Users Luciano Is Following
Drew W. Drew3475
Hi everybody! I'm Drew. Welcome to my miiverse page. I enjoy playing video games, listening to music, watching TV, YouTube, and movies, and reading books. My favorite games are Super Mario Maker, the Super Mario series, the Donkey Kong Country series, Advance Wars games, and Fire Emblem games. Favorite TV shows: Three Stooges, WWE. Favorite Movies: Jackie Chan Movies. Thanks for stopping by.
Andrew2121 AndrewMarenkovic
Hello I am Andrew2121 and I'm 15 living in the USA, I love all Mario games and Yoshi is my favorite character, and my favorite game is Super Mario Maker
Olri Blumenkohl13
-Mυrilσ Murilo_Riffel
Catuto Catuto
Kew8000 kew8000
Hello!welcome to my profile! my mom prevented me from having friends on wii u so Pls dont request, unless for 3ds My character controls fire and has fire wings my pokemon team:marshadow,groundon,kyogre,rayquaza,ho oh, and greninja
WoodBottle woodbottle
Will Stopinski
Zudomon RZudomon
Sabado adsosabado
Brayer brayer.souza
I'm Zuhayer, and I like video games and reading books. I love making levels in Super Mario Maker, so be sure to check them out. yeah4yeah follow4follow
Aegis AegisCook
Hey, I'm happy to connect with people sharing the same games! Hit the friend/follow button!
ThirdMan ThirdMan333
Kosten Kosten
Bernd Bernd-1984
Hello, I am a Nintendo gamer from Germany since the Gameboy and SNES era. The Mario and Zelda games are my favorites. Send a friend request so we can play online together some time. ;-D Have fun everyone!
KifoO SuperkifoO
Ryan trumpetbear
SK★Yoshi AkatsukiYoshi1
Hello everyone! This is the real AkatsukiYoshi. I feel I must say this because I had imposters in the past. I look forward to playing with everyone as I do enjoy a good challenge and fun. Online games I own: Mario Kart 8 Super Smash Bros Wii U Splatoon MKW Custom Tracks Wiimmfi Anyone is welcome to friend me, but no blank friend requests please.
Salt Lake Meghabert
hello worldly people.
MCW UK MCWuk1985
Currently playing super mario maker. If you have played/starred/commented on some of my levels and leave a comment asking me to check out your levels then I am more than happy to do that :)
Carlos CdGamer1986
Azo Azotochtli
Raidman Nindoten
I'm a true Nintendo gamer since the NES era. I've played NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, WiiU etc.. My favourite consoles are N64 and the WiiU. WiiU is on my favourite list, cause of Super Mario Maker. SMM is THE BEST GAME ever! I'm a very passionate and dedicated Mario Maker. Feel free to check out my profile on mario maker if you have the opportunity. Thank you for gaming! :)
ジョージ kafeoresj
はじめまして!ゲームをたのしみましよう! MH次回作が楽しみです!