Users ˙•ƒгιşк•˙ Is Following
Aaron P1ne4ppl9
I'm not actually designing a game, I'm drawing so I can show how it might look, and it's just for fun too!
Master756 Master657
Hello Everyone! I'm Master756, If you play games like LittleBigPlanet3, Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U, Splatoon, Mariokart8, Minecraft, or Terraria, why not friend me? That would be great!
Jam-Jam PlzdontbanJammy
Same old Jammy with a fresh, new WiiU alt account. No, I'm not really Jammy. Dr. Bæ♥
PERIDOT F5 PeridotFacet5
|Ethan| Ethan-T-P
*psst... check out my following list to SWITCH it up* disc orbs is ethan # four four one seven You never know what you have until it's gone. Thanks for the memories!
Kumutorha PurpleSoles
Yep. Dontaskmewhoiam
oh hey You probably found me from a comment section I'm not funny uh, well bye
Chris OP123CM8710WILLB
I make posts about games, & things relative to games. I mostly yeah to keep track of the posts I've commented on. NOTE: Haven't been active as much as I used to be, but still trying to make a comeback. (I'll post whenever I feel like it.)
David Squirtle910
this account is pretty old and is rather infested with mold don't look at the posts unless you're bold ok but seriously all of above applies just just look at that profile pic, dangit
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Gavin Melanie00_Alt
LBF3 LittleBigFreak6
Discount memes. What is Yoshica again?... oh... well hi... dont mind me, im just here cuz.. why not i guess. personally a fan of: Undertale FNaF Metroid Pokémon LOZ Minecraft LBP few favorite chars: Latias, Latios, Yoshi, Link, Samus, Asriel, Sackboy
LBF3(3DS) LittleBigFreak3D
"Yoshica" is a thing now? anyone following this account that hasn't followed my main SHOULD DO SO!! its literally the same mii name as this one. not to mention my old, old account... which i think just got perma banned... dang.
Sakurai SakuraiMasahiro
ソラのゲームデザイナー桜井 政博(さくらい まさひろ)です。 ニンテンドー3DS、Wii Uの両機種で『大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ』の新作を制作しています。 Hi, I'm the director of Super Smash Bros., Masahiro Sakurai of Sora. I'm working on the latest Super Smash Bros. game for the Wii U and the Nintendo 3DS.
MemDavid2 424242randyorton
This is my alt, It was given to me by my father, FilthyFrank. Info about Rrupse: I dispise memes. I'm perfectly normal. Luigi is not awesome. Mario is #1. Spaghetti is disgusting. Ravioli for life. I might hurt you. I promise (/o.o\) CURRENT TRAINER: SorbDrepuS
Mr. Man Mr.Apples42
Just your average Miiverser (which means I like to make bad puns) I like to draw and please tell me if you have any requests of what you want me to do. Help me start the new meme revolution in Splatoon! Let's get back to the good ol' days! You are entering the meme highway. Please leave if it is too dank for you. My 3DS Account is mr.apples ( ID: Mr.Apples64)
Jammy JammyDW
Nintendo finally found a way to get Jammy to shut-up about Dr. Mario. RIP Miiverse. There are 1155 Jammy s at the Discotheque. Please give your Miiverse name to the bouncer to be let in.
Sarah SpiritRiver405
So, you made it to my profile? Guess I have to tell you stuff about me. Hi! I'm Sarah! I love Splatoon, SSB4, MK8, and lots more! I also watch lots of anime! Best friends: ChillCream (CreamKnight21), Zachman3 (1477O1),and DARK★WISH (ladydarkpit) Please follow them all! They deserve it! Thats it for now! Bye! Thx for 690 Follows!
josiah prince429
i'm a fan of mario and sonic and i mostly play smash bros3DS and captain toad and splatoon i love dogs. I take all friend request if you follow me i will follow you back
Val~sbmk8 Hall-Minet
★connécter[]☆★déconnécter[.]☆ ☆online[]★☆Ofline[.]★ ★☆JE SUIS DE RETOUR!!!!☆★ et c'est Valentin, J'ai 13 ans, j'adore Nintendo et ses jeux et aussi pleins d'autres anciens jeux, Ah oui et Minecraft sur pc pour le PvP j'suis un king au PvP :D☆★●◆ Abonne-toi et met des ouais ca me ferait super plaisir. •●.Ah oui et Merci a mes 3000 abos (enfin) les best abos☆ ▼▲Bon sur ce bon-appétit et Beyyy.˙●
SSB Alt. Account ▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼ Out of posts {{★}} Online bleuaghhh {{☆}} Offline {{★}} Playing games {{☆}} ...Dead {{☆}} Afk or messing around rn {{☆}}
PF2M PF2MLegit
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lily :) lild415
hey follow me i follow u so plz follow * taken camron *age.... *love ya'll *rhode island * #LIVE ! spanish ! *BFF: haley i live for basketball and MMA Thanks for reading now doing something nice and hint the ★follow★ button peace out love
FLNgaming yventura34
SW-2740-1852-5420 Discord: FLNgaming#2563 DA: FLNgaming YT: FLNgaming Tweet: @SMproductions64 Amino: FLN If you like what you see, you can feel free to comment on my art. NOW BREAKING 1,600 FOLLOWERS! FOLLOW THESE USERS rosieandnatasha1(I love you^^) kitzscher147 Luigiguy77 B3thanyD0nn3ly_2 KirbyHilll101 PrincessIris1234 LoveYou12672 olafski123 WhatSerName45 manga123uk bubblebude2 NoviSad021
********* ClassicGamer500
Other Platforms: Dεvιαntαrt: ExtremeKirbyDX ΐFυnny: ExtremeLocket2 Dιscσrd: Kirbytone#4429 Twitter: ExtremeLocket2 About my YTC, play my Mario Maker level.
Sakurai SakuraiMasahiroA
Hi, I'm the director of Super Smash Bros., Masahiro Sakurai of Sora. I'm working on the latest Super Smash Bros. game for the Wii U and the Nintendo 3DS. *Our staff is translating my posts.
ςυρατσαď64 1234toad
Hey paisanos. Welcome to a thing. ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Toad is the best. I still have yet to use half of the post limit. Likes: Mario, Animal Crossing, EarthBound, Pokémon, “the freeze fruit glitch” Dislikes: Neo Bowser City Also I don’t mind yeahbombs so… bombs away if you want. ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ AND WE STILL GET THE FRUIT BACK!!
mew2 ninmaster99999
Zybro1 JaseZyansLevis
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Isaac ΩSI ShadowofLight999
Final Post count: 3828 Final Yeah count: 6873 Final Following count: 212 Lurantis still best PokéWaifu. It's been fun, y'all. Find me on :^( or Cedrus and soon Cii. I also have a Discordant, find it on :^(
Aerospray main that can't aim.
Don't assume genders. It's rude.
I don't just accept random Fr...
Aerospray main that can't aim.
Don't assume genders. It's rude.
I don't just accept random Friend Requests, nor do I WiiU Chat.
Don't spam Friend Requests either.
Attempting to WiiU chat at any time = Off my list, NO EXCEPTIONS.