§мφφ†ħίε's Followers
********** TylerZBan
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pool157 A_Dark_Knight
I'm Batman!
********** Philz952005
~Hello je suis Philz~ -Plus connu sur le nom de NinTester je pense que vous savez pk j'étais absent ? Très bien continuons ! ~J'aime beaucoup jouer à des Fangames,des Rom Hack et du Rétro Gaming ! ~Je possède : Switch Wii U PC GameCube PSP :) ~GAMES: SSB4 MK8 et MK8D Minecraft Wii U et Switch DBX2 Splatoon 1 et 2 BOTW Sonic Mania ~En tout cas merci d'avoir lue et à bientôt ^^~
tosha nogamesplayed
bubba bigbluebeer
zach 2017 xbrads007x
***** SankofaX
.ıI Goodbye Miiverse Iı. [] Farewell Friends~♥ [] Have a freshly baked cookie before you leave.. -Gives you two cookies- ♥•…°Buh~Bye°…•♥
Lucio madison0102
René Octo_Squid_13
DemondraBG HydraTeam
I had my fun times with miiverse since I joined in October 2014. Seeing that it's about to end in November is very disappointing. I don't think spamming Nintendo will help save Miiverse! Just accept things the way they are even if it's hard. I don't want Miiverse to end either. RIP Miiverse... 2012 - November 2017
small face diazfam5
All I do is play games and watch anime :3 I don't make posts often but please follow me because I'm telling you to ;p I hope you like my posts :D (That are made by me) Byeee (^o^) The day i make a quality post is the day miiverse ends
I'm Tired ItzDoritoImTired
time to whine about the new jersey state road infastructare there are more than two genders dеаdаss )))))
pacman jr GC054s
hi just played donkey kong returns
pinkyboo pinkyboo1972
hi i want more friends so if you want too be friends just friend me ok
beccy bexmob
hello everyone! :-) Marie = Edgy User Btw Things about me Age:Unknown Favourite food: Pizza Waifu: waluigi Favourite drink: Unknown Rival: Toby fox job: Memez End (Not kidding) MM57
Jοςнυα G. LuigiFan304
Matteo matteo2008fa
boujour je vous avoite
Aoife 2DSAoife
Hi! I'm 12! I'm a nice,kind,caring,compettive and artistic person.I love video games, they rule!
aiden.w wilsonzz
hi im aiden.w my favorite game is lego star wars tfa im a huge star wars fan also i like call of duty but i dont have that game on this console anyhoo um so yeah thats pretty much it so follow if u like then i will follow u to and so yeah thats it so bye p.s thanks for poking my face p.p.s im awesome and u p.p.p s im in firth grade p.p.p.p s i dont wiiu chat p.p.p.p.p.s i will play ps4
Jonathan JonathanDonohue
ever since that one day happened I'm not the same person i used to be...
Leo yanchar8
[HK]Hero dash800
Hello, everyone i'm Hero I enjoy having fun with friends, and making them happy! I have the Nintendo Switch, and Splatoon 2, Things I enjoy doing Have fun with Friends, make them happy. Play Soccer Play on my Nintendo Switch and 3ds XL Don't be afraid to not tell me stuff. I need to really know how to draw better, so all drawers out there, please please teach me how to draw!
max NeonGamer43
hows it goin guys NeonGamer43 here friend me for games we can play with eachother like splatoon or minecraft im a gamer who would play splatoon alot so ya oh ur still here well umm ok why? i have a brother (jackson12gaming)
Gludeoooon BeyBonelessBizza
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cluggy Cluggy
My name is the monster destroyer.These are my top 4 games: 1: mariokart 8 2: mario and sonic at the rio 2016 olympic games 3: same again but winter games 4: mario tennis: ultra smash Also can we have 300 followers please that would be much appreciated thanks before christmas. if anyone plays lost reavers feel free to friend request me so we can play together. see you laters!!!!!!!!!!!
$wagman big_bananerz
i am crazy. a total phsycopath. but hey, if you like wat i am, thats fine by me. i am an so called "enthusiastic" gamer by my friends who had their ears blasted out when Call of Duty stars to go glitchy. Nonetheless i am a good sport, and will MOSTLY say some type of PG-13 stuff in the midst of my X-rated comedic gameplay. so if you want to follow me, go ahead, be my guest. and dinner at 4:20 lmao
RIP Thomas ExplosiveEevee
Hello, I'm Thomas, Please wipe your feet before entering. Thank you. lol same! Nice memes! Keep up the good work! I doodle like a poodle with his legs cut off! Been on the 'verse since 11/29/2012
Aldric nottodayshark
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Hello. I'm Nin★M@× and I like Smash bros. I'm really insane. I make Mario Maker levels. Friend me...
Hello. I'm Nin★M@× and I like Smash bros. I'm really insane. I make Mario Maker levels. Friend me. I am also on the 3DS. Look for Max20023ds. I will do splatfests. Why do i even bother anymore?