Christian☆'s Post

New SUPER LUIGI U Community


3 hours ago

Hey guys, it's me. Looks like Miiverse is about to close. Sad to say, but this is my final post. As much as I want to stay till the final minute, I can't. I got school tomorrow. I just want to say,...

New Super Luigi U Community


8 hours ago

Before Miiverse ends, I got a question for everybody. What is your favorite video game franchise? Mine is the TimeSplitters series, you probably never heard of it. It's been more than a decade sinc...

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8 hours ago

Oh. Sorry, I'm kinda stupid when it comes to franchises' and companies. I get them mixed up a lot.

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

Only 24 hours left, and Miiverse will be closed....

New Super Luigi U Community


2 days ago

You know, I just realized something now. Miiverse ends in a few days, yet it's the same day Sonic Forces come out. I'm definitely getting that game. It's gonna be lit, I tell you. I can't wait to p...

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2 days ago

Like I said, Sonic forces Miiverse to shut down

New Super Luigi U Community


2 days ago

I can't believe it. Just a few more day, and Miiverse is officially closed. Come on everybody, stay, stay till the very end!

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2 days ago

"Just a few more day" You's grammer is fantisticaloy.

New Super Luigi U Community


3 days ago

"What are you waiting for?!?! Shoot!" "Don't talk to me like a rookie!" "I'm telling you, shoot! "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!"

New Super Luigi U Community


11/02/2017 6:14 PM

♪Here's too you, Miiverse. Rest forever here in our hearts. The last and final moment is yours. That agony is you triumph.♪

New Super Luigi U Community


10/31/2017 8:52 PM

Since it's Halloween, why not we go to the pumpkin patch to see The Great Pumpkin? On Halloween night, The Great Pumpkin rises out of the pumpkin patch, and flies through the air with a bag of toys...

New Super Luigi U Community


10/30/2017 8:35 PM

One more week, come on, let's make this last, you guys.

New Super Luigi U Community


10/24/2017 8:00 PM

Recently, I got Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, because I heard it's free with PS Plus till early November. So far, it's really good, I already love it. I'm not gonna lie, the graphics are am...

New Super Luigi U Community


10/18/2017 5:10 PM

As you all know, Miiverse is ending on November 7th or 8th. What I've been doing is sending a bunch of posts and drawings to my G mail as much as I can as memories so I won't forget this. You know,...

New Super Luigi U Community


10/11/2017 10:15 PM

I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda. -Big Smoke GTA San Andreas

New Super Luigi U Community


10/06/2017 9:15 PM

I've been hearing people talk about a Melee HD and Mother 3 for 3 or 4 years now. They never shut up, won't they? I mean, why do they talk about it a lot? I don't think a Melee HD will ever be made...

New Super Luigi U Community


10/03/2017 9:27 PM

I got Destiny 2 recently! It's so awesome! The graphics are amazing! My favorite thing about it is that you can bring your character from the first to the second.

Play Journal Entries Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U


09/28/2017 8:40 PM

Corrizard! Don't mind me, just shipping these two is all.

Discussions Pokkén Tournament Community


09/25/2017 5:06 PM

Open Closed

Pokken Tournament DX

I don't have a Nintendo Switch yet, but when I do, I am definitely getting that version. But I got a question, if there's anyone who has that version, what does DX...

Play Journal Entries The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD


09/05/2017 3:54 PM

Oh yeah! Just got this game! Let's get it on!

Play Journal Entries Bayonetta 2


09/03/2017 12:15 AM

I ♥ you Bayonetta!

New Super Luigi U Community


08/31/2017 2:32 PM

"I want every single unit after the guy." "Everyone?" "EVERYONE!!!" *chuckles* Heard that in a game once!

New Super Luigi U Community


08/30/2017 11:12 AM

Hey there, I heard that Miiverse is coming to an end on November 7th or 8th. I'm not really sad or anything, maybe a little, but overall I'm okay with it. I don't really have many things to post ab...

Play Journal Entries Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U


08/13/2017 6:10 PM

Got a Bayonetta Amiibo today at Best Buy! I just finished leveling her up. Just like my other Amiibos, once they reach 50, it's kinda impossible to win.

New Super Luigi U Community


08/04/2017 12:43 PM

Question: Should Sonic 06 get remastered?