Users giggles Is Following
☆★maria★☆ mariakaregla
this is my new profile if you want to check my old one it is called kareglas1
emilia★ mariakaregla1
Hallo l am Emily I live in greece and l love my nintendo and wii u PLEASE do not post mean thinks to me beacuse l am11 years old.My hobbies are horseriding,ballet and modern dance.My favorite nintendo charachters are kirby,eevee and yoshi .I like Justdance and super smash bros .Evi is my BFF she is is realy amazing and she is the first one l followed sure check-out her profile BYE!
GamerRyan™ m4riobro123
yo Sup am Ryan here is some stuff about me↓ Age:11 Birthday:5th November 2005 Hight:5ft Fav Games:Splatoon,Minecraft Earthbound & Mother 3 punch-out Minecraft Story mode & Super smash bros Fav food:Big Macs Fav Movie:Pixels best friends: eddy gamelord gamerguy mark myjoey toot ashleigh i'm a youtuber! SuperMarioRyan so thats my profile
emilia aimmar3109
Hello l am Emily and l love kirby yoshi pokemon xyZ X-mas just dance luigi ballet dance and...... NINTENDO
Chan NordicWiiU7
Thank you for support to my profile! I am pleasure for having fun of Miiverse! Goodbye Miiverse forever. Merci pour votre soutien à mon profil ! Je suis content de m'amuser de Miiverse ! On ne revient plus au Miiverse. Goodbye forever Miiverse. My posts remaning for today: 0 Comment OPEN:
Milka★Chan midna4321
Inaktiv. Könnte aber sein das ich ab und zu online bin aber ich poste höchstwarscheinlichst nichts mehr. Danke für die tolle zeit mit euch♡♡♡ Insta: milka_saft_chan wenn ihr noch weitere bilder von mir sehen wollt. Bye c: noch einen letzten cookie ● da :3
Marc Bowserplays
Hey there! I'm Marc. I'm 12 years old, I work with Bowser and he is awesome, hopefully Sonic sees this! You know what I'm saying? I do roleplay if I want. I'll do what I can to win. Miiverse is ending forever ;( Follow those awesome users: ☆☆SONIC☆☆ Cesar channy SpeedyHero chamberbro I make board puns! Anyone who blocks me is blocked forever and ever >:) (my alt: Annoing-Orange)
◆★☆Luke☆★◆ yoshigod2
I play MK8. I'm on the road to 10,000VR and have a seperate 3ds account (there isn't much there, though.) I'm also a fan of DKC series. Outside of my wii u content, I play Super Smash bros on the 3ds and Sonic Mania on the PS4. And now for shoutouts (will add someone everytime I find them interesting) Dannyh09- he makes very good SMM lvls Darcy- he uploads posts that make me laugh.
Taylah taylahvanselow
yo i am a swag cool person
Mavvy mavvy75
in sta gra m: mavvy 75 (no spaces) Hi, I'm Mavvy. I'm 22 and from the UK. I like Pokemon, MLP: FiM, furries, fursuits, art, drawing, animals, video games, toys.. To name a few :) Currently addicted to Splatoon 2! If you have a Switch my name is: Mavvy☆ I have aspergers/autism ^__^' but don't let that or my age put you off! Thank you, miiverse. I'll miss you <3
Ape¥Laura moniquepoul
Ja nun ist es soweit das Miiverse wird bald enden und wir können nix dagegen machen.. Hier im Mv konnte ich endlich mal so sein wie ich bin und lernte die Besten Freunde kennen sowie meine große Liebe♡ Ich bin euch allen so dankbar für eure unterstützung und dafür das euch meine Bilder gefallen. Danke einfach nur ein großes Danke an alle♥ Insta:melody_the_wolf YT:Melody the Wolf Thanks for all
Foxy<3 bridgheenrose205
Hi Im Bridgheen But My Friends Call Me Foxy Im 12 Years Old Im From Ireland My Birthday Is On The 23 Of August I Love Minecraft And Five Nights At Freddys My Best Friends Are Gj And Cc And Spencer Im Single And I Hate Young Daters Thats Why Im Single I Always Accept Friend Requests But If You Be Mean To Me Ill Delete You My Dream Is To Be A Popular Youtuber Like Popularrmous And GamingwithJen Bye.
maria kareglas1
Hello everybody, I am maria and I am from greece. I enjoy making super mario maker levels and I love mario games. You can follow me if you want. I don't accept friend requests. greek★★★★★ dutch★★★★★ english★★★★☆ my favourite super smash bros character : pit♥ sonic boom: top
Sloubie Sloubie
Mesdames et messieurs, bienvenue à mon profil! My name is Sloubie, nice to meet you! I'm a *cough* *cough* experienced *cough* *cough* maker in Mario Maker! I always happily read your comments in your levels too! My favourite types of levels are music levels, so I will always enjoy hearing them :-) For now, bye! (#SaveMiiverse)
AimeePLEX taffyapple84
I watch youtube. In undertale papyrus is my fave. I watch anime and my drawings are inspired by anime or things that i like. I think my drawings suck. BOI (^o^) ... U still there?!?!?!
Frisk SchoolKp