mr j's Friends
bay Bayleyyates01
サブ りょんりょん sinryom0710
どうも! りょんりょんのサブ サブりょんりょんで~す。 サブでも頑張ります! フォロー100%返します。 フレリクは接触の多い人だけに限ります。 所属チーム 革命 ごろ~んsのチーム ギリZEN 自分のチーム チームギリZEN 入隊者募集中! [入隊条件] 1.メダル4枚以上 2.神回避全自動を作れる 3.トラブルを起こさない 4.全自動が好き 以上の4つの条件を満たせる人が入隊できます。 ※詳しくは右上写真かプレイ日記で。
lil speedy rellybleedem115
M&M 4REAL! speedrush512
hello everyone!!! i love video games but SMM is the best GAME ever... 4 REAL... Anyway i am a really good Speedrunner i have lots of record in SMM... maybe you remember M&M512DEN4 also known as SPEEDRUN ROBBAN, and this is my new GUY M&M 4REAL! NO ONE CAN STOP US NOW, LET'S BUILD THE 2017-..18-..19-..20 AND FOREVER! GOOD LUCK THE WORLD!!!
Needle/セード Serd6250NT
針ゲーチーム【Needle】の隊長のセードです。入隊したい人は言って下さい 【Needle】隊員 ・まじんたい TAS ・スピラ♪A's エクサ ・きなこもちっ//// ・まさ ・Down ぽてーとー ・NYS∴Mr.BMY ・Needle/たなか(アーモンドたなか) ・☆えんたー☆ ・スピ+/D3/きろす 【所属チーム】 ・魔神隊 ・鬼畜マスターチーム ・放置隊 ・ぽてと隊(特別枠) 【お知らせ】 マリメやるのを土日だけにします。理由は勉強するからです。
Pablo bobalings9
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Soldier Coolskeleton956
I'm an engineer. I build sentries, dispensers and teleporters
Heaven Gocobachi
Snoop dogg Panda_Panda_1006
hi im panda feel free to Wii U chat with me also i have a family and i love yoshis
luis189 tonyalejo
hola miiverse yo disfrutare mucho de ti y estare jugando cada dia y cada rato del dia, y si te gusto mucho miiverse ve ha anuncios de miiverse si ves una estrella por arriba ves una estrella sin fondo si la tocas la estrella sin fondo se le hara un fondo y cuando te va la pagina de usuario ves en comunidades favoritas y ves miiverse en comunidades favoritas
Thomy Thomasdufeux
Bonjour, moi j aime bien jouer a mario maker ou splaton j ai une amoureuse mes elle est pas amoureuse de moi je suis gentil j aimerais avoir des amis sur la WII u mes j en ai un anglais je connais beaucoup l anglais je suis tres fort merci d avoir lu n esiter pas a me maitre en ami(s) voila setou
neyo tash_leshae
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RazorRahim RazorRahim
I like to make uniquely hard Super Mario Maker levels. If a challenge is what you seek, you found the right maker!
Spartak biryukov.spartak
Salut, my name is Spartak. I speak Russian but I speak English too! I have Super Mario Maker. I have a lot of medals in Super Mario Maker and I have a lot of friends here. Let's be friends guys! (^o^) I like Minecraft but I don't have Minecraft :-( but, i'm happy anyway! (^o^)
Marat marat.biryukov
Welcome to my page! Here is good. Yep. So... Umm... That's it.
uxdddddddd barhoom7
$$$$$$$$$$$<$$, ?????????$$$$$$$$$
cuphead Clowncatfish
hi i am a fan to wii u an i hope i have a fun life with the wii u company my mii is bowser jr i have the games super smash bros. an super mario makir an super mario bros. u + super luigi u i hope iL mete new friends in wii u i 1 of tham is omar i olso hav the amiibos mario bowser kiby R.O.B mr game an watch an duck hunt and toad my sistums are only DS i my birthday is aprol 13th i olso bie miis
SlipStream AE4WiiU
Hi. The name is SlipStream or Eric if you like. 18 yo. MK8 racer and SMM level creator. ~Facts~ •Achieved MAX VR as Mario on 18-10-17. Track was Mount Wario. 245WW. •44K stars and over 22K different WRs "2nd in the world" in SMM. •Taken by the most beautiful woman ♥Joanna♥ •I love to play basketball and just chill with everyone. •Extremely friendly. Always willing to chat. •DC - SlipStream#7767
fed ex foltrol
Jeffy Zz_Toad_zZ
ö(BO$$)ö nickolas1111
Lets all be friends. :-) :-)
ともだち×フレンズ igvrgk
フォローしたら絶対返す! 命かけます!これからも何卒ごひいきに♪ 最近太鼓の達人にはまってます。七段(一応) 好きなアニメ・・・けものフレンズ←神アニメ じゃあ好きな漫画は?・・・七つの大罪←最近見て面白っ!!ってなったww 短い期間ですがよろです。♪~^^ ちなみに中学3年生15歳学生です。野獣ネタ面白いし好きw フォローワー100人ありがとです♭
jr ★ jrissocool
Sup!! i am jr as u know i am in 8th grade and now i can be on again if you want to follow me and friend req me u can also yeah my photoes se ya
Kutie Pie ShawnzieJuice
Music in your mouth
Zach Nerd456-Hi
ian kiara0851
M&M512DEN4 SpeedrunRobban
Hey my name is Robert and i love hockey and my team is colorado avalanche. Like to play some poker some times. And i have a speedrun records on rayman legends. Everybody call me SPEEDRUN ROBBAN today...
