Mangodog's Followers
Blaze supersonicrings
Welcome!Miiverse is now called Memeverse! My Sonic OC is called Sky the Hedgefox! I like Epikrika(I'm a big fan :D) I also like Giga Gamby's videos! Tysm for 470 followers can we make it to 480??? Favourite Miiverse Drawing:BFG on a moped-byRussV1 My you tube channel:ThatSquidKidRBLX Wattpad: Supersoniccat_96 Scratch:CGZero Mah friends: King Spicy and goldenjack My first post:09/08/16
anime nerd tylerdeazle1234
hello everybody !!! if they any peson who are having problems with these games (Smash Bros. ,Sonic Boom Rise of Liric , Super Mario U and Lugi U,and Super Mario Maker come and ask me Jack!!!
Landyn knjlvm
lily vans95
Im am very good at games like mario cart and mario n generall. Well thats all u need to know about me... Thx for the 300+ followers!!!
funneh rel Daley-Kids
sarita saraacosta2015
leon TipMastrtPro
hello everyone im Marco\tipmaster i give codes i know alot about game so you need a tip come to me
Cake cakepopsman1
Nintendo is my favorite company. I have a gameboy, a ds lite, a dsiXL, a new 3dsXL, a gamecube, a wii, a wii u, and a Switch.
Linde SwaggGirl09
Hi! I'm Linde! *I'm 6 Years Old. *I Like Games! *I Love Cats! =^•ω•^= *Follow EnzoKnol On YouTube If Your Dutch! #Knolpower My Sister Demi Helps Me With This. Bye! See You Guys Soon!
tabu64 prappa925
Desi WillowLander318
I'm getting ready to fully say goodbye, to Miiverse & my past here. It's been a very long time. If you have a Wii U & a Switch you may add me. Same with my 3DS Friends! I'm just a gamer girl! Age: Doesnt Matter Add me if you want in case you ever get a switch! "Live 2 Learn" I DONT Wii U chat. PLZ NO BLANK FRIEND REQUESTS!
Yeah Fairy yeahfairy
Hello children, I am the Yeah Fairy. I have come to miiverse to make you all happy. I know how important Yeahs are to all of you and I will give them away freely. Have fun on Miiverse!!!
Elizabeth teddybearlover10
Hi am Elizabeth that is my real name . Im 12 my b-day is on may 5 .I love my friend on miivers .i love PANDAS their are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... ooo cute *3* single :↑ I have a BFL her name i Hailey please go followed her if you do i will followed you and people who is mean to her STOP OK follow me ↑↑
Kalie KalieK
ƒ4★Kayden4 Kaythevcpleader
Hello im Kayden I am 11 years old, friends call me Kay im a huge Naruto Shippuden and Avatar fan, you should really follow me because I try my best to make new friends, im really nice. Best friends: Lily Teagan Vicky Ashley AWESOME Nicole ~Mиша~ (Misha) Robert Roxas imak101 Nana Tyler Fav games★OoT ★MM ☆Spirit Tracks I LOVE THE LEGEND OF ZELDA! I LOVE Naruto Shippuden!!!!!!! Alot :3 Bye
goro0728=2 HHH072822
goro0728のサブ。 フレンドリクエストはこっちのアカウントに。ただしフォロワーさんか、関わりのある方で。 たまーにこっち来るのでメッセージ数日後に読むこともあるのでそれはご了承を。 スマブラ、マリオカート8、スプラトゥーン大歓迎 スマブラはそこそこ。マリオカートも誘ってください。そこそこ。スプラトゥーンはS帯です。 テレ電とマイクはNG。
justin justinj07
fun post and game we a pet cat
Exile Memotron
Hello its-a-me Mario! I save the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom and the world. I have a younger brother, Luigi, he's kind of shy so you might not see him here. If in the future we get the same game, please, let's play together. And thank you so much for playing my game(s). See you later.
logan halomaster101
Yahboi OmegaRuby2.0.5
Thanks for helping me reaching over 80 followers! ^¤^ I require no return for requests. :] There are some requests i cannot do, sorry. Piece Out! :]
Lexi lou-lou123321
I love Videogames!
wiltms wiltms
Hi I am new to miiverse.
tabu64BLU mario925
hi u can call me tabu64 or tabu and my name isnt tabu64 because i want to be 64 years old or some type of old man i have 64 in tabu64 because i like n64 and it started a cool game smash bros. and i choose tabu because i thought i had badluck but i think tabu is a cool name, so welcome to my page and im fallowing some cool players with cool drawings and u should fallow me or them 😎😎😎😎
しゅんや game-syunya-4649
zia PrinceZiah
Ali AlisonBriskie
Travis Quickdrawdude
Whats up everyone ever since i got my nintendo 64 and gameboy color way back ive been interested in video games the places they can take you and how they bring people together super mario 64 was my first game and it blew my mind ever since then ive been a huge fan of anything and everything video games. Hit me up if you want to race a lap in mario kart 8, brawl in smash bros or just talk games
Will burlhall
Hey guys!Remember me.I have a Wii U and I post there all the time.Don't forget to check my posts. :)
yianni yiannij
The most cringy person on miiverse
toog cedj226
jack gamerjack99
Carlos.B solrac_hilgar
Go Xenoblade Chronicle X and Splatoon. For everyone, I don't use Wii U Chat with people I don't know. I will use Wii U Chat with people I know very well.
This user's profile comment is private.
eunique llediv
イアン_ショウ m-yasuki0201
Cool Artur arturo456
hola mundo de miiverse, soy Cool Artur, me gusta pokémon, super smash bros, mario, link, y punch out. Me encanta la pizza. Se sobre muchos glitches de super mario 64, así que pueden preguntarme sobre algunos. Siganme y los sigo. Si alguien quiere ser mi amigo puede dejarme un mensaje en mi actividad, pues no recibo solicitudes de amistad por el control parental. Hablo inglés y español. $ ¡Chao!
hello im cool star and i am a 9 year old unicorn and the brother of twilight sparkle. Celestia to...
hello im cool star and i am a 9 year old unicorn and the brother of twilight sparkle. Celestia told me that i was very kind and is the biggest gamer in equestria. i have a question to you. what is a human? if u live in ponyville tell me in the comments. i have met the 6 friends and saw them all and am very good friends with them. are family is happy that twilight is a princess. bye everypony!