tatiy's Followers
bella Stryker987654
hi u guys its sophia here! if you will sent me a request or u followed me I would do the the same. If you to want to play ssb (Super Smash Bros.) I'll be happy to play you guys. Make sure u give me a ''YEAH'' on my recents!! LOVE Y'ALL XOXO ~ Sophia :-> Btw I had this WII U for a few years and im on it 24/7. Im also 14 yeas old. Im just updating my status u know.
Gec_はげちゃん! yupirokun
はーいよろしくです 主の持ち武器は3Kカスタムノーマルカーロラシャプマ96凸位ですかね 元カンスト努最近もあがってきた よろしく 後フォローは100%返す フォローよろしく ハゲイケメンだよね!ね!
E CabinFever22
Hi! I love to dance, im 12 years old and i owwn just dance 2017! very fun
G&K★Manon★ GeekGirl2.0
Salut, j'ai 14 ans. J'ai des yeux bleus, je suis mince et très sportive. Grosse dédicace à BGleHumble: T'es le meilleur.★★★ Je suis une fille du genre: -Gentille ♥♥♥♥♥ -Méchante ♡♡♡♡♡ -Généreuse ♥♥♥♥♥ -Timide ♥♥♥♥♡ -Aimable ♥♥♥♥♥ -Triste ♡♡♡♡♡ -Passionnée de dessin ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ It's my passion! Thank you so much for 650 suscribers! Follow me and I follow you. Good bye everyone!
lexy lexybrooke12
hi im lexy brooke
GARY.efc gaz.EFC
I would like to thank everyone on miiveres Big shoutout to..... Rileytron w, Daft banana kong, noah, glen, oscar, The boss, myy100, bruhhhhhh, daver7, david ,super kev and everyone else. If you still want to keep in touch gamefaque.. GARY.efc 01 Closedverers.. GARY. efc at the moment its called https://closed. pizza/why. My light SWITCH has a no on it. sw-3493- 4144- 3526 Thanks everyone .
Kal ★★★ kaldrum1
I'm probably playing Breath of the Wild right now. I might play an occasional Mario Kart 8 round or 2 or I might be playing Mario Maker... But I'm probably playing Zelda. I've 100% Breath of the Wild (not on master mode YET, luckily). I'm a horrible person, if you can even call me one. I've gotten three stars on every cup in Mario Kart 8. I've also gotten everything except 7 medals in SMM. Bye.
Roman LadyLeo82
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[SK]ほうねこ yasuoyasuoyasuoy
どもー。[SK]チームの隊長の[SK]ほうねこ えむです。 す き な ゲ ー ム は、 スプラトゥーンです。 ゲ ー ム 楽 の し い 。 フレンド募集中でーす。 好きな曲は、恋愛フィロンフィア。みんなも聞いてみてねー。(^∀^) 夏は、ポケ●ン ポケ●トモ●スター きみにきめた
[SKS]αΔβα◎ aoba.0528
自己紹介 普通の中学生 マイクラでは中学生以上のフレ募集 鉱石Pvpを中心に活動 フォロー1000人御礼 1500人頼む スプラはたまにする。 空白氏と フレンド様たちには感謝 空白氏 SKS有難う。 部員頑張るぞ>>^<)) フォローしてね フォローしてね フォローしてね 最後にほらせめていわせて 『フォローしてね』!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ※観覧中の注意.キッズじゃないです
ρδωεг★πг Super7seven
Greetings I am πг If you want to play a game of MK7 With me ask Well here explore this Meaningless Void called my profile ι ωιιι ωιπ
Laura B laurabaron
hola me llamo Laura JUEGOS: Sports connection pacman aventuras fantasmales 2 survival island new super mario bros pikmin 3 si me seguis yo os seguire os lo prometo tambien quiero que seais amigos/as porfavor★♥♥♥♥
はる haruhiro0715
どうも、はるです 好きな歌は、千本桜です フォローしてくれたら出来るだけ返します
Daniela noemetontie
Hola mi nombre es Daniela mucho gusto si estas leyendo esto. me gusta divertirme, y si a ti te agrada pues, bienvenida o bienvenido. Sia es mi mundo. michael jackson es por igual mi mundo. me gustan las peliculas, los libros, videojuegos, la musica. hablo ingles por igual, asi que si quieres platicar no te preocupes ;) esa es mi redacción, los quiero bye
ΩΣGAle daniale08
hola que tal
Yani Yani716
Ninjanick! ipieburly
Good bye miiverse forever they want you to buy the switch go away nintendo you are mean now minecraft is the only way to chat goodbye and start crying if you miss miiverse
Collin ThatFindlay
Jaylen jaylen2000
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cj sears100
cathy Clj1965
O_be_1 yungailuj
Hello, welcome to my page. My favorite game is Zelda and splatoon mostly zelda will accept friend request and follow for a follow!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sara Sbuck1645
Hi. I'm Sara. I haven't been on Miiverse very long, but I have abunch of followers and am looking for more for Activity Feed. So if you are looking for 1 more follower, follow me and I'll follow you(unless your blocked).
rock boxloni
Eth MegaPigGamer
im a hobo and my name is tom searle
Teacher: You now have a detention. You: Why Teacher: Cause of your attitude, what do you think? You: B**ch you got me fcked up! Teacher: Call your mother right now! You: ...She said ''Cash her outsid how bout dat'' Teacher: ...
