LuckyKon's Followers
れんあいだいすきっ☆ makenaiyouusya56
プロフィール『焼き肉好き女』の長女です! 私今年から受験生になりました! さて、次女と弟とはよく食べますが、私と三女はあまりたくさん食べないんですぅ.. YouTubeの猫ちゃんの動画かわいすぎて何度も見てしまいますぅ~ あと、私の住んでる県でとても有名な梨が私は食べ物の中では一番好きです!! 梨汁ブッシャー!!! さて、私(恋愛大好き)vs妹の焼き肉好き女&弟の!の対戦は7/19に全試合やり遂げました。旧シーズン総合の通算対戦成績等々は私のプレイ日記に記載されています。ところで8月からの新シーズンになると三女も新チームに加わって白熱のゲームバトルを繰り広げて、もっと盛り上がる試合をします。開幕戦予定の8/1から新シーズン終了予定の12/30までに不規則な日程で対戦していく。ちなみに新シーズンの新たなチーム名、チーム数等々は7/31までに恋バナ大好きのプロフィールで全て発表する見込みです。
ハルク 86haru68
宜しくお願いします(-`ω-)自分スプラ2出たらwiiu売ります。自分は主にマイクラを投稿します 好きなアニメは 1暗殺教室 2進撃の巨人 3東京グール 気が合う人でも誰でもいいのでフォローお願いします。 フォロワー300超え目指してます。ご協力お願いします 後、自分5年生ではると》晴人と言います
かおりん caofumi
顔ポチありがとーだけど痛いよ?めっちゃ痛いよ?絶望的に以下略 どうもかおりんです。 主にスプラ、マイクラ、マリメ、YouTube、進め!キノピオ隊長!等をやっております。最近PVP作ってます。 フォローしてくれたら90%(←この10%はフォロー出来ない人です) かえします。フォロワー様200人突破!!!!!!!ありがとうございます。次は300人突破を目標にして、頑張ります。300人突破したらマイクラでかきますので!ミーバース運営者の方!いままでありがとうこざいました! お知らせです。この更新日からミーバース、Wii Uの オンライン率が低くなります。すみません。 これからもこんな調子ですが、宜しくお願いします。 (^_-)(^_-)(^_-)更新日10/28(^_-)(^_-)(^_-)
ゆめイカ{-∀-}★ nohara-aina
Gαмεг★Tewi terrino11411
un amigo verdadero es alguien que llega cuando todos los démas se van y se queda cuando todos los démas han desaparecido. En la vida todos tenemos un secreto inconfesable ,un arrepentimiento irrevesible,un sueño inalcanzable y un amor inolvidable
Leanne Pauline
MadMordicn TranscendMord
i love adventure games as well
Ken Ken-Hueston
I play a good game, and I'm met with no pain. Trying to defeat Marx, Really failing at Star Fox. Strange is my strategy, at putting enemies out of their misery. Every day I beat a trainer, sometimes I go commit mass murder. but it's OK for it's just a game, so when I kill, I don't feel shame.
Angel #2 BlueAngelland6
Hey guys! This is my back up account in case I run out of posts on my old one. So have a nice day! Thank you guys for 400 follows! Online: () Offline: (•)
Toast GMToast
This user's profile comment is private.
theron theron23
CjZona deZona
Nintendo is Outstanding Cj is Dynamic you may call mii Dynamic Zona wait til U see my graphics Wii must be friends everybody should have mii as one and they could,If it didn't stop @ 100 I follow those who follow mii Z,isa Monster Hunter, Saving Princess's im the Hero of Time, Thanx Nintendo Call of Duty,Infinity 3.0 Racing Mario in my Kart Smashing all of my FOES. ISplaToons witdat brush
delia delia262
mario 3d word
ƒ¢★Jacob youngions
clans ƒ¢★ мκς vƒ◆ ίς ίт сĺαη тίмε? ĺετς яøĺĺ łøgετεя! ƒяίεηðς ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ vƒ◆DAD мκςDαи øτнεя ίиfø↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ b-day⇒ 11/20/2007 red hair glicher in sm3Dw gets on miiverse shortly wants comments,fallows let's get THROUGH my profile ~ĺατεя
6 JBPSquared
We just want to have fun
りきゅう syouzikouta
アニメヲタクです!アニメのグッズに(5万ぐらい使っている) 好きなアニメは ゆるゆり(1期から見ている)、けいおん(1期から見ている)、神のみ(1期から見ているマンガ全部買った)、ハヤテのごとく(1期から見ている)、ごちうさ(1期から見ている)、ハイキュー(1期から見ているマンガ今出ているのは全部買った)、ハローきんいろモザイク(1期から見ている) 好きなアニメキャラは船見結衣、あずにゃん、中川かのん、桐間紗路(きりましゃろ)、猪熊陽子、日向&影山、 暇な時話でもしましょう!話すときタメでいいよ~ フォローよろしく!フレンド募集中です!
