Nadja's Followers
♪~älicё~♪ alice92
♡Thank you for the love Mii♥verse♡ Joined Mv in Dec 2012 "Elegance Is the only beauty that never Fades"~♥ ¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡
Isabell Pink-Titanya
Hallo,ich kann es kaum erwarten euch kennen zu lernen
βαbγ Ρεαсн superPeach02
ζαIυτατιση RσγαIε ά ζσυς ζε ζυις Iα ρετιτε ζœυπ dε Iα Ρгιηсεςςε Ρεαсħ dυ πσγαυмε Сħαмριgση!!!♥♪♡♭ Μση gεηгε: GENTILLE:★★★★★★ MÉCHANTE:☆☆☆☆☆☆(Qυε ζι ση мε снεгснε) INTELLIGENTE:★★★★★★ BELLE:☆☆☆☆ COOL:★★★★★ Mες ζαмις ζσητ: ßébé Нαπмσηιε ετ Lυмα,ßébé Dαιςγ,ßébé Lυιgι ετ ßébé Yσςħι!!!♥♪♭♡ +^.^ßébé Мαгισ моη αмоυгευх!!!♥♪♡♭<3~.•
★CRISPRO★ hola1721
Danny DMcNeil2
Pierre coeurjoli
BOO schninner
Welcome to the wii u social media! Heres where i will be posting stuff Hope i don't get As you can see miiverse doesn't allow swearing - i guess you already found out. Theres alot of cringy posts on miiverse and there's also the one's the are amazingly good, like the drawings wheres there's 10,000 dots the make the shadows, however - people that have trypophobia will pass out.
SlayerKing SlayerKing111
Whhaaattsss uuuupppp ??? :D
うじうじ ujiuji100
ただ今、switchでスプラトゥーン2を遊んでます。 お絵かき楽しい。スプラトゥーンとMiiverseのおかげで、お絵かきという趣味ができました。感謝しております。 今は絵心教室コミュニティに絵を投稿してます。 スプラトゥーン2でも絵を投稿してます。 3DS、wiiu、switchで遊んでます。 朝早いので夜九時以降はゲームしないようにしてます。 映画大好き、漫画大好き、かわいいもの大好きの人見知りおじさんです。 イカよろしく~。
Emily Emibel1801
Halluuuu! Schön das du hier gelandet bist! :D Hier wirst du am meisten Beiträge von Animal Crossing New Leaf entdecken. Aber ich spiele auch noch viele andere Spiele!!^^ Ich folge auch immer zurück ;) Jetzt noch was über mich: Ich heiße Emily und habe am 18.1. Geburtstag. Ich wohne in Deutschland und in meiner Freizeit singe, tanze und male ich gerne. Danke fürs Lesen :)
luisaaa amazingluisa
gheparda gheparda04
ciao a tutti ! sono una videogicatrice appassionata dei rompicapo e delle affascinanti avventure di Link... spero di fare buone amicizie ;)
lou louriou
bonjour je m'appelle lou j'ai 11 ans et je souhaite bien m'amuser sur miiverse et j'espère que vous aussi !
MαJυ irmasMJ
Mario and Donkey K. forever "With great powers comes great responsability…" Hey,Smile!This isn't a bye-bye, this is a see u soon! Ryne, Geigus, Rhett, Julien, John, Link, Bryan, Rosie, Donna, Maddy, David, Gengar, Kadu, Biozin, Zack, Geronimo, Tokito, Alejandro, Tiger, Gabi, Liam, Isabella, Mike, Negima... You're a nice people, guys! ♥Thanks, dear friends, for the races, battles and good time♥
Carlonette LonelyCarlette
◆ ¡Hola soy Carlo! ◆ ★ Soy un Cactus, un random muy random ★ ☆ #BirdMom ☆ Tengo algunos amigos, y me alegro mucho de conocerles ♪ •Me gusta dibujar, SU, Zelda, AA. Tengo 13 años y me gustan muchas cosas raras, como Miiverse #PU70FLIPANDO ▲No dudes en hablar si quieres■ •Lonely Carlette so hard and so brave ¡Feliz 2017!
