mac's Followers
BD badapd
BD is my initals, I don't want people to know my real name on Miiverse, but anyone is allowed to see followers, people i'm following, and my friends. My goal is to make as many friends as I can, so i'll accept any friend requests, just let me know.
hoohoo sillypants115
well i'm a big gameer
new kid 08 newkidd
Sigh its finally here The last day of miiverse lve been here for about 3years and lm gonna miss this place l always just came here for help or to post some random things but lve never been through anything bad people say besides cussing so l like this place Plaing games on this will feel weird without miiverse but lm fine l just want to say thanks for good memories and l hope you have a nice day♥
kingston kingstonsin
kbg bitriangle
Hi, I am a huge nintendo fan who has been playing nintendo since I was one year old :-) .
gaviota yosoyactuaria
hola,mmm soy gaviota me gusta ser amigos hi,mmm,i am gaviota i love friend
Gamer old school, Retro.