Grace's Followers
βαbγ Ρεαсн superPeach02
ζαIυτατιση RσγαIε ά ζσυς ζε ζυις Iα ρετιτε ζœυπ dε Iα Ρгιηсεςςε Ρεαсħ dυ πσγαυмε Сħαмριgση!!!♥♪♡♭ Μση gεηгε: GENTILLE:★★★★★★ MÉCHANTE:☆☆☆☆☆☆(Qυε ζι ση мε снεгснε) INTELLIGENTE:★★★★★★ BELLE:☆☆☆☆ COOL:★★★★★ Mες ζαмις ζσητ: ßébé Нαπмσηιε ετ Lυмα,ßébé Dαιςγ,ßébé Lυιgι ετ ßébé Yσςħι!!!♥♪♭♡ +^.^ßébé Мαгισ моη αмоυгευх!!!♥♪♡♭<3~.•
•Sαηdга• Sxndrx7u7r
No suelo estar activa, solamente me conecto y subo dibujos cuando me apetece :)❤
Jolee love_horses1235
This user's profile comment is private.
MRKN]しんげつ exfox0803
悲報:難聴治ってなかった 無言フレリクやめろっちゅうに 鳥飼ってます。 もう少しで終わっちゃうよぉぉ←更新します [My name is SHINGETSU.] 皆様いつもありがとうございます*^^* 気になった人はたまに自分からフォローしにいきます [Thank you as always!] 所属クラン:ゆきゆき団ÿκ KG 得意な武器:チャージャー、プライム 無言フォローはokですが無言フレリクはやめてください。 ~ミバ家族~ 双子 モモ たま 兄 遼 ~特に神なフレ~皆神フレです^^ ~師匠~ スーパーおしりータ様 ~弟子~フラン、かずみ、霊夢、きなこ、レミリアs マナーが守れない、非常識な人は僕の永久ブロッコリーが飛んできます
めじろ KGB48pmw
--KITTIE-- kittie2017
hey people it's kittie here a.k.a Rosie im a cool person i love playing mario and drawing comics, stories, fanfics, etc. im a big fan of gorillaz my favorite characters are murdoc and 2D my favorite songs are clint eastwood, feel good inc, Dare, and saturnz barz. i got a black cat named kitana.....yes i got it from mortal kombat. but that's all ~u_u~
Blu Gerardo16
What's up Rockers of miiverse! My Name is Blu and im a Rocker Professional! I am singer! May the METAL and ROCK be with you brothers! I like music of Metal like this: Power Metal, Death Metal, Thrash Metal, Nu Metal, Alternative Metal, Heavy Metal, Black Metal, Metalcore and Rock.! Im a Friendly, Respectful and Honest \m/ In the world of darkness, Heavy Metal shines with its own light.
C-がつよくなってる Erika123budou
顔ポチありがとうございます。 コミュ障人間です。フォローしてくれると跳んで喜びます。そしてフォローしてくれた人にはフォロー返ししちゃいます。本っ当にたまーに投稿しています(最近浮上率高め)。こんなんでもいいよって人がいたらいいな。。。 壁|8・_・)ジー 特にプレイしているゲームは、Splatoon、マイクラ、絵心教室ぐらいですかね。。。でも、東方とかボカロとかとか・・・気軽に話せたら嬉しいですけど基本的に自分が敬語だからなぁ、、、○о σ(´∀`;)ハハハ... 苦手な人は逃げろー Ξ=-卍^o^)卍 ドゥルルル
Chaarusu Chaarusu0
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Julius J.C.H.414
Lino LinoYUN
"En ce bas monde, la seule chose qui nous appartient vraiment... C'est ce corps qu'on se forge chaque jour." Ken Kitano
^^Vαłiαńт∞ swwwweeerr
hello im Zεαk im a drummer.guitarist im a nice person so if you want to talk to me just comment on any post fav games fnaf cod mh4u im a nerd 0˘0 and im proud of it plz follow these amazing ppl ☆Nickyluv☆ Щ¹MARIO (join Щ its awsome) Becca and mason till next time cya
Splash Dedelettelle
Je n'aime pas les Wii U chat ! Mais ça n'empêche pas d'être amis avec ceux ou celles qui me veulent m'ajoutez à la liste d'amis ! Je suis quelqu'un qui n'aime pas quand les personnes sont agités et turbulants avec moi ! Je suis quelqu'un de super calme ! Soiyez très sympa avec moi ! Ne me faîtes pas de blague de m'appeler sur Wii U chat parce-que je n'aime pas du tout ! Je suis super timide !
Beto Prometeo52
Bienvenidos todos
Cαρ'ηßιακε dexsam369
Hey Everyone βιακε Here! I Am 27, I Love Video Games, And Most Sports. I Have 9 Dogs And A Job As A Programmer. I am Mostly Friendly Unless U Annoy Me And I Play Mainly Minecraft. Plz Only Play With Me If U Have Voice Chat As Well As Be At Least 10 Years Old. I Will Help U Build Something If U Want Me To. Well Thats All I Have To Say So... As Always Keep Calm And Game On! :D
Tомοκа ShinoTomoChen
#################################### _(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_bye || バイ #################################### ともかチェン//Tomoka-chen
Tawny GloomyBear94
Hello, my name is Tawny and I'm just a 22 year old gamer girl. I'm a huge Legend of Zelda and Pokemon fan!! But I love Nintendo in general! I grew up on it and it will always be my favorite! I also enjoy Anime, Music and Art! Feel free to follow and or add me as a friend :)
Izυмι#FM SAOYukki
Profile comment hidden by admin.
