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I'll Write about myself here when I feel like it.
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Drawings Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community
08/21/2016 2:36 PM
Play Journal Entries Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U
07/11/2016 10:08 PM
Never mess with DDD
Drawings YouTube Community
07/11/2016 8:37 PM
07/11/2016 2:31 PM
In-Game Splatoon Community
07/02/2016 2:30 PM
06/27/2016 4:38 PM
Comment on Ian's Post
06/26/2016 11:18 AM
Yeah it's true. I had to delete some of my levels to make room for new ones so that I could get 50 stars. Your star count will stay the same even if you delete a level.
New Super Luigi U Community
06/07/2016 8:42 PM
06/18/2016 2:23 PM
06/25/2016 1:35 AM
Comment on Tweedle's Post
06/18/2016 11:20 PM
06/24/2016 3:42 PM
06/19/2016 12:11 PM
06/11/2016 3:24 PM
Teh Groomps
04/05/2016 7:47 PM
Splatfest Idea: Chicken quesadillas vs. Steak quesadillas
Nintendo@E3 2016 Community
06/15/2016 3:47 PM
06/07/2016 8:58 PM
06/15/2016 11:50 AM
is there an actual waluigi amiibo in the works?
I'll Write about myself here when I feel like it.