adam's Followers
ьυΐΐέțþîίΐ porksoda909
G&K frere comtesselenny
Hyrulean daddylarry36
Sup miiverse im another one of your anonymous players who enjoy nintendo i have a Youtube channel with 10000+ subs (the name cant be said due to privacy) but anyways here are some of my favorite games 1:The Legend Of Zelda The Windwaker HD★ 2:Minecraft♥ 3:Super Mario Maker● But yeah since i have a youtube channel i need your support making vids so help me out plz it will be appreciated cya
れんあいだいすきっ☆ makenaiyouusya56
プロフィール『焼き肉好き女』の長女です! 私今年から受験生になりました! さて、次女と弟とはよく食べますが、私と三女はあまりたくさん食べないんですぅ.. YouTubeの猫ちゃんの動画かわいすぎて何度も見てしまいますぅ~ あと、私の住んでる県でとても有名な梨が私は食べ物の中では一番好きです!! 梨汁ブッシャー!!! さて、私(恋愛大好き)vs妹の焼き肉好き女&弟の!の対戦は7/19に全試合やり遂げました。旧シーズン総合の通算対戦成績等々は私のプレイ日記に記載されています。ところで8月からの新シーズンになると三女も新チームに加わって白熱のゲームバトルを繰り広げて、もっと盛り上がる試合をします。開幕戦予定の8/1から新シーズン終了予定の12/30までに不規則な日程で対戦していく。ちなみに新シーズンの新たなチーム名、チーム数等々は7/31までに恋バナ大好きのプロフィールで全て発表する見込みです。
Sebatian 2007sebastian07
i like having freinds on my freinds list i also like having new freinds ..................................... ................................ .......................... hhii
Doogie5478 loveeraquelx3
¯\(._.)/¯ I NED HILP PLZ?
Sweetcrash Bluecat98
This is my 2nd account.
InuYasha wolfgamer1234
retroboy44 retroboy44
Greetings earthlings. I'm 18 and love to game. I love anime, metal music, and other fun activities. Feel free to friend me anytime you want and I'll accept. Not a big fan of the Xbox brand. Play Station and Nintendo are fine with me. I also love to LARP. I will also Wii U Chat anytime you want. I also want to go to Tokyo, Japan. I want my Switch. I got a new account Sonicbro69. Go check it out.
Ness hwas2701
ALEX aexdfs
hallo ik ben alex
Lulumichen Lulumichen
Hey guys and girls!
sethiroth sethiroth6
sDragoEXx aztek7
alola everybody it's me sDragoEXx and yes i have a 3ds account i take friend requests (NoBlankRequests) i play pokemon favorite pokemon is garchomp and kommo-o i play splatoon,super smash bros *fight me!* im a dragon type tainer i play mario and sonic well thanks for listening bye m8 i follow everyone
IS★Sushi max100plus
What's up my homies! The name is Sushi! I'd also like to say how I'll miss this place, and many users made me laugh and feel good. Thank you all for being there. :) Hope y'all have a good Halloween and Thanksgiving. Also ZAYN MALIK SUCKS! Thank you •3• I'm surprised you're still here. You must like me. (OOOOOOH!)
Joshua HoobaJohnson
Hello people around the world can't wait to be friend with. I'm Single and I love make Rp and music and for music I'm an Artist Age: 20 Hair color: Black Eye color: Brown
Zach aLexrocks45
hey guys i am a fan of like cod gta 7 days to die and pc games and xbox srry no playstation and dating my cute girlfriend
Matt ToonLinkFan135
Hey guys. My name is Matt. Here's some stuff about me: Fav music: Rap, rock, and metal. Fav band: Green Day 2 most fav games: Minecraft & GTA Chinatown Wars Games that I think suck: GTA Advance, Vice City Stories, Kid Icarus Uprising, GTA 1 & 2, Just Dance games, Kid Icarus, & Smurfs Dance Party I'll ask Santa for a PC, Black Ops II, an Xbox One, & Fractured But Whole. That's it! Bye. :)
ovalson 0valeyes
Heather Pokegirl1220
Things about me: Fave game:Yo-kai watch Fleshy Souls and Pokemon Sun Age:10 BIG YU-GI-OH FAN!!!!!!
◆Air◆ 1Beach1Life
Hey, my real name is Aryn, Here are some things about me.. 1. I love to talk to Anyone! 2. I love DUBSTEP! 3 I love any shade of Blue! 4. I Love to go Rock Climbing! 5. I love the Beach and to SURF! 6. I'm also Dancer, tap is #1 Pointe is #2 7. I'm Single and 13! 8. I am super smart, and sweet! 9. I'm 5'7'' and a model! 10. I follow 4 follow! If I don't respond I will asap! Thanks! Bye!
