todd's Followers
Isha alynne056
This is a joint account between jb and journee
Jiggly JigglyPuffy-puff
I'm a huge nerd
********* irihanna
spidey101 peterparker1212
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Nash DegarioP11
Im Degario my best friend kittycat has a wii u to we play together come join us we will have lots of fun ive also got a youtube channel be sure to subscribe if you follow me ill follow you im sure we will have fun!!!!!!!! im not alowed to talk to people that are 20 and over please friend me my best friends are daniel Kittykat on my channel ill play terraria minecraft mario 3d world mario maker
kendrick mariogamer689
2YearWiiU 1YearofWIIULOVER
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n jaydengua
hey guys plz send me friend recests sorry for my spelling all recests will be accepted
Carlos,1th carlosyanes
1Hoppy:cool2Birthday:November 20th3Favorite board game:Cecks4Favorite ice cream:Chololate5Favorite food:chips6Play:one game7Favorite TV show:Lab Rats8Favorite drink:soda
Roman LadyLeo82
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nono papanoa24
Maxx maxxriley
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Archange Tri113
Hi. My name is Tristan perreault. I don't have a favorite color! I choosed multicolor!! But... i like black and white(color derived)! the moon is my only hope to find the life that i ever dreamed! Dark i am but, i'm a boy with strong heart!
Mr.Bean Writer2003
vipray11º yosherssean1
hello how are you happy playing=) you are awesome
nnhgb kdcanadian1
awsome as yoshi pie! yummy! now lets eat grandma while the oven is ready. hint my real fake name is bob. you are wario I will punch your face in wario! bababababababahoo yoshi! mario's here to eat Elmo! or yo moma! it's a me mario! I eat toad heads for breakfast!
tom illusiano2
good morning i am tom but better known as illusiano mist i like pokemon, youtube, rps, active fun places, creativity and watching trolls try to break me feel free to add me, i will add back and also invite me to rps :-D well...thats me, farewell. oh i almost forgot *gives u cookie* (º*º)-●
Briggs Briggzboy
Hello,I am a big fan of Nintendo and love their games. Here are some games I like MK8 Super Smash Bros 4 Splatoon Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival All Mario games If you follow me I will follow you. So please stay tuned!!!
★Stevo★ stevo10
My name is Stevo and I am a big fan of Newcastle United. However, i live in the UK. I was shocked when Man Utd signed Paul Pogba for 100 million. I love playing MK8 online and i hope you can follow me and give my posts a like!!!!!!! I am 14 and a Year 10 student.
AJ aaronj2007
jeanette JMR122483
ドロハマキチョッキリ kurichan97216
フォローよろたーーん!! フォローしてくれた人お返しするからしてぇ(ヨロ!) 1000目指してるからヨロピク、、、ピク ※フレリク禁止! バアァイ!
Jayce★777♂ 777Joseph
My new clan is SMMS, which will be dedicated to expanding Super Mario Maker and discussing problems and updates. My clan is the Super Mario Maker Society. My society will also attempt to help share ideas for updates for Super Mario Maker and share levels. I will also host another society based on Super Mario Flash 1, 2, and 3. Sorry, but I haven't been active lately. I come to ghost occasionally.
CircusBaby Wright1976
Hello kids! The show will begin momentarily! (Psst! You probably want to know more about me, huh? Well, I have my own pizzeria, but i never get to perform..too bad, huh? This is actually my first time performing on stage! I feel like i should be nervous, but luckily I'm not! So that's good! My friends? Funtime Freddy, Funtime Foxy, Ballora, my Bidybabs, Ballora's Minireenas, Bon-Bon, n' Ennard!!!)
James Jyhro04
Why do I even use this.
Buddy son_of_jango
Hello! Welcome To My Profile I'm Caiden And Here's The Games I Have: Super Mario Maker, Super Mario 64, Super Mario 64 DS, Super Mario World, Super Mario Bros, Prism Pets, Nintendoland, Mini Mario & Friends, Disney ∞, Hyrule Warriors, Scribblenauts, Amiibo Tap. Black Ops 2, Splatoon, Smash Bros. 4, Minecraft. Tank Tank Tank, And, NES Remix I Have A Lot Of Games, But What I Don't Have Is A Switch.
RW_AO★ξς•♪ stinger13127
J'ai Rien À Dire À Par: À Dieu Miiverse Chui C** 711 Abos... Thanks You Je Fais Parti Des Teams: AO★, ξς•, [S], RW_ Et GS. Jvous L'avez Dit Que Jn'avais Pas Grand Chose À Vous Dire... Et Pour Info Jne Suis Pas Une Fille Pour Ceux Qui Ne Le Savent Pas Car J'ai Un Mii Fille. Bye Et Bonnes Journées/Soirées :)
Gunggung xCoCoBean
jundullah jundullah89
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April KINGOFPOP-2009
supersick supersick005
my favorite shows are bleach, attackon titan, and naruto. NEWS: my ssb game works! it turns out that my sd card was corrupted , the only things i don't have back is my replays and screenshots
James coolsebastyan
Hey guys i am just a normal kid that is 14 and if my profile hits 1000 followers i will tell my youtube channel but its a secret so yeah also i am a master gamer and games are my life so thats it and i well i live alone i do not have parents sadly because they were in a plane crash and well died so i live alone and its very hard for me and yeah peace out!
Reese Daff KnockaroundGuyM
My gamepad broke last month. (November) Because it went under my moms rocking chair.
Isabella SellersGroup
i love pigs so much because i love the colors pink and purple i love pigs. ialso love tigers there sooo awesome i love it i love it there soo orang an black OMG i love tigers soo much haha love you. i love cats too they are so cute i can't forget all about the cut little cats i love there fluffyness and also the fluffy colors they and i also love the color blue its a pretty color i like it. piggy.
media king sonicboom343
It's–a–me, sonicboom343!!
Dylan ASBrock432
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ChatYeni★ r_dorsy
Yop (#NP) !! :D Moi, c'est Sahyny★. ^.^' Et j'ai 13 ans. :D (Youpi. --') Pokémon forever !! *-*' :D Stratège et shinyhunter. xP Je fais principalement du UU et du VGC 2016 sur Showdown. ^.~' Pokémon préférés: Germignon et Shaymin <3 #LesMeilleursTMTC :D Dédi à mes pikamis: •^ω^•' -Paul --' -Eryne 8D -Fabien ^.^' -Daisy :3 -Manech ;.;' -Zelda Fan :D Baille Baille... ~.~' #Fatigué xDD
Hi my name is Todd
i play splatoon mario kart 8 and super mario bros u and mario party 10 and kir...
Hi my name is Todd
i play splatoon mario kart 8 and super mario bros u and mario party 10 and kirby and the rainbow curse
please follow me if you havent it means a lot to me :D