Walter WalterTurner
Sup.....Ayye u should ADD me!!!......Lets be friends;)
kaisersoze kaiser_soze242
que pex :v
shereese shereese
Kodester familyrus
CN.JingIun jinyongde
jared jared4500
kris kris234
DIE GOLOW paniponi1
マリオオデッセイ これは中々一筋縄では行かないゲームだ、と
jgioigjo Ricarduy
me fascina clash royale tengo 2 cuentas soy arena 5 en la otra arena 6 subi un dia a la 7 pero baje mucho nunca he tenido una carta legendaria soy nvl 6 en la otra nvl 8 soy genial amo el rap la paso bien soy un extremo capeador muy rata y mucho mas que eso soy rata dash vicio he llegado a ganarme buenos cofres y he mejorado me he pasadolo donando 1.936 veces del logro de donar 2.500 nvl 8 sbirros
John olemissrebels12
I like just about anything Nintendo. I play mostly old school games on my retron 5 and N64.
zenbot ZenBotOne
damien enderman1860
im getting yoshi's wooly world on november 6th
Russell russellwilson001
KwakuZuLu KwakuZuLu
Nathan nathan-hatton
Hi Legend of Zelda is the best No clans im in (on this account) In my other account im in the GLƒ clan #GLƒ is the best other account name GLƒ★ηατнαη to proof im not trolling
paradox paradoxical999
My connection will be euthanised 8 hours before the official closure. We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when...
BD Orpiment42
JawBreaker Icrushualot
Tyrex Tylano64
Super Mario Maker : The best mario game! A level is too hard in 100 Mario Challenge ?? Then SKIP this course rather than raging on the creator!
hombre bajabah
Kyle★ kylerules02
my name is kyle i am 14 years old and i like mario games
じゅんや k.o-gyakuni-ok
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juanito JuanitoAmore
riley sheismith3396
hhvrtkdétó ettttr
(hi show's wow is old)my nickname is noah im 10 years old and the thing i hate is wiiu chat i'll follow and friend back (sometimes...) and i do not know that i want terraria people in my worlds... i don't want miiverse to end :-( (and sorry that my b-day says 01/01 its 04/03) stay awesome people.
Q Nintendexter
Takumi matsumototakumi
スーパーマリオメーカーでコースを投稿しています。 アップデートでクリア出来なくなる、又は仕掛けが動作しなくなる場合は予告無くコースを消す場合があるのでご留意ください。 フォローに関しては違反投稿がある場合もしくは疑わしい場合は返さない事もあるので注意してください。 現在、音ゲーのmaimaiがマイブームでエキスパート10までをクリア出来る程度の腕前になりました。 頑張ってマスター譜面をクリア出来る腕前になりたいです。 I'm a course making in SUPER MARIO MAKER. Turns delete the course if problem occurs. Please understand.
ben appleseedXII
g&k zozo alfredz
hey how are you? I'm fine!!!!!! ^_^ *_* $_$ yo!!!!! merci patrice et coucou g&k blanche MERCI: PATRICE,HARUA,SIDJY,SCANGE,Tchad,KIKI,CBchampion,TYREX,THIERRY♡CAROLE,COYOTE♥CHEYENE,TT★BOY★PRO,Roi jemes,lolotte,KEVIN,CYRIL,DARK GOKU,PIERRE,mr.j,heidimario!!ect..
reyrey reyrey09
i love mario 3D world
pupcake peachy78
Abel ostrander7
Travis te11ta1eheart
Artist/Musician/Gamer & Father I am in my 30's & been playing music for over 20 years & play guitar,drums & piano.I also have been playing games since the Atari 2600. I also LOVE JRPG/RPGs the most & Grew up w/Nintendo I am a HUGE DC Comics fan! Favorite game series-The Legend Of Zelda,Metroid,Super Mario Bros,Final Fantasy & Dragon Warrior/Quest, Fire Emblem, Persona, Xenoblade
CheezSauce Wiidhead
Fafnir FafnirFang
Alex Farmwise
Casual Gamer, Music Enthusiast & Movie Fanatic! Looking for great Games, Movies & Music; so let me know! Wii games I play online: Mariomaker, Goldeneye & Mariokart. I DO NOT use **Wii U Chat** Gaming since the original Nintendo System. For all you disrespectful online players "Profanity is the weapon of the witless."
Cooper abcccprice
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Dad bootbvicious
i play video games