louis's Followers
mimi demon demon980
lili Lidia321
#RYDERDOG# Ryman74
hello my friends like a shooting star in the spot light im Ryder sills with my bey sharpedo thats right!!!!
Fernafloo Fernafloo.i
XAVI xavi032008
Dad Titans_GO
Dad/Son/Daughter G4L (gamers4life) We Love: Mario, PocketMonsters, Zelda, Megaman, Final Fantasy, and much more... what about you? Lets talk games =)
ID 005 internetdog005
hi my real name is delila and here is where you can fine my posts. so feel free to like things and if you dont then you just waisted your time reading this.
Arραη .ıl★ Arpanshahi
Hi my name Arραη.ıl Welcome to Miiverse! now we have glitch news all!!! from MarioKart7! i will play MarioKart7! ;) .·• .·•·.·•·.·•#savemiiverse•·.·•·.·•·. •·. (•ω•) (•ω•) (•ω•) •) (•ω•)) ((•ω•) (• (•ω•) (•ω•(•ω•) (•ω•) (•ω•)
lindsay xavier112008
hi! i love pokemon and five nights at freddys.
eduar 12345eduar
hola soi esperto en miubers y tambien soy en cargado y lider de miunivers bueno en tonses preguntenme lo que sea lose todo y mis yutubers faboritos son vegeta777 eliotdt luzu games wilires y epsilon games
thegrefg thegrefg4.000l4l
Elen elemar2007
★~ногιιιι~★ qε ςоу мυγ сцгςΐ? ρμες ςαι δει ρεгƒΐ ☆hola unicornio soy Elena pero me llaman ele y mar [por mi hermana meri ]☆ ♥εδαδ♡ εηζяε υπ мιггоπ ▲αмιτα▼ ζεπτσ мμςноς ¿ме ςιτυες? ρυες ζε ςιτσ #i ♥unicornorns ☆мι нιςτσгια☆ si le dais a seguir? ρυes νυειαπ αςτα πιινεгς ςе forman seguidores ( ^ - ) si me sigues, tendras que seguir a mi queridisima catie! i ♥ you guapa!!!
may maydaybaby
»–GameBoi→ mahddy
Hello I am Mahddy and I am a pro gamer (Mostly at 3DS games).I am 10–13 years old and i’m a big fan of Mario and Link. I live in Ohio. I own 3DS and Wii U, I just didn't set up my Nintendo network on Wii U, also I have 42 amiibos, I know it sounds crazy but trust me on this. Please enjoy my posts!
Abita maguiechihuahua
Cosas sobre mi : comida fav:pizza juegos que tengo: ,maio kart 8 mario bros five nights at fredys mis cantantes fav:sia,ariana.g lenay, ozuna<3 Edad:11 años youtubers fav:Mikecrack <3 juega german , lele manucraft, tinenQa lyna asepto wii u chat sigueme y te sigo ♥♥mi mejor amiga es por siempre y para siempre ángel es muy buena persona amiga ⃃ #no quiten miiverse bye osit(@)s♥
doodlekity JoshiF
i like cats animals cats art cats my favorite animal is a panda i also like books and music i play the piano
Ally ;P carloscorral85
hi i am ariana can i draw no what can you do be lazy and play video games for SIX hours what do you what to be when you are older a photographer do you have something to say about the closeing of miivers yes i think that is very dumb to close it cuz many people love and have so much fun on it and you get to see what other people are doing with ther lives [wii u]
cedric ced57950
This user's profile comment is private.
}KS♂Emile{ EGT_Gaming
Welcome To My Profile! About Me: ~ Splatoon 2 is my fav game ~ Current Main Clan: }SSR{ ~ Best Friends: Chris, Sesome, Nathan, Mikayla, Jeydan, Xetris, WFM ~ Splatoon 2 Stats: Level: 43 Rainmaker: S+ Splat Zones: S+ Tower Control: S+ Mains: Hero Charger Replica / Jet Squelcher / Hero Shot Replica Well, thats it! Cya! :D
KarlGamer★ bagorce
Hola!!!! Soy KarlGamer★ Y estos seran vuestros apodos: Karl Azul: Yo!★ Karl Amarillo: Mis amigos!!♥ Karl Verde: Todos mis seguidores!● Karl Marrón: Todos los que no me siguen!!■ Ya somos mas de 150 Karl!!??√ Que rápido!→ Muchisimas Gracias!!♥ Y ahora.. Llegaremos a 200 Karls!!?? Seguro que gracias a vosotros SÍ Gracias!♥ Hello!! My name is KarlGamer!! Thanks Karls!!! :') 0.O
ひなっピー mamo1028
ρς★ρR John familyforce10
♪It's hard to, walk away from the best of days. But if it has to end, I'm glad that you have been my friend in the time of our lives...♪
OtakuGirl Laurexiaaaaaaaaa
Hola soy Laura podeis reventar ese boton que dice +Seguir!!Me gusta Pokemon y soy gamer!!
