☆Mum☆'s Followers
*☆Lydia☆*☆ megarocker911
Q-Miffyo±o unibrowbeast
Thank U to everyone who followed me and all the amazing,funny, and beautiful arts and game screenshots you gave us all...Thank you Nintendo for giving us Miiverse. I will be okay! <:3<3 日本語理解出来ます。ポケモンファン歴17年、 デジモンファン歴16, ゲーム歴18くらい.. 芸術、音楽、動物や自然も好き。 Bunniez o±o<3 Playing pokemon for a long time. 4EberWubz<3=Jon[:}3<3 I draw art sometimes. Again, thank you. :)
Mizu-Maru Tanka-Okiru
Classically trained on the N.E.S.
Deer!Shila Dorsey678
It's Shila! But, a deer/human! I love my friendos! Tom is my bestie! So, how ya'll doing today? DO NOT STEAL MY ART OR TRACE IT! No Friend requests unless I know or talked to you. No Wii U chat!!!! ♥My heart yearns to be entwined with another...♡ My wonderous children: JOY☆Choco? Tom Sophie I:I saucy Statisky Julian Angel OkayThen™ ◆SHREK◆ Ren flopbun flygonkid (★)on (☆)off (☆)outta posts
Ramon 000helipe
★Hi my ηicκnαmε is Dοggiε :3 ☆Mγ Fανοriτε Gαmε is ACNL :3 ★I ιovε αrτ, Gαmεs, and Wriτiηg ☆My Favorite color is οcεαη βιυε ★αηimαιs αrε ιifε ^★ω★^ τhαηκs for τακiηg τimε τo rεαd τhis :] αnd sταγ in τoυch ωiτh αηγ ηεω iηfοrmατioη I mαγ ρosτ. Foιιoω mε for a Foιιoω
Lunita lililahamtaro
name:Luna años:9 novio Victor te quiero victor cumpleaños:15de septiembre comentario de personaje: hola chicos os quiero decir que si quereis ser mis amigos no hay problema porque todavia tengo pocos amigetes
Mejiro Dialektik
Ink-Dub Mariobro4
If you're fortunate enough to like a post I did or just found me by chance. Then WOOMY! I mean Hi. You may not think it but you're awesome, don't forget it.
Downy Shinxey
Mii: Downy the Fantail Pigeon (OC)~ Hi. You can usually find me posting about games, and whatever randomness comes to mind. Things I like include Sonic, Pokemon, Kirby, Zelda, and Animal Crossing. Proud member of the Grammar Police. I change my Mii sometimes. Je peux parler un peu de français. Yo puedo hablar un poco de español.
*☆$α$$¥☆★* RockstarBully
cloclo Sora08000
jenna legitness1738
#ayeeee whats up people.here are some things about me I am a rap fan and a rap lover,and a sports girl that likes football,soccer, and basketball #i'm 100% savage. i love country #i'm 12
☆Dad☆ guitarmoo
hello. i like wood, guitars and metal. \m/
jayanna jayanna3007
bonjour je me présente je m'appelle jayanna age 9ans gentille:★★★★ méchante:★☆☆☆ intelligente:★★★☆ belle:★★★★si vous le trouver objectif 500 abonner abonner vous à shanna,★marilyn★et twyxi et lorenzo descend encore chaine:jayanna la princesse origine:reuionnaise,espagnole et italienne voila bisous
ActualDerp Stinkeyburger136
Hey, ActualDerp here, and if you're wondering i don't have have a youtube channel (yet i dunno if im gonna make one pls help) So...what do peoples put in their descriptions? ah screw it!I like Mario, Splatoon (I LOVE SPLATOON! Don't judge pls)
Агата Agatha_the_Witch
Andexyle Andexyle82
Marc wiiboy2410
Welcome to my profile. The new home for my random drawings and: •IDRAW4U- Art Requests (253) CLOSED Playing: WiiU •BOTW (11) ★★ •Mario Maker (9) •Paper Mario CS (9) •SF Guard (9) •Splinter Cell Blacklist (10)★ •TMS #FE (10)★ 3DS •FE Fates (10)★ •FF Theatrythm CC (10)★ •HW Legends (9) ·Metroid Prime FF (8) •MH Generations (10)★ ·Pokemon Sun (10)★ •SSB4 (10)★
Zeinab zeinab2015
Salut, je m'appelle Zeinab et je suis très sociable. J'abite en France et j'adore les jeux d'aventure et de simulation.