Mana Mikharin
Hello miiverse! I'm Mana! i love playing RPG, drawing manga and listening to classical music. Nice to meet you all! ˘u˘
BlueTurtle WindWakerTurtle
Welcome 2 the WiiU! It's 2017! 2017 is about that Nintendo Switch! As the WiiU slowly phases out, what can 1 expect with the Switch? Well... Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey, Bombermam R, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, MK8 Deluxe, Street Fighter, NBA 2K18, Skyrim & much more! E3 2017 should be AMAZING!!!!! :D We'll always remember U Satoru Iwata! R.I.P. Satoru Iwata [Sat 7-11-15]
Chris AVP005
Kenshin isaiahmontes
Hey guys welcome to meh profile I'm yours truly Kenshiplier. Fav games: Pokemon Sun, Ocarina of time, Majoras mask, Twilight princess, Naruto ultimate ninja storm, and Goat Simulator I hope you follow me so I can follow you thanks for joining the Fox Army you can be anyone you want Markiplier my senpai Hinata Hyuga greatest waifu to have in da wurld Also Wubba Lubba Dub Dub RaM season 3
Angel tmay1979
I am an older gamer from Iowa. I was born in the late 70's. I have children that are almost grown. I haven't been a huge gamer. I ammostly used to playing on older game systems than the newer ones, lol. I collect Angel dolls and figurines. I am a lover of old and new Rock and Heavy-metal Music. Also love horror movies. Thanks for visiting.
Shark Alex-Gamer8
Sup, I'm Alex but you can call me Shark. Likes : 8Bit Games, Adventure, Action, And More... Follow List Shea, andysg2006 , AndySFHero, sonic6790, TrevorTX, And Many Others Anyways... Later |_-
Aislynn aislynnfarrell
Hello! I'm Aislynn, and I love Pokemon. I love art. Pikachu is my fave Pokemon! If you follow me, and you're a good artist and a girl, I will follow you. IMPA IS AWESOME EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you like the TV show Winx, yeah my favorite post, and comment on it and tell me your favorite character! Also, if u r following me, can u follow Avalea(she is on my followers list)?
TwilliZoie DarkKnight204
I love to rp and I love to write. I'm a youtuber, I love anime! I'm 15. I love LOZ and FF. I love alot of stuff. I have to many genres to list. I love HP and LOTR. I am going into Freshman year. I'm the daughter of Poseidon. I have Quotev and Wattpad. I love reading and writing and I am a people person. ♥Check out my other miiverse account: LoveSuperPowers6 L☆VE, ×××Zoie××× (Pronouced~ Zo-e)
Elizabeth ninjasTopHat
Hey guys! I'm Elizabeth :) I'm a 23 year old artist and I've been a major Zelda fan since I was little. I've been here since 2013, and I've made some amazing friends! Thank you!♥ Due to miiverse closing, I have created an alt. art account elsewhere on the internet for future artwork. (DA) (ninjasTopHat) Thanks so much for all the yeahs and follows! Check out my sister Gracie!(PurpleDolphin0-0)
Amanda LinZelMLIY
♡Hi!♡ I love The Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem and Super Smash Bros. My favorite character is Link, I love him so much! I fall in love with him!♥ 2nd favorite characters are all bishounen of the games and animes.♡ I love ☆BTS☆ and ♥TaeKook♥. I like BL (Yaoi), animes and manga, and I love nekos, they are so kawaii! My favorite animes are Naruto and Pokémon. I love Nintendo! Here since: 2016/04/06
Yσκσ~Cнαη 3.Hyrule.3
———.·•Kon'nichiwa•·.—— I'м στακυ ~(^▼^~) #I'мAGhσυι! I ισvε »>dσίηg vεrγ "nσrmαι" τhίngs. :'3 Bε cαrεfυι I'vε gστ α -Dεατh Nσtε- αnδ I knσw hσw τσ υsε ίτ. I ωαητεδ τσ τнαηκ γσυ αιι fσг αιι τнεςε αмαzίηg γεαrς I'νε ςρεητ hεrε…I've мετ α ιστ σf bεαυτίfυι ρεσριε αηδ αrτιςτς τнατ I'ιι ηεvεr fσrgετ∞ <—Tнαηκ γσυ <3—« Mαγβε σηε δαγ... (\ (\ (^ω^)
