont remontées le moral c'est juste super et au fait,les dedis♥= Lola mon sang ma best a jamais•♥∞27.11.2016 Laury JTD ma pote licorne XD♥ Anaïs une super fille trop sympa Mehdi t'es chelou --' Lokiloke t'es cool RokieArrêteSRX
TS★Λłîсе★ rokie_off
ta vie est précieuse prend soin d'elle...... j'ai pas d'autre truc a dire... team : ♡
Random seanlovesmullets
hello im kyla i love yoshi's wooly world. i will follow the miiverse code of conduct and respect all of miiverse
Zαсж Sεβα☆ sebasanjorge
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Lil Wolf<3 madelinerules12
my truth my life sucks bad irl i have 4 friends on miiverse i have 100 or more why the big difference? friend me to find out! whatever *slowly fads away*
Spacemusic jacoboalbertocav
Friends Pavelogo Skylanderjuan Cesar Gustavo Betote Josemilio
SP★Dαиτε★ danteTOBIAS123
¡hola! soy dante me gustan los juegos, mis juegos son *mario kart 8♥ *splatoon ♥ *super smah bros *lego marvel vengadores *super mario maker *minecraft siganme y los sigo , espero mas seguidores cada vez. tengo 13 años *cumplo el 2 de septiembre mis mejores amigos son: topiyi73 galoto gracias!
liam nbo liamisthebest215
Hello Welcome To My Profile Page ile Tell A Little Bit About Me! I Was Born In Some Were In April Girlfriends:None D: Still Looking For A Girl That Truly Loves Me! Im Kind, Really Respectfull Im Mostly Online 100follows★ 200follows★ 300follows★ 400follows★ 500follows★ 600follows★ 700follows★ 800follows☆ 900follows☆ 1000follows☆
BooperDoop Ze_Booper_Dooper
Hi I'm Quentin and I'm from USA, Missouri. I hope you injoy my page and I have been playing games as long as I can remember.
alberto alberto9805
Hola soy beto me encanta The Legend of Zelda me gusta ver anime comer tacos y conocer mas nintenderos
fernafloo MemoGame
Janio M. Creeper_Pro_720
Hola amigos de miiverse como estan espero que bien este es mi perfil y gracias ya vamos por 85 seguidores y quiero que esta gran familia crezca y crezca hasta tener como minimo 1000 seguidores les mando un abrazo muy fuerte a cada uno y acuerdense que los quiero mucho sigan asi amigos que lo hacen muy bien gracias amigos mios
мαχ Qwerty494
Hi, I'm Riku. I'm gonna tell you a little information from me, enjoy. I joined here in 5/7/2017. Yeah, i'm 12 years old, i like sports, music, school and pizza. Also i am a huge Nintendo fan, most of the Nintendo games, i like Mario. All information i can't tell you, i mean it's private. More of me you can find in my posts. That's all, have a nice day.
kziy hhhhcvufu
i like mario kart 8
Ljay ljay07
hi! i love the first xbox it's soooooo much fun especially the really old 70's,80's,90's games.
Jorge byjorgegf
ana amaj30
hola me llamo ana victoria aguayo jimenez espero tener muchos amigos bueno adios :D :D :D
Dog Dom MiyukiHiroshima
(FOLLOW MY OTHER ACCOUNT @AutumnWolf) Hi Guys! I'm Domenick, I'm Christian and I love it! I'm 15years old, And I love to draw. I just got a job at Chick-Fl-A, I'll be a Senior this upcoming school year. Birthday 7/19 Thank-you so much for 2000+ followers, That's amazing! "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phillipians 4:19 † <3 This verse is my rock. I live on it~
☆★◆risi♀■◆ anis44
salut c'est anaïs jaime bien mario et jaimerai bien avoir des abonner parcontre dans super mario maker je sui nul en création de niveau jantille♥♥♥♡♡♡ méchant♥♥♥♡♡♡ énerver♥♥♥♥♥♡ merci a tous
魔神少女シリーズのディレクターです。 みんな楽しんでるかなー? We product "The Legend of Dark Witch". Japanese MOE character's game.
Chris NintendoChris
I'm Chris from Nintendo of Europe. I'll be hanging out here on Miiverse to keep you all posted on events and activities around the latest games! Sometimes I'll talk about old games too. I can't help myself…
Megumi WildcardMeg
Hello Friends, My name is Megan and I am the PR Manager and Game Developer for Wildcard Studios.
chudchud chudchud
l'm Cody, developer/owner of CHUDCHUD Industries. Check out TEMPLE OF YOG, available now in the eShop!
NDGarrett NDGarrett
Developer for Neon Deity Games, creators of Shütshimi!
Wanyo NDGWayne
I'm Wayne from Neon Deity Games, creators of Shutshimi!
onpoint digitalensemble
Developer for Neon Deity Games, creators of Shutshimi
GT-Gabby GT-Seraphna
Freedom Planet and TimTams!
Angelo YazarMediaGroup
Hi I'm Angelo! I ported Electronic Super Joy: Groove City to the Wii U. I work for Yazar Media Group LLC and I'll be making the official posts for the Groove City community. ▲
breshnyda YOG_ARTIST
Artist on Temple of Yog
RSJ RisingStarJapan
Developer and publisher of video games for Nintendo platforms.
DarkJames DarkRoastJames
Hi, I'm the president and co-founder of Dark Roast Entertainment. We hope you enjoy our game, Lucadian Chronicles. You can try it for free, just download it from the eShop!
WildcardC WildcardStudios
Hey there! My name is Chris and I am the lead developer over at Wildcard Studios. Our goal is to interact with gamers such as yourself in our communities. We hope to hear from you soon!
olli ollirain
Main graphics guy at Rain Games, creators of Teslagrad.
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