Melody's Followers
yolo dude biggie080806
hi every one my names yolo dude i will miss u all thanks 4 the fun times
gerninja Daehlia
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Emani Claudeen2007
9 years old has three siblings favorite color:purple loves chocolate watches youtube alot loves to read and write has the game called animal crossing new leaf i'm a 3ds gamer i'm about be a 4th grader this school year. real name:Emani. follow HelloKittyLeilan follow Manns2011 also plz Plays Roblox Speaks spanish a little THAT IS ALL THE STUFF ABOUT ME.
kenzie j Kenzie030308
I love you all!!!!!! oh i was talking to the games. Ok go now go stalker go ok go ok here we go ok your here now want to Be friends kenzie ok ok
Lindsay LindsayAmy
*Im sunshine with a little rain but thats what makes rainbows* Lol Im just a girl that likes to Dream big! and i love drawing amazing pictures!! C: i LOVE ALL things Kirby, Zelda, Fantasy Life, and Animal Crossing!!!! C: please Follow me if you would like!!! C:
†Savannah† Ravio387
This is Midna387's second account, mainly used for RPs. Current RP: --- #ProtectLinkSquad
AyliN Aylin.160744
Hola mellamo Aylin Gómez
EJ MiniActor
Hiya! My name is Eliza Jo;but you can call me EJ, A part of»—†Яς—>, Midnight Clan & SU2H! NOTE: School has begun, I won't be online as often. I'm 12 and love Musical Theatre and sushi! I'm loving all of Selena Gomez's songs right now.......Power by Little Mix...That sorta thing. WOW! Thanks for 675+ followers! We're so close to 685! Miiverse is ending, so I'mma go get myself banned, BYE!
Byron1330™ byron13330
Hola Mis Amigos Me llamo ♥Byron♥ Soy de chile vivo en valparaiso No asepto Wii U Chat Soy muy feo O talves no :V Tengo 14 Años Mi juego favorito es ♥ Mario Kart 8 ♥ Mis mejores amigas: Son Barby, Jochi , Jazmin, Anv ★Amigos: Yamemazu, Kurisuto ★ Agregame y quisas puedas ser algunos de mis amigos Favoritos ♥♥♥ Sigueme Y yo te Sigo ♥ Me Encanta El Chocolate ♥
★Rosαlinα★ kaylaskye
★Profile comment hidden by reckless Lumas. Ha, Joking! Greetings Fellow Starling! Anyway, I'm Rosalina, watcher of the cosmos. I live with my lumas on my Comet Observatory. They've been getting really reckless lately... -_-' "Hey! Stop That!" Ugh... I try my very best to protect the galaxy within my reach.I will with the help of my lumas and you all! Welp, they're breaking things again, see ya! :D
Infi tankiefrankie4
Well all I have to say is I was only on miiverse for a year and this goes out to all of my followers and my freinds i love you guys more than i love Nintendo but if i could get to tell you anything its im always here in your hearts and i will always be and this is Owen Tank Wilkins and i will return someday on a different social media Goodbye until nextime!
ben ilikepie08
hi I post stuff at random times I am a huge fire emblem and final fantasy fan. I am a vocaloid fan ( Hatsune miku is my most favorite one) I play ( smash 4,hatsunemiku,Terraria and fire emblem and more) I do it for fun follow me and i will follow you
My name is Afro Activist and my job is to change peoples lives in a positive way.Im an Activist And Revolutionary who hungers for truth,peace,and wisdom. WARNING:IF YOU HATE THE TRUTH,AND WISDOM BEWARE OF MY COMINGS...SERIOUSLY.I enjoy Political And Christian Hip hop Rap along with drawing manga.
Zach……………… noswal1990
hello i been gaming since the nes/SNES era, enjoy my post and have a good time.
Owen Cannoncool234
Hello my name is Owen. My nickname is Cannoncool234. I got it when I was making an account on Quizlet for school, and there was a penguin commercial on TV. I hit generate random account name, and that's what it came up with. I love to draw and play video games. I love anime and manga, and I like to draw it. Check out Angel, Daniel EDC, and Yugibro!
Nick xnickx1212x
i like smash bros, zelda series, fire emblem, most r p g's,a few mario series, donkey kong country and the older Metroid games i go for 100 percent completion in most games but dont worry about ''perfect'' save files in r p g's
Elisenda elisendaguapa
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queenazane queenazaneet
Hi yall I like to make new friends !!