★ιςαGαmεπ★ lebasi05
Sígueme y serás un Lover. -Me encanta la música♪. - Edad: 11 (7/10/2005). -Hermana: Elena (Anele08). -Afición: Música y diseño. -Color favo: Turquesa. -⃃ (de miiverse):JonathanMZ -Canción favo de momento: Echo, male version nightcore Comida favo: El fideuá. -Deporte favo: Tenis. -Dale mola a mi tema y comenta ¡Y no olvides seguirme! Besooos <33 Zoy Otaku :3 Chau
Vίπ Aηίωε☆ vir1122
Hί?… Tнεre ίs sσmεσηε tнεrε?… ☆ …Mγ nαmε ίς Vίr Anίme☆… Dσ nσt fεαr tнε dαгknεςς bεttεr tεςpεct ίt… Yσυ dσ nσt kησw wнαt cαη cσmε σt σf ίt… Cσmε wίtн mε…Yσυ wίll nσt bε αlσnε… αlσηE αlOηE?→ α… … I kησw yσυ αηd ί wίll gεt αlσηg… →↑ Wнαt dίd ί dσ wrσηg? … … … …………………………… …… … . - ·‹\'_ERROR-´l“_ * „ ' \'H.¡.E.L,_P —
BossMode MarioNis2005
Hallo,ich bin FLO™. Ich bin dritter Boss vom Scs-Clan. Außerdem bin ich im D©-,ŁŤ-,Fs- und ÐΕΔ-Clan. Mein Lieblingsspiel ist Super Mario 3D Land. Es wäre schön,wenn ihr mein Lieblingsbeitrag yeaht. Follower-Anzahl: 10 [×] 25 [×] 50 [×] 100 [×] 150 [×] 222[ ] 250 [ ] 500 [ ]
»Qцεεηΐε« nario22
Rules: 1. Don't diss my prince/bias/soulmate 2. Always remember to cringe 3. Love BTS 4. Live lifu right Now that that's done, welcome to... well my life? The name's Queenie I guess and hi there! I am just an average ARMY livin' in a state where they never come. *cri -Anyone got strawberry jams? *I'm bulletproof !Infired 24/7! <3 WINGS ;-; anyone know how to sneak on a plane by any chance?
Dominik Dominik20036
Hallo ich bin Dominik! Neu: was in diesem Monat kommt: Dinosaur King (Part 11) Mario & Luigi Dream Team Bros. (Part 26) Dragon Ball Xenvorese 2 (Part 12) Die News der Woche (Part 11) ..... noch mehr Bin meisten um 17 bis 22 Uhr im Miiverse Danke für 611 Folger Stand 29.10.17
Αshaun Ashaun
Hi my name is Ashaun (or Ash for short), and I'm 18 years old. If you like my drawings, feel free to follow me; I follow back...sometimes. I don't accept random or blank friend request, sorry. I'm glad you checked out my profile, and have nice day you amazing people!
mikkel trylletroll
This user's profile comment is private.
Mel☆ Mel-zelda
Hi my name is Mélanie, I'm an adult female who enjoy play games. RIP miiverse soon, thanks for all. Competitive MK8 et MK8dx player who use inward bike. Goals already achieved : get several decent inward times including french record & probably UE top10 on rRR 1.22.919. Goal to achieve after miiverse dies maxVR on MK8. Thanks for reading
lau Mikelaurie
salut tout le monde:) j'aime beaucoup zelda surtout skyward sword :)))) je vais faire beaucoup des dessins et si vous avez des idées ne vous gêner pas je vais essayer de les faire:)))) Hello everyone , i love especially zelda skyward sword:))) I do a lot of drawing and if you have ideas I will try to do :))))
Gral★jose 34-af_2c-75-ed-c
hola bienvenido a mi perfil jaja saludos XD aunque solo tenga 20 años solo tengo una consola y un juego quisiera jugar mas juegos que algun dia tengo la esperansa de jugar:pvzgw 1 y 2 super smash bros super mario meiker undestale (nye jejeje) proyectodiva dx yo-kay wach overwach ect otra cosa que anelo es aser amigos mas de los dos mejores que tengo y los de mibers porsupuesto
Gερ★ςσρhιε Sophielokacreepy
Bueno,supongo que tengo que darte la bienvenida a mi perfil,es lo que se suele hacer aqui \(:v)/ Bienvenido(? ¿Que esperabas :v? †Tú eres el único number one :,)†.
