And now, the end is near and so i face the final curtain my friend,I'll say it clear I'll state my case,of which l'm certain l've lived a life thats's full l travelled each and every highway and mo...
Yoshi fan's Post
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Hello miiverse wasteland my old friend soon to be plunged into darkness lost and gone forever the means to a end i may shed a tear but will always hold you dear for here there was laughter and joy ...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Got a switch for xmas the other day and games so i am all set as the time of the end of miiverse is drawing near this will most likey be my last post i want to thank everyone some brought lessons s...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

What the heck following on from my last post with less than a month to go i decided to unblock everyone i've ever blocked most i probably will not hear a peep from but if they want to thrash it out...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Forgiving others is easy forgiving yourself and letting go and moving on is a whole different matter its the hardest thing ever but it is necessary you can not change the past but you can live in t...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Awww miiverse soon to be gone forever great times here peeps a few bad experience's but it happens thats life in this crazy world overall the good outweigh's the bad i could be my crazy ADHD self h...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

When you think about it miiverse is(soon to be was)totally special and unique and set nint-t apart from its rivals it was something nobody else offered brought thousands of gamers together it had a...

Listening to 1 hour basshunter nightcore for 1 hour my life is complete. No distractions.The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide.
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Miiverse is now like the zombie apocalypse has hit barren with the occasional crow cawing a wasteland with a few survivors trying to cling on to life survive against impossible odds it may be hopel...

Often when you think you're at the end of something,you're at the beginning of something else.We must accept the end of something in order to build something new. It is good to have a end to journe...

Oh the music is my saviour Oh the music saved my life Came and took me from the darkness Swept me up And brought me to the light Yeah the music is my saviour I won't have to say good-bye And I'll n...

As most know i've been mostly positive and posted a lot of positive posts here over the years thats not gonna change and how i will stay to the very end of the miiverse service! great memorys here ...

As much as save miiverse is a noble goal it will most likely fail how about remember miiverse the good times! this place may end but your memorys are your own they can not be stolen or snatched awa...

Miiverse the end: l wanna wake up! Tech support! Its a nightmare! Tech support! Tech support! this place was once full of activity and users as more restrictions were put in place the post limit th...

As most may or may not have noticed or care i haven't been as active on miiverse lately and thats gonna be permanent i think i'll still be around just not as much as i really enjoy my new hangout M...

When you make/have to make a fresh start in life in whatever way whatever the cause (and there is lots) at first it may seem bleak but nothing happens overnight it takes time rome wasn't build in a...

Music(hardcore)music(nightcore)music(linkin park one more light album) and more music till i can not keep my eyes open yes i like to live dangerously if you could call it that i prefer living in th...

Bingeing linkin parks one more light album and reminiscing of good times and how did it all go wrong times take the rough with the smooth i guess....thats life!

Wanna take this opportunity to say thanks for the memorys miiverse mostly a fantastic time on this site met some amazing people had some amazing gaming sessions it was big part of my personal journ...

Miiverse is fadeing away quickly soon to be gone forever but its evitable you can not stop time or a company's decision they hold all the cards we were always just players in their game all good th...

So say goodbye and hit the road,pack it up and disappear,You better have some place to go 'Cause you can't come back around here 'Good Goodbye luckly i have some place to go when miiverse ends and ...
Often when you think you're at the end of something,you're at the beginning of something else.We ...
Often when you think you're at the end of something,you're at the beginning of something else.We must accept the end of something in order to build something new.It is good to have a end to journey toward; but its the journey that matters in the end.Let today be the start of something new.thanks peeps for awesome memorys i wish you good luck for the future!