Users Lίƒeßuιb Is Following
Bruno D. Brunodog125
WHATS UP EVERYBODY ITS YOUR AMIGO FOURTH WALL BREAKING DEMON like that pink horse and the ninja in red and time to draw and play videogames like a person and i can't do this with my friends or FAM.(booo) Harry wolf (Hello) Danielle not confusing with that girl from danny phantom (Your not dead?) and Casey (good to-)That guy with pointy hair.(...not gonna let that go hu?)nope. kita and my dog luna
PewdsWiiU TraitorKingSalad
This profile doesn't even matter anymore because Miiverse is dying. Well, time to make the Switch! Thanks so much for all the love and support over the years. Even if I wasn't the real deal, I still hope I entertained you all in any way. You guys are so fun, and nice, and awesome, and I wouldn't be here without you bros. Feel free to follow my work on YT @ Andres Loses Everything for more. bye-bye
Gio ObamasLastStand
See you guys later. G+: "OJ is OK" Twitt: "hardhat jones" (i would put the @, but it has some naughty language in it oops)
★~Yoshi~★ ThatCuteDinosaur
Here we are. The end. It’s been a fun two years. <3 Deviant = ThatCuteDinosaur T w i t r = DatCuteDinosaur please go there as quick as you can
ÐΞ☆ČČ☆vχ golferfun
Merry Cristmas! Hello, Welcome to my profile. 1. Please be nice to me and others on miiverse, Considering i don't want you banned. 2. I don't do Wii U chat. 3. I can't be on Wii U all the time, due to my life. 4. I plan to make Miiverse a better place, but i don't know where to start. 5. The Miiverse Redesign is PERFECT in every way possible. And a happy new year!
Azul NewAzulito
Meh nevermind Boy /16 years / Shiny Hunter / Love cloudy days! / Friendly! Have a nice day!!
nWoヒカリコ aokihikariko
たまにゲームのプレイ動画を撮影してUPしてます。 【好きなゲーム】 DARK SOULS2 SKYRIM DEAD ISLAND WWE2K18 SKULL GIRLS2nd ENCORE スプラトゥーン 海外アニメ番組「カートゥーンネットワーク」が 大好きです。 外人さんが描くイラスト、絵柄が大好きです。 マーヴルやDC等のアメコミも好きです。 【持ってる据え置き機】 PS4、Xbox ONE、Xbox360、PS、 PS2、PS3、セガサターン、ドリームキャスト、 北米版PS2、Wii-U、スーパーファミコン、 ファミコン、ディスクシステム、ネオジオX 上記ハードの中でも、特に洋ゲーソフトを 好んで遊んでます。 【スプラトゥーン所属TEAM】 M7
Bri BriProv
Chris LightwoodChris
I'm Chris from Lightwood Games, developer of Word Party for Wii U. We make word games. See also: Word Search By POWGI and Epic Word Search Collection! Word Puzzles by POWGI uses amiibo to create special puzzles!
Katherine Katherine-LWG
I'm Katherine from Lightwood Games. We make word puzzle games! * Word Puzzles by POWGI * Word Party * Epic Word Search Collection * Word Search by POWGI and more! :o) When I'm not making or playing games, I can usually be found knitting or playing with our 4 cats - Amy, Pixel, Sasha and Jack :o)
Retroid RetroidOfficial
Hi there! This is the official Retroid Interacive account, we are the creators of the Wii U game PictoParty.
Milo supermilobro
Oh man, I can't believe the end of Miiverse is already here. We've had a good run and its been great getting to meet you all. I hope to see you all again soon. Thank you all for the support and may God bless you!:)
WαιτDiςnεγ SegaDisney2.0
Hello fellow Miiverse user and welcome to my wonderful world! Obviously I'm a big Disney fan! You might also know me as ☆ςυρerRιτα I mostly draw Disney related posts and other random stuff on occasion. I hope to reach 700 follows again to avenge my permanently banned account before the end of Miiverse! Otherwise, TTFN, Ta-ta-for-now! "There is nothing funnier than the human animal."
Motion EternalMotion
Hiya! Thanks for your sudden interest in me. xD Nope, I'm not actually a girl. I'm just not into having a male avatar. But I am nice, and I enjoy having others around. ^ ^ So if you're interested in being friends, don't hesitate to add me! Good vibes to ya! ;3
CutterL CutterL
Hope to see you again in the future. CutterL, CutterL_, cutterl98, CutterL#6951 Hey, I try to draw here when I can, lots of videogame stuff. You can find my art other places as well. I'm a big fan of Nintendo. I've played their games my whole life and I really enjoy every bit of them. I'm a little crazy, and kinda shy, but feel free to talk to me.
Baby Katie mrroman83
Thanks everyone one for 100 followers! Its a dream come true! But I still may ask for more till Miiverse ends! HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone!