[Ng] Tomás Araya1Rodriguez
Miren mi C0D€ está en las personas que sigo y ponedpones el vuestro en mis publicaciones! Empezad por abajo!
Tyler jykgmdtkd
Profile comment hidden by admin.
peebeegee peebeegee01
hello im super nice and i'm a cool, fun lovein peep. i love donkeykong,sonic,legand of zelda and more!!!i have 2 cats Leeroy and Qt-pi!I have a wiiu and a 3ds!so tap that friend request and be my friend i will accept it!100 friends is my goal!yay!!My bf is the herd! bye i said good bye you can go now bye for reals be friends with me will ya?I like you all:]
ragesdu ragesde
I LOVE drawing comics and pictures. I think it's kinda hard to draw on screen but I'm getting better each time! I also really really really really really really really really really really really really really really like anime.
saoirse rainbowsa
if you guys can see this:( im sorry that i cant post i WAS not avalailible to miiverse ask sierra what happend to me she knows and i am at washingtion gorgia by the time you can see this i love ya'll and hope you can have a nice day and i still play BOTW W/DLC by the time i am back from washington gorgia miiverse will be closed have a good time in miiverse bye
TerraGirl TerrariaQueen29
Hello, Age: unspecified Country: U.S. Race: Part German, Part Irish, Mainly American Name: Emily (My friend gave me the nickname EG so call me that if u like) Pets: None; my dog passed away :( Oher Stuff: Leader of a secret group of ppl. This is my second account. 5 of my real life friends have a crush on me. So ya byeeeeeeeeee.
ShadowWolf 32lovebird
hi im shad....and the leader of the RK clan boyfriend: KP (KawaiiPaws)#ShadPaws BFF: QueenDeath, John Adan,TFKZackS ,Dr.Carnage,Octogirl,RK★Cole and RK★Electro (plz follow all of them) Things i like: food, memes and puns
joe sonny.flick23
hi people
Saria♪ EnchantedMay
Hi, I'm May but I prefer to be called Saria♪I'm a big fan of Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time and currently playing Majora's Mask. Here are just a few of the amazing people I've met on Miiverse: Grαcie Cαт, Taylah, Didi, Cade, Carson, Young Link, Maria, Ruby, Sofia, ~αηηα~, the x king, JroVeins, Lochstar, Jer, Shawn, ♪Kat♪, Cat, Coco, Kira, Eve, Sonya, Emma. Please follow them! Goodbye everyone.
★Breanna★ bfryman17
The Fryman Family
Ava CaliPegaSister06
Siroбщий zezinho46
War.War never chances. Fala ai pessoal aqui é o Zezinho e como o miiverse vai acabar todo o mundo vai morrer acabou
Olivea thatkidd559
am nice
Jon nomis8812
ProfAwsome REBORN!!! "Do or do not, there is no try."- Master Yoda "Man is what he believes."-Anton Chekov I run the Smash Brotherhood Members Donny Isaac Byron Jr. I am a Christian, 14, and I'm a preacher, If you disagree with what I believe, talk to me about it I'm sure we could change that.
astrea Aamita101
Hi,I'm Fayestar's twin Astrea!I love,Stars!☆☆★★☆ drawing,music,sports[I'm a tom–boy]I love adventures and my twin,she already named everything I like to do on her profile. ☆My favorite colors are blue and yellow! ☆I'm 15! ☆I do self taught gymnastics. Anyways It's nice to meet you all!:)
ZoomxZe ZoomxZe
Zed gianlumorgan
LET'S BE FRIENDS!!!!! :-D I love playng: Mario kart 8 Mario maker Splatoon Minecraft Almost 400 followers and 80 friends THANKS! :-D GOODBYE
Lova Tendopal
Hi! Call me Lova or however you guys want to call me. I was born on April 9, 1997. So~... I am 20 years old. (^u^)¬ I like to play games. And I like to draw any kind of pictures. :) I enjoy listening to music and have somewhat know how play them... Ialsosingtoobutitwasalongtimeago. n'u'n UCOC: Paper and Shadow ________ |_~___~_| |____ _♭| |___3___| |________| ■■■■■ ■~■■~■ ■■ _)■■ ■■ _)■■ ■■■■■
DaddyWhite Whitepham
I can be a little friendly at times lol see ya
ADOQUE dogycate
ouvert a tous!!!<#0#> (enfin + au fan de zelda mais bon . . .) bonjour je m'apelle CORENTIN ma BD préféré est TINTIN mais sinon ma chaîne youtube préféré est TRACH ET PEWDIEPIE !!! (@0@) jeux préféré: ''THE LÉGENDE OF ZELDA'' twiliyte prinsess ET ZELDA BOTW ! (^-^) (et le CULTISIME,L'INDEMODABLE MAGORA'S MASQUE des à présent ! ) (*˛*) ET OUI JE SUIS TRISTEMENT AU COURANT POUR MIIVERSE ! [;_;]