HD★мαηd S+ X.Fashion.X
Goodbye ♡
Konoha yukonoha
自己紹介(5月21日更新) こんにちわ はじめまして 僕は虎之羽(このは)です☜♪ ※本名です サブアカは「ジン」です 趣味は『読書』と『ゲーム』です 好きな教科は『数学』『体育』『英語』です♪ 嫌いな教科は『国語』『社会』です… 好きなゲームは、マイクラ スプラ スマブラ マリオ系 メタルギア どう森 モンハン系 ゼルダ、です。 ♡猫大好き♡ テニス好きです! フォローしていただくとフォロー返します♪ ~~~極少スプラ紹介~~~ ウデマエ:S ランク50 スプラの更新情報があれば伝えます ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 呼び捨てでokですが、お前はやめてください。お願いします。 英語できます よろしくお願いします♪
Younina velvetrevolver89
Welcome to my profile! I hope you have fun here... where ever you are ( my english isn't perfect!) Name: Younina Age: 11 Birthday: 6.27.04 ♡♥-Games: Splatatatatata- Splatoon, MK8, all Zelda games, Art Academy Splatoon rank : B+~A- I♥♪ Music: Kygo,Avicii,Dillon,Foals,!xD YouTube Music Artists: JinjaDub ( german ) Neptun Chan ( german ) datavocadogirl, Retrospecter I'm a german Girl! see ya!
»—ιεмση–› rayrayrox4000
It Has Been Fun! I need to let this place go! But goodbye i hope we meet again another day.
Hans HansBastiaans
hoi allemaal wij zijn Hans en Beitske wij vinden het leuk om te gamen En willen een leuke vrienden lijst op starten samen. nou groetjes en tot later. later komt de foto van ons samen.
? chippers106
(SELLING MY WII U ON 8/8/17) Hi, nothing to be said. I selled/am going to sell my Wii U. Thank you for supporting me for 2 years!
wendybird wendybird96
Hi i'm wendybird i am 20 years old and love gaming and drawing request. I love helping others but don't like beening disrepected. I don't judge anyone and i am easy to talk to
Manda SunnySkiddo
Hello, I love games! I'm a grown-up gamer on Miiverse. I love to chat about games, & I like to draw sometimes too. :) Main games I'm playing - Pokémon Sun, Pokémon Art Academy, Virtual Console games of Warioland, & Super Mario 2, 6 Golden Coins. Been inactive for a while, apologies. I have now returned and will be posting new stuff when I can. :) Manda & Kaito MUFC = awesomeness! :D
mel that_old_guy
TT² RockingRedhead
Hi everybody i'm back, i'm sorry my profile looks a bit grim at the moment, but in time i will try and brighten it up with some artwork..... I'm an older gamer so over 18 friend requests please... Thank you for your time and patience while i get my act together.... :) Foo Fighters FOREVER!!!!!!
Benjamin Tigervicious
Stop that, ya goldarn baboon. No respect! No privacy! No nothing! Save Miiverse😡, you banana head!
SadCharley Weatherman360
Hi, I am a older adult. Adult requests only please. Please no more blank requests or will be rejected. I may take teen requests also. Member of AO. Best friend, Maxi. Love you dear♡♥. Other awesome sis. Donna, Maud, Sis, Thesesa, Karen, Alice,Rosie, Gail, Puzzlegirl ♡♥ Awesome bro. Balitor, Ku, Ron, All AO members, Steven, GRIFFIN, JS, Opa, Scott, Craig, Vamp and many more. Love you all ♡♥
Bradical Bdockeyeballs
35 year old gamer dad hobbies: wood carving, drawing, drums loves: my wife, daughter,metal and bluegrass! sorry, no wiiu chat! monsters, aliens, robots and dinosaurs? yes, please. I'd rather spend a weekend at Bernie's than five nights at freddies... hope you like my art!
wendybird wendybird13
I am 20 years old, recently engaged to my boyfriend of three years. I am young artist here on mii universe. My youngest sister has an account called rooroo11. I take any requests for my art pieces. I respect everyone opinion. I have a new account called wendybird96.
Vera Edgey VeraEdgeworth8
I love to play Nintendo since I was child so. I love to play Harvest Moon, Ace Attorney, Professor Layton, Another Code Serie, Starfox, SSB Series, Some RPG, Monster Hunter, Art Acedemy and much more I am mostly a Team Player as a against player If you want to play with me just ask me. Love Greetings Vera Edgeworth
☆Beaa★ aranchapelle
BEATRIZ sigueme me harias feliz :p q taal?? KmK #distancia4ever 257km mi bichiiin mi niña mi Bb lokitta pandii y maz xd....... por cierto me aburro^_^
jen jenlou5566
Hi im from North Yorkshire, its boreing around here nothing but sheep looking for some mates too hang out
i love art, music and gaming and im a mum of 2 fab boys. Thanks for dropping by, if you can't sta...
i love art, music and gaming and im a mum of 2 fab boys. Thanks for dropping by, if you can't stay a while, follow me and I will follow you!