David gameman-nr.1
hello i'm David i speak english and dutch i'm 16 years old. i have a wife (Racle)♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥ i like drawing but i'm not very good at it. and i give every friend request a chance! no wii u chat follow:Ciara,sem,★☆junghee,josh,jolee,Eleanor J.,K48,Louise and racle! record on post 110 yeah's other stuff ↓
A Chicken meatycraft4eva
Alright Guys...this is it... MIIVERSE IS ENDING... It really was fun. Ya know, to make some friends and express myself on here, but its almost over now. (in like a month) I will be accepting every friend request now! So dont be shy! ...unless you're one of THOSE people...yeah, you know what i mean... Anyway, Bye guys, its been great!♥♡♥
Calista CalistaChocolat
Salut cher visiteur >w<! je suis Calista ^^!!! (Plus connue sous le nom de Calista-222 ^^) je sais surtout dessiner les mangas, les persos sonic, Undertale et BATIM ^w^! le dessin c'est la vie x3!!! I can also speak english :3
くろくん runa-princess32
Yowai vines245
Hey everyone I'm 17 and very active but i dont post to much because i dont want to get falsely banned and i follow people that follow me and lastly I DO DRAWING REQUESTS! so feel free to ask.
RomanoWiiU hdjdjfkhdg5
HELLOOO MY NAME IS angel, and I Am alb/ino |___\ \ \ __ \( [^]u[^]) < \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ | ) \ \__ / / \ \___| / / \ ______ ( ( \ / ____| | | \ / | / \ _/ | | |___| I'M A BAKA!
Dяαυεη× rdxrainjr623
●Sup People! Dяαυεη Here! Things about moi:●(400+ Awesome Followers)✓● ◆Fav Metal Group: Asking Alexandria◆ ◆Fav Song: Gone~Asking Alexandria◆ ■Goodbye Farewell Miiverse :'v (Online Since 2014)■ ♥@Oκα Яΰτσ: My Lovely GF♥ω♥~♡ ♡♥09/30/17♥♡ 1 Day
Madelyn peachymaddie
Hello! I'm Peachy er.... Maddie whichever you wanna call me, doesn't matter. Anyways, I'm an artist! I also enjoy Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and Touhou Project maybe too much... I will only accept friend requests from people I know personally.
Ekyna Lila452
Hi, thx for visiting my profile! ★ ☆I'm Ekyna & 15 years old. ☆I'm a Kpop Fangirl xD ☆G-Dragon ‹33 ☆EXO-L <33 ☆Huang Zitao <33 !Getcha Crayon and party till the sun down!
CHRIS deadpool7373
hey im chris and im 13 and im a huge monster hunter fan and i have monster hunter generation so anyonewho will be playing join me or else invite me;)
alfred diogu41560
Allison AlliCuoz
Hey, I'm Allison. I'm 20 and I do not Wii U Chat. I do not accept art requests. I reply to comments on newer posts. I speak English. Games I currently play: Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, Super Mario, Pikmin, Animal Crossing, Nintendo Land, Path of Exile, Neverwinter, KOTOR and Diablo 3. I read a lot of manga and I like to draw on Art Academy c:
Sam samsukell
Coucou ! j'espère que vous allez aimer mes messages sur inazuma , samurai defender , et autres je ne joue pas souvent mais j'essaierais d'être présent
まぐれ rennsyuu0924
\\\\\受験なんてしらん///// 眠いです。 サブ垢です。 ラクガキしか描きません。 ここには3日おきくらいにしか 来れないかもです。 主にイカゲーとお絵かきroomをやってます。 男の子が大好きです。 の、ため、描くのは大体男の子です。 \俺はホモじゃないです/ Splatoon ランク30云々 S~S+をさ迷ってます フレンドになってくれる方がいたらどこかにコメントください! フォローは返しますね^^*
Sofia SDC sofiacely
hikkian♪ hikkirocks1
♪we fight the blues♪ ♪kuyokuyo shitecha teki ga yorokobu♪ ♪otoko mo onna mo tafu ja nakya ne♪ ~utada hikaru~♥
Nin Neko ☆ jb3777
WeChen bladgirl618
superwilliam away
SHISON.びっと shison.9
はじめましてっ!! SHISONと申します はじめましてじゃないって人は、こんにちは- 東方プロジェクトが好きすぎてたまらない小6 です(キリッ ★主な活動・・・プレイ日記 お絵かき ピクミン風景写真 ★好きなキャラ(東方)・・・文、椛、チルノ、ルーミア、小悪魔 ★その中↑ の嫁キャラ・・・椛!!! コンプエースでは、"SHISON.びっと"の名前で東方のイラストを投稿しています!! (※"SHISON"が間違って"SHION"になっている事もしばしばあります...) 私の様に「東方を愛しているぞっ!」 と言う人はよろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m (※読み:SHISON→しそん) ミバ友・・・さえs ニャンコs love☆nioo s GOHAAPY シズs、るーちゃんs
мαгıςσι Queen-Lightning
Well, I don't know why you clicked on my profile thing, but alright! So yeah, I like to play on my keyboard, I guess im musically talented! and I not that good at drawing So have a wonderful day! ♪You are ocean's grey waves destined to seek life beyond the shore just out of reach. Yet the waters ever change, flowing like time. The path is your's to climb.♪ Man, I love that song!
Name: Grace
Age: 15
Hobbies: Drawing, watchin anime, video games, listen to music, and sleep.
Name: Grace
Age: 15
Hobbies: Drawing, watchin anime, video games, listen to music, and sleep.
Summary:I'm shy, but I love to chat if wanted, and I tend to be weird at times, sorry if i am, and I hope you have a nice day.