Aleks ArkadiaCASTLEROK
WARNING YOU ARE APPROACHING A FANGIRL please proceed with caution Hello random people. Welcome to my profile i'm christian, probably a little weird, socially awkward, I like drawing,BOOKS!!!,PJO/HoO pokemon,LoZ, Star Wars,The Hobbit/LotR,Marvel, Warriors, Wings of Fire, RWBY,Voltron,Doctor Who, Hamilton, ect. DA:AleksCastlerock
TamingSari hanifmazuki
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
メサ√™ wvwvwvwvwvwvwvw
ミーバース開始日2017年7月10日 連続コメントと関係無いコメントはやめてください。 動画出してます。(チャンネル名は教えません) 共感嫌な人は通知OFFまたは何も投稿しなければ大丈夫ですよ^^ Mii真似してる人めっちゃ増えてて草 ブロックした方々へブロック乙www
PVP_かみ kanabee-bros
みんなじこはんだんだよ ワールドきてください。 いっぱいフレンドができてほしいです あとフレンドをだいじにしたいとおもてます。 フォローしてくれた人は、おかえしします 住所は、ひみつ 名前もひみつ 好きなゲームは、マインクラフト フォローしてください フレンドぼしゅうしています。 あと、フォローは1000人しました 年例は、秘密 モットおしえてくださいマイクラの(WiiU)の 好きなことは、勉強、ゲーム 好きなのみものは、コーラ、ソーダ、ファンタ YOUTUBERーヒカルとフレです。 変更2017年11月28日
KRりっきー!です。 koikke0123
こんにちは! 「りっきー!です。」です! 前に投稿で軽く説明しましたが、 改めて説明します!\'∀'/ フレリクはどんどん送っていいですよ! 住所:秘密☆ (みんなも書いちゃ駄目 だよ!) 特技:ゲームとダンスと習字かな? ミバ友 募集中 誰かなりましょー 好きな物(事) (猫&犬!、ゲーム!(動森とか) 歌う事、ボカロ&ハニワ、ダンス!、習字!) などなどです!w こんな感じですが、 これからもよろしくお願いします! 出来れば、フォローやコメント よろしくお願いします!(二度目w) /'∀´/ヨロシク! お知らせ»やっと3DS返してくれた……皆さん僕は帰ってきたぞー!!!!
*** S.K_project-74
Bobalina ShadowKnuckles
BobalinaDaGhost's 3DS account! And I know proper grammar. end mii pls I LOST A ßET DON'T LOOK AT MEEEEEEEE
Carla Carla101101
Hi I'm not really that active, but I come on once in a while. i'M hOmO aNd i'M pRoUd
Mira Sailor_Venus_137
Konnichiwa! I'm Mira, the eldest of the Rabbit sisters and elite officer of the Global Resistance! Our goal is simple: Eliminate the Birds-of-Prey! Sisters: Bonbon & Carmen! ★ Father: Gaston! ▼ Husband: Snake! ♥ Expected Kids: ??? & ???! …
Chris NintendoChris
I'm Chris from Nintendo of Europe. I'll be hanging out here on Miiverse to keep you all posted on events and activities around the latest games! Sometimes I'll talk about old games too. I can't help myself…
sad kitty katiegwen
hi i'm MLG cat and i like gangster cats because i'm SWAG. i love MLG,memes and vines so much but my best vine person is king bach and i speak spanish,weles,french and a little bit of swedish anyways see ya my gangster crew
Cyclops LarzyDragon7
H-hello. I-iam Cyclops! So, umm.... This is my profile. I'm always free, if needed. I spend most of my time on Splatoon,and Minecraft. G- guess I cannot post links to o-other websites..... B-bye, I guess... ~Live on Miiverse; November 7 end?
Big-Red BigRedDraken
TMM freote03
Screw that admin who took down that All Star Post in the Youtube Community 2 months ago.
Isabelle ShihTzu_Isabelle
Hi! In New Leaf Town, It's 10:30 A.M., Would you like to get set up? Wonderful. please wait a moment... ... ...Hi! i'm Isabelle, Everybody's Favorite Shih Tzu Secretary! Hopefully i'm back for good this time... Relationships: Hubby: ♥Slider♥ Brother: ★Digby★ Kids: ☆Juan & Alyssa☆
Faith NiniBunny24
Hi everybody! As you know i'm Nini Bunny and please like my disscussion! I changed my proflie comment cause most of you guys know that miiverse is ending in November! I made this comment up because i wanna say goodbye to my friends,fans,people that i follow and EVERYBODY! This is a goodbye when miiverse is over! Check out all my posts and follow me! >3<
Sebastian sebastian3112
Hi! I'm Sebastian Morales! An gaming 11-year old kid! I love to play fast, action-games! I really love Splatoon, Mario Kart 8, and The Legend of Zelda! Anyway, game on, wommys!
CatGoddess RoseyChime
I like cats. Cats are everything. I also really like drawing and playing Nintendo games. That's basically why I'm here. Good day.
Arlo ArloStuff
Hey there, I'm Arlo. I make gaming and comedy videos on Youtube. I'm actually blue, but for some reason that's not an option for my mii.
tomomb Tomomb
Tom_omb thinks TWEETY bird is a cool Looney Tune. Tradersluck was D.A. ship Han Solo grew up on. Life Long Nintendo Fan Giant Bomb Duder Vancouver, BC Born in 1985 Video Games, yeah!
Emmy Jessiel2003
I'm a little Woomy. ^^ ♪ Don't be shy to drop a hi in the comments on my posts; I don't bite. :)
Yes, i'm accepting friend requests!
Today's the end of Miiverse, bye y'all!