Matyshadow MatypkmN
I'm Matilde, I'm14 Favourite games: Sonic,zelda,spltn,pkm –I'm a gothic/dark girl ♥a lot of people draw shatilde, thanks♥ ∞♥♥♥I always loved you♥♥♥∞ ♥Shadow is always mine♥ ∞♥Laura, Miry and Val Love you!!♥∞ ♥Sis forever:↓ ♥Ape¥Laura ♥Miry ♥Z★Ska ♥Val☆Lucani ♥Camilla ♥Sugαг-chαη bff ♥Shadow is my life♥ ♥Shatilde♥ ♥Daetal♥ I can't go often on Miiverse for the moment sorry Matyshadow
Fineas7 antoineg7
Hey guys my name is Fineas this is my second profile if you want to know my first one search on 'search uses': netgear735 I love playing Mario and Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, my favourite character is Blaze please comment or smash that ''yeah' button on my posts please follow or friend request me Hope you like my profile and play journal p.s. my first profile has more posts thanks - bye
abba Gangusron
Joseph Amiibo_Man91
I live in Thunder Bay, Canada. I'm 26 and live at home with my mother. I enjoy the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies and T.V. shows as well the the Arrowverse shows (DC). My favourite video game series are The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario, Metroid, Kirby, Super Smash Bros., Earthbound, Assassin's Creed, Bayonetta and Mega Man, Follow me! I have a Switch too, so I won't be on here too frequently.
Si SOpurple123
This user's profile comment is private.
Tiffany Princesspuppy16
Hi I'm Tiffany here are some things about me I love Fashion, Beauty, Art , Adventure, Video games, Animals, and alot more Favorite Games: Style Saavy, Super Smash Bros., Pokemon and Animal Crossing New Leaf.
Joker Zajoker
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«US»_ςqυιd dawnmstevens
Cherry Notsogreat1023
Welp, you found me... anyways, welcome! I'm usually a pretty cool guy but just don't bother with Wii U chat. I like Fighting, Platformers and other stuff I'm too lazy too list, send me a friend request if you'd like
мооиıiğħł♪ peppermintsquirt
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★αηġεια☆:P pie_girl_01
My time on Miiverse has truly been wonderful. You have yourself a good day, you son of a gun you :^)
MegaMewtoY Maxwell71
Hello Miverse today I'm paying my respects to miiverse because its closing very soon;( #Wetried #Wefailed #R.I.Pmiiverse
DioX2015 MiivershionFun01
WHATCHA Touch me face? NAME Dan GAME Minecraft! :O FAME Yep! ABOUT ME I ...... uh ...... Dance a lot! And i game a lot! Usually I have a 2nd account Name: Dan NNID: SSMysticSS I am the Leader of the Genocide Clan. List: 700 Followers ERROR: If your happy and you know it scroll below!
PIZZA![SG] PizzaIsUgly99
I am PizzaIsUgly99 or just call me Pizza or King Shy-Guy i play Splatoon, minecraft, mario kart 8, Super mario maker, super smash bros, super mario 3D world, Terraira, Pokkèn tournament, follow me and i'll follow you back and sent me a friend thing i play splatoon & minecraft & terraira & Pokkèn tournament ALOT!! and thats it SOOOOO MKAY BYE!
Hi5 KingJF2006
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なっちゃんシャドウ LOUP-GAL0816
好きなもの→ 1、ゼルダ 2、BTS(テテペン) 3、スプラトゥーン 4、SIMPLE PLAN 5、ソニック サブ好きなもの→ 犬夜叉 怪盗ジョーカー 暁のヨナ リボーン ソニックではシャドウが一番好きです。 ゼルダではブレワイが一番好きです。あと、ライネルさんも。 スプラトゥーンではいろいろ使っています。 最近、ソニックワールドアドベンチャーの昼のエッグマンランドですごく疲れました。 ゼルダのスカウォでは、3回目の黒いウニョウニョ(封印されし者)を倒すところです。 コワイ・・・ バンタンでは、BOY IN LOV、Save Meにハマってます。 ブレワイでは、大体忍びスーツと蛮族の服着てます。 3DSでは、greenです。
Snowwill snowwillers
salut tout le monde add moi pour plus dinfo
Sonic XsonichedgehogX
I'm sonic, sonic the hedgehog. if you want to play super smash bros with me, just give me a friend request and we'll play
Join the resistance 2017