~Munchkin~ X-Eronaness
I am not in the mood for nobody right now i just wanna be left alone. i dont know how much but ill need some time i just cant anymore
SwagNinja mcdun21
Yo Wazz up Im SwagNinja and I like games simillar to Pokémon and Shooters like Splatoon and COD. Anyways if U wanna find me You'll see me on MM Or Splatoon I post about Every 2 Days so be sure to Comment on my posts! Well thats about it So Byeee! Wait And Thanks for 500+ Followers
♪Cleo♪ PrincessCleo89
Hi my name is Cleo. Games I like: Pokèmon Nintendogs Animal crossing Mario maker My best friends: Every single one! My birthday is July, 14. I will accept all friend requests! Follow me and I will follow you back! Please no Wii U Chat. Thank you. ♥♥♥♥
ryoryoapon ryouryouapon
GURA3 aska9211
こんにちはGURA3でーす。 マイクラはまってまーす たまに投稿しますのでその時はコメントしたり共感したりしてください スプラトゥーンもやっていますこの1個も投稿しますのでよろしくお願いします フォローもよろしく フォローワー700人\(^^)/ヤッター、 フォローしてくれた方これからもイカよろしく~ 投稿のしかたへたくそですが今後もよろしくー サブあか作ったので宜しく あと最近マイクラ、スプラトゥーンしてるので 投稿はすると思います(^_^) 学校ダリぃー サブアカつくったのでフォローよろしく <(・∀・)>←土下座 マイクラァたのしぃ~ヒャッハァ(。∀°☆) 結局しばらくWiiUつづけます! 更新日8月6日
Joey jvp1591
bri briannawilsom_1
Brianna hi im nice im single i love to wii u chat feel free to friend request me tuslaw♥
_lessあゆみん♪ ayutyan327
(。・×・。) こんちわ♪【less】所属している あゆみんです*フレンドさんと 交流がある人が大好きです# ~自己紹介~ °中学生です。 °絵が下手です… ごめんね('△'”) °好きなアニメ ももくり* °好きな曲♪ももクロの【泣いちゃいそう冬】 【仮想ディストピア】 。ももクロの大ファン♪ 。こんな私ですがよろしくね(„・^・„) ☆.。.。.。.。.。. 紹介.。.。.。.。.。.。.。☆ .リア友 カキツテ ななか はるな そら まお ぼん .ミバ親友 みはるん はっしー にゃんイカ ホタル さくらもち にょきにょき けんじ みずむらs もちた* .ミバ友【Iess】こいし♭ ミバ妹 はにわちゃん♪ 大好きな人 建太 共感フォロ~コメ★ 本当にありがとう♪(´・ω・`)/ 。~8月12日~ 。 ♪。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.♪
ιρς∞хтгд bonzoben7
Hey. heres some stuff bout me 8yrs turning 9 likes baked beans and fried chicken best friends- John697 or olie guy (we met in a strange situation) XX_AgentDAD_XX or Daddy likes splatoon and minecraft. i dont accept blank friend requests i dont do wiiu chat Thats all now bye!
★MMP☆дďαм★ jrookstool
Hey, Its me Adam or you can call me The Rook. I make drawings ocasionally, and usually make Level Exchanges for SMM. Im a sports fan, and Love to workout and do Crossfit. My favorite sport is basketball. SMM Stats: 5.7K★'s Feel free to follow me and I will hit the follow button back, Its an instinct! Im a guy who likes to make people laugh. Thanks for the support!
CqlumGqmez calumfm
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tati Tatyaa321
This user's profile comment is private.
Μеlοδу RosiBlueMonnie97
¡Holaaaa! Mi nombre es Melody, normalmente soy una persona muy amigable, dulce, sensible y pacífica, (aunque a veces esté un poco de los nervios >.<), amo la música en general (no reggaeton, lo odio ¬.¬), amo los videojuegos (es obvio, ¿no? xD), también veo vídeos en Youtube y leo, ¡y soy una grandísima fan de Zelda! :D (y también de Mario :3) En fin, adiooos (^o^)/ PD: No acepto Wii U chat. :D
TRG-ºςαмXº UdaBros
SamX's Profile- ♪"Splattack!" - Splatoon™♪ I joined Miiverse on 25/12/2015. ☆★☆Check out my open discussion!☆★☆ Thanks for 500 followers! I'm SamX! ◆Like my Profile Pic? Then 'Yeah' It!◆ Stay tuned to my Profile to make sure you keep up to date! ★Follow Me Too!★ ☆I'll follow U if U follow me! Thanks for checking out my profile!☆ ♥Anyway, See You Guys Later! -◆SamX◆
Rick S.H.E.I.L.D.042
Hola a todo mundo espero que os guste mi perfil e bueno acepto solicitudes de amistad no olviden seguirme claro y los seguire mi nombre es : Emiliano (en la vida real) soy fanático de SUPER MARIO Acepto LLAMADAS DE WII U CHAT Minecraft X3 Oshe zi ke riko
Zach Nerd456-Hi
шббму★kyle superdudekyle
Hey you! Yes you! Feel free to ask if you want me to yeah some of your posts! Im a yeah giver. Im in 4 clans, such as øмεgå, KS★ and SA★!Im the leader of the шббму nation clan 12 members in the clan! Just ask to join! Co-Owner:шп★Louis. Every follow and yeah is much appreciated! Can I get to 800 followers by the end miiverse. I know thats a big difference from my amount of followers. Bye!
Kaizo superborys
Follow for a Follow . My mission is to get 500 followers. favourite game character : Mario favourite food : all kinds of fast foods favourite T.V character : Spongebob favourite sports : football/rugby Favourite game : Mario & Luigi dream team / Super mario sunshine / super smash bros. and mario maker please stay on this profile... i accept yeah bombs. i'll be friends with everyone!!!
~<Oligyt>~ oliverben2007
I like to be friends with everyone and i'm friendly please don't be skared. Come and join the cct you get a free follow. Heres a shout out to people who helped me and won tornement: Dylan SuperKev Dougles