Matthew's Play Journal

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User's Nintendo Network ID: mstrickland1



06/24/2017 1:45 PM

Splatoon Private Battle post!

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze


08/06/2016 7:10 AM

King K Rool'd be jealous... I'll be posting stuff from DKCTF here. I'm going to attempt a no powerup no dixie kong run (except where required for secret exits), and then play hard mode as Donkey Ko...

Shovel Knight


06/24/2016 10:25 PM

I actually feel pretty bad about that...

Metroid: Zero Mission


06/17/2016 1:49 PM

Metroid: Zero Mission log!

Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town


06/04/2016 6:52 AM

0_0 Um...



06/02/2016 8:11 PM

No, Anakin, THIS is podracing.

Super Mario Maker


04/27/2016 5:50 PM

Woah! I log back on to SMM to find that over 1000 people have played my first quiz level, that's awesome! I hope those who played it enjoyed it.

Child of Light™


04/23/2016 7:22 AM

Oh dear, I've found a game I've forgotten! However, I've come back, don't feel downtrodden! A blossoming tree with dark creatures abound? It's a shame it's not so easily found...

Child of Light™


04/23/2016 7:22 AM

Oh dear, I've found a game I've forgotten! However, I've come back, don't feel downtrodden! A blossoming tree with dark creatures abound? It's a shame it's not so easily found...

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD


04/19/2016 1:47 PM

Link apparently can turn invisible now...

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD


03/21/2016 9:17 AM

My dream job is to open a video game store chain called Malo Mart. This music would play 24/7. I'm completely serious.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD


03/21/2016 8:44 AM


The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD


03/16/2016 4:05 PM

This kid is awesome.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD


03/16/2016 3:38 PM

Huh, I don't remember ever seeing earthworms after cutting grass before, but I probably never looked. This is a cool touch!