AnimeZac kingzack2005
Hello World Of Miiverse , My Name Is Zack And Here Is A Little List About Me. Fav Show: The Loud House Fav Food: Pizza (Obviously) Fav Movie: Trolls Fav Sport: BaseBall Fav Games: Minecraft, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, And Super Mario Bros U Fav Age: 5 Fav Console: Nintendo Switch Fav Animals: Bunny , Puppies , And Kittens And Finally My Fav Game Character Is KIRBY! Thanks For your Support Guys!(^.^)!
Anberlun anberlun1
hi I am 15 years old and i am fun to talk to.
★Andrew★ AndyGames3D
I'm Andy! I am 13 I enjoy Gaming of course! Activity durring school year-Rarely play Top 3 BFFS •Seb •Madi •Tyler Online Dating: Not Taken •Leader of NLK •Member of NLM •Member of EL •Co-co Elder of AC I play mostly Acnl Dream Address: 5C00-0034-98A8 Started Miiverse 8/3/13 ————— Im shooting for 350 followers!
wolfgirl dance110144
am reanna this is mine 3ds xl profile i have a 3ds and wiiu profile to miivers family thomas bye paw 5s little about me love music love video games love to sing dance and cook favorite animal is wolfs am 17 am very nice am shy birthday 7/9
Jackie jaiwinchester
Aiden AJR2006
Ok. Hi, I'm Aiden, or AJ. An enthusiastic boy who loves video games. I try to be as funny as I can on the Internet and even in real life. Thanks for 500+ followers! My goal is 600 followers. When I get 600 followers, now I haven't done this in awhile, i'll do dares. Ok, have fun reading my posts. Also, I do yeahbomb, just wanna get that outta the way...Bye!
Yonna Yonna13
I'm Yonna. I like smash bros, mario kart, and pokemon. My favorite characters in smash bros are Peach, Ike, Palutena, Kirby, Pikachu, Sonic, Robin, Zelda, Marth, and my own mii character. I love video games. I got a Xbox one and I play Minecraft.
joseph sammydog3610
hi my names joseph i play minecraft super smash bros splatoon and mario i am not shy and i like undertale of course Hello nieghbor dont be afraid to follow me because im mostly a punny guy i will tell you im in 5th grade and im 10 years old
mc☆alex♪ alexbeck85
yo names alex fav games: fnaf pkmn shuffle/ rumble world, any lego games and many more to come clan: EG = the best clan bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! p.s i do follow 4 follow
Noah helloguyz8
Hi!If You follow me I will follow you.If you want to know what team orange is than comment and ask me what is it about on one of my posts!
♪Kenzie♪ Roseythecat66
Hey it's Kenzie i'm a Meme XD and a Artist that loves doing my talent, i love Doing Youtube,and watching anime Favorite anime is: Death Note Soul Eater Attack on titan Toyko Goul Paryste and more.. Realtionship: Dating Also Check out SZ★Chris Hes my boyfriend,but his Art is Amazing!!! ♥♥Hope you all like my art♥♥
Donnie 1a2c3b4u
i follow people and yeah peoples posts
Hai! ;3 Frozenlover
Feel free to chat with me! Does Follow and yeah backs! Also my favorite games are Professor Layton, Fire Emblem, and Splatoon.
Tyrell.R 1Tyrell
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Neo★James jdarulerjr
hey guys my name is james my favorite game is smash bros and i like mario kart 8 and im in the Neo age clan and make sure to follow mark
nichole nanilopez123
Hi its Nallelie and im 13 born sep 8 2003 i have 2 bros one is my twin so his 13 also my other bro is 17 my fav color is red pink blue white purple i take mma shout out 2 james hunter and j.p i take mma and karate i love making new friend i love to sing run swim and i wiiuchat sometimes...BYE.... im not joking BYEEEE...LOL ♡♡♡♡♡♥♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♥
Landon kschmidt33
▲▲▲Prue SameAsPrue
I'm a realy nice person so if ya need to talk I'll talk to ya My (O.C is Prue Halliwell age 14 I'm a witch with good magic) I save ppl for a living I have a mystery solving club called Team Olympus we save ppl solve mysteries I love scooby-doo they inspired me to make my group WWE Sasha banks is my sis and inspiration to be a diva I have DCUO if ya wana know anything ask on my QnA post
I love to talk and sometimes weird things if you like to talk about weird things or regular thing...
I love to talk and sometimes weird things if you like to talk about weird things or regular things friend me and I don't mind very personal questions.
Hello I like Mario. I play Super Mario Maker and Smash Brothers and I'm a youtube fanatic. Thank you for stoppin by! I don't wii u chat just messages please.
Please follow ,Alyssa,Kebo™, SOPHIE§,and GhøstFrog.