Benz SolarFlare4.5
Hey! I am just a person who really likes Nintendo games, such Zelda, Mario, Pokémon, Pikmin, Splatoon, and EarthBound! I also have interests in Undertale. Have a Toontastic time!
⇔¢⇒líżż⇒¢⇔ AwesomeGirl416
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Quattro/IV GreatAnimeFan
Hello my fans! My real names Thomas. I am bi. I love puppets! I'm 19 years old. I like anime, Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal, Markiplier, creepypasta and drawing. My favorite pokemon is well... all ghost types, but my top favorites are Shuppet and Banette. :)
Toon Nancy nancycarricox
Hi im Nancy Carrico and im 17 yrs old so i love takemaru and quill and zelda's old friend but my gang is Barda,Jasmine,oacus,Dain,Ralph,king of red loins,sparrow,vetrix,bendy,link ,jersey devil,kite tenjo,shippo,sango,meroku,kirara Goodbye Miiverse i will miss u
∞Jay-Jay∞♀ mischar
Love sports Love Video Games. An YouTuber and likes dogs.If your reading this Welcome to an Youtuber's Profie! and would love to be your friend and play and help you whatever you want. But not an Account Switch THAT WILL GO WRONG. Cause i know hacks :*) Thanks for all the support and followers Thank You all
JB nabisco77
Sabrina dance123D
Hello world and all who inhabit it! I'm 14, my favorite games r Disney Infinity, Splatoon, LEGO games, Animal Crossing, Yoshi's Woolly World and Mario games. My real birthday is Dec 20th. I dont wiiU chat with people I don't know, Ok? Ok. Star Wars and Marvel are totally awesome and if ur not a fan u need to c a psychologist. Aw that's rad
★William★ PokewillLucario
I love SSB4 and I've got a weird addiction with Pokemon, Megaman, Mother, Star Fox, and Final Fantasy, but its no deal! I like turtles, cookies, watermeloun, and da tacozz. Fire type is my favorite pokemon type and just because Charizard is my favorite pokemon doesn't mean I'm a genwunner I like a whole lot of other reigons.Thanks for all the support on followers!!!
Candice Candices413
Gamer and a painter!
kbg bitriangle
Hi, I am a huge nintendo fan who has been playing nintendo since I was one year old :-) .
Snowflake★ gamecontrol
J-Man shelbybosco
Mer1in Crabcakes101
Hi, I'm Merlin I am normally good at many video games, especially Mario kart and of course, SPLATOON! follow me and i'll follow you back I also am now the proud head of the nintendo branch in a gaming clan called Bear of Fire. We play Splatoon and soon will be playing splatoon 2. add me as a friend to join!
Ζακ★♪◆●▲■▼ zakpowell
Hey i go by the name ZaK and im a gaming expert :-)
TheWierdo froxanne
Hi guys i am a big Super Mario Maker fan so plz check out my levels and I don't do kaizo.
クマゴロ kumagoro0430
クマゴロと申します。 よろしくお願いします。
Memo Simpomatic
Neenee neeable
this is it, it's coming to an end..and i just wanna say thank u all i'll miss the one's i couldn't get. and i also wanna say thank u for 755+ followers it was such a joy to meet u all!. this is goodbye my friends and followers. T^T) take care of yourselves~♥
slim frost5213
aha what can i say i love retro games i have been playing anything mario since the 80s and still am a awesome mario veteran to this day i also like smash bros and being awesome at it
A writer, a gamer; art imitates life and mine couldn't be stranger. To start weird and be a range...
A writer, a gamer; art imitates life and mine couldn't be stranger. To start weird and be a ranger blazing the trail of my own path,in the wake of my own wrath.
I reset, reboot, to boot I set up the setup after I sit up, I put my lid up. Spin the wheels: time trials, feels guilty as I steer style in front of a group of my peers...I'll still be in first place synchronizing gears instead of fears.