Users Marty Is Following
☆MLG☆ cougar2003
ģřėęťııňğş ζειισψ ħűмâńś. I am the one and only MLG(not really)lol. I am possibly the most coolest and most chill person on the face of this Earth. I love chemistry and the Legend of Zelda. Also if you haven't go subscribe to GameGrumps and Markiplier cause they are I would say THE top youtubers to me. Ummmmm I like cats and adventures a lot. So thx for stoppin by peeps & as always stay fresh.BYE!
Selena SoulElite-1128
Hey!! My name is Soul. If you want to know about me then here are somethings about me. My favorite sport is basketball. I am __ years old, and I love me some pizza!
jack shom2005
Knight Salt_Hero
I am a huge Legend of Zelda fan. I enjoy the characters, storys, timelines, universe, theorys, anything and everything Zelda related. Other things I love include Metroid, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Marvel, Anime, and Music.
CatGamer ChaseMyCat
Hi Welcome to my profile! Im Gabe and i love lots of games like Pokemon Minecraft and Nintendo Badge Arcade and im a Big Fan of Pokemon since Pokemon go came out
Clive KingBloodHunter
I think it's time, for a pe-pe-pe-pe-pepperoni pizza! Don't talk to me unless you have pe-pe-pe-pe-pepperoni pizza, I have been waiting ALL DAMN WEEK!!
Chris Kurisama91
Hello! I'm Christopher F. Arnold! Founder of NAMI TENTOU MUSHI and creator of PING 1.5+!
Jordan Mizukami59801
Hey, what's up? My name is Jordan. I have been a fan of Nintendo since its 80's launch. I enjoy collecting & watching anime/manga [Sailor Moon, Tenchi, etc.] & videogame collectibles, hanging with friends, drawing, gaming [Minecraft - Xbox360/One & Wii U - built Peach's castle in both. :) ], etc. I enjoy the new Super Smash Bros. [Wii U, 3DS], I usually use Peach, since she floats... lol. Peace~!
Lizette :D wolfdj3k
hello i see you have clicked on my user well let me introduce you to myself im lizette im very funny and adventurous i absolutely like getting along with other people and making them laugh alot once and a while but if you would like to play a game with me tell me and if i dont have that game i will try and buy it and a reminder is i dont do wii u chat or any other chat systems ;D
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i love pokemon