Fαгσ farofaazul
Hi there! ‹(º¤º)›<{ hugs? } no? ••• ‹(·_·”)› (v._.) <{ :( } Oh, youre still reading? umm ok... so... (º-º )‹{ might as well introduce myself. } Well heya! My name’s Fαгσ and I am trash. (^•^) I love video games, drawing, horror movies, anime, and pandas... lots of pandas. \(•^• ) ‹{ ♪♪♪ } (p.s.: follow Sushi! He's amaze~♪) ... you sure you don't want a hug? <(*ω* )>
iñigo charizar111
juego favorito clash royale años:9 Hola amigos^^el dueño de este canal soy yo.Mi comida favorita es la pizza;3.El queso fundido ahhh solo de pensarlo me entra hambre^^.I love clash royale,tengo tengo nueve años y me llamo Iñigo,adios^^.
Снιοε#τα chloelameilleure
Date de ηαiςς//αηсε : 22/04/2*** Sigηε ςοdiαqυε : ταυгεαυ Ταiιιε : 1m57 (jςυiς ρετiτε) Πυмεгο ρгεf' : 22 ^^ Сουιευг dες γευχ : мαггοη Τγρες dε мυςiqυες : гαρ, нiρ ρορ… Fιευгς : гοςες, ρεηςéες… Fαςτ fοοd prεfεгéες : Мсdο *^* Гεςτο : Снiηοiς Сουιευг ρгεf' : ηοiг, βιαηс, βιευ, gгiς Sροгτ ρгεf' : dαηςε, αεгο ετ ατнιετiςмε Сαгαсτεгε : τiмidε мαiς мε снεгснε ρας Merci aux 302 abonnés *^* #Bleus
Soumia Soumia
☆ Hey Miiversiens ☆ Soumia, 21, I like animes/series/videos games. ♡ Nintendo Fan • Mario, Zelda, Animal Crossing, SSB4, Fire Emblem.. Best animes : SnK, FMAB, HxH 2011, KnB, Death Note, Re Zero.. I ♥ Basketball and Music. ♫ I use Miiverse to draw and to share my experiences of videos games. I can speak english, french, spanish. DA : Soumiia Started 02/12/2012 Thanks to my followers ! :3
Espriz Ilac000
—>☆*·This is the inspiration·*★<— Deviant Art: Ilac Espriz Eternal Youtube: Espriz I'm member of the team ÐΣ☆ and J&V I'm the creator of Black Annihilation project Matsuri is a veeeery gentle little kitty (^•ω•^)/ And... bzzzz bzzz bzzz bzzz X')
- xFairyx_xTailx
(New 3DS Account!!: Gamer_Artist_x3) Helloo qwq I'm Emily a.k.a Zoe~ I'm just in Miiverse to have some fun so don't expect from me to post much♡ Thank you for 300+ follower!♪
Chloe~Chan KleaKle3
Konichiwa sweet potatos^^! My name is Chloe! (for friends Klea) i'm 11 years i'm from Italy i'm speak english My favorite artist on miiverse is:Siddiata,Ilac,Giudy,Xime,Jara and ViVi^^ goodby sayonaraXD follow me drawing request is closed^^
Hy ich heiße Nadja ^-^
Leider wird es ab 08.11.17 nicht mehr möglich sein, das MIIVERSE zu benutz...
Hy ich heiße Nadja ^-^
Leider wird es ab 08.11.17 nicht mehr möglich sein, das MIIVERSE zu benutzen. Sehr schade!!! Ich wünsche allen alles gute für die Zukunft!
May see 'ya in paradise...