Users BENDROWNED Is Following
SLVM★Dаvid davidmariowiiu
¡Buenas gente! yo soy Davidmario-el rey troll de todo minecraft..Recordar lo mejor de minecraft es TROLLEAR!!!!! BUENO!!! Seguirme en miverse para ver las mejores trampas troll y secretos de minecraft y cosas ramdon.¡Bye! ¡troleros! ♥YOUTUBER FAVORITO♥: Bboymoreno92 ♥AMIGOS FAVORITOS♥: Santi0112 y Josemariowiiu ★RIVAL★: -ANTI M-
Lil Wolf<3 madelinerules12
my truth my life sucks bad irl i have 4 friends on miiverse i have 100 or more why the big difference? friend me to find out! whatever *slowly fads away*
vamlirepf panflip
hi im panflip im have started a comunty called follow bomers to save miiverse just follow alot of pepole to try and save miiverse and i'm geting maried to 007madie some day and where dating we both like undertale and innopropetethings :-
ςρσσργΖιпg Nerd_Girl1091
Welcome to the salty spitoon, how tough are ya? STUUFFFF 'BOUT MEH Crush: Blue- NO ONE! Likes: chocolate Dislikes: alot of sfuff fandoms: Undertale, FNAF, BATIM, Steven Universe, Cuphead, Fairy Tail, Attack on Titan (please note that I am cringey, and a yeahbomber.) Posts left: [●] Out of posts:[] Status: offline- i got homework... :'( Last updated: on Monday -dun dun DUN-
mike michael11205
I play minecraft i watch YouTube and i go on miivers...thats all i do ... seriously :| and i go on crunchyroll
Ben Miteydrill
2014: I try to draw everyday in order to increase my skill. Reason why you might see a weird looking piece of art everyday :) 2017: First started drawing in 2014. You can find my first drawings at the bottom of my page (they're pretty bad please be gentle) Edit: 2017 Also the year miiverse shuts down, ive seen tons of wonderful people here. Thanks for the experience :)
Sans Coraxes
Hi i'm Ally this is my bro's account go follow ←FεllSaηs→ (Underfell_Gamer6) FlowerFell (040673) and Frisk (brebre123459) Pap (Touchofgreyskull) hope you like my posts! I rp as Sans Frisk and sometimes Chara! Out of posts: [] Posts left: [√] my face........ well ur hand hurts more than my face...........
dj baby Ruggierifamily
dj baby
Sonic GTplays
i mostly play minecraft and smash wii u. what do you play?
YeahBigley BeautifulPhysics
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YeahBigley SlodowskaRadium
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Shadow darkpop123
my 3ed profile and hi i play smm,splatoon,nsmbu,m&satrog,ljw,loka,p&tga,ng3re,ltlmvg,i have no wii u chat,and if you sent me a friend request i will accept it.and mario is the best and sonic is not bad.please i need more friends.Fnaf is the best horror game ever.And my best game on the wiiu is C+.and let's get 100k please.:(
Santi0112 Santi0112
Hey Hey Hey Aqui Santi en miiverse Tengo 10 años Novia:Ño Pero ojalá :,VVV Pais favo:Mexico Cuento chistes muy malos Os llamare:Pequeños trolls S:Serio a veces :v A:Atento N:Normal T:Tonto a veces :v I:Imaginario Dale +Seguir Hasta las.............. Dias,Tarde,Noche????? Nose Adios ^^ Dale like Weeeeeeeeeeeeee ☆★☆★☆☆★☆★★☆Sonic☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★
SMV★Dani ElDanielYo
GRACIAS POR PINCAHR EN MI CARA, SIGUEME Y TE SIGO IMPORTANTE: WII U CHAT CON PERMISO años: 14 cumpleaños 16-05 Youtubers: SMG4, TheMarZy, ElRubiusOMG, Auronplay, byisma fx... Mejores amigos de miiverse: Mia189, Deyna.caparros , FerDaSh3, MIRUIZ7, velezb, herbieadamWIIU, Blathessor, elrubiu5-OMG Mi hermana: VanesaMB IMPORTANTE: no solicitudes en blanco #SaveMiiverse
zach trev40
Crazymonke yodanideleon
Hi! My Name Is CrazyMonke, Not Gonna Say My Real Name,And My Fav Game is All Batman Games! Hope You Play It Alot! :) Name: Crazymonke Fav Color: Red And Blue Fav Game: All Batman Games People I Play With Always: Maxxy11 AKA JonnyGamingyt, Beast_Gamer176, Gangbeast, Tony759, CrazyMonkey2048, Sprepeat24, And Many More People! Bye Now!
colleen queenbeecolleen
hi im new friend me if you want
jaime jaimito52
hola chicos como podeis ver soy español y queria deciros que somos los mejores y que si somos capaces de llegar a 150
GYGameryul yulcool
An alle Miverse-Nutzer Ich bin leidenschaftlicher Let's Player! Ich würde mich über neue Freunde freuen ! Außerdem spiele Ich gerne mit euch zusammen online! Ab dem 24. Dezember kann ich endlich auch wieder Splatoon spielen! Wii U Chatt funktioniert bei mir immer! Ihr könnt natürlich auch meine Level in Super Mario Maker spielen! (Würd mich über Sterne freuen) Danke!! Tschüss! (^o^)!! ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥
Kiarra deering1234
Hello miiverse my name is Kiarra i am 13 yrs old i love playing Mario and Sonic Olympics i like Amy Rose and Blaze i play MK8 some minecraft 2016 Olympics super mario maker super mario bros. I have a boyfriend: netgear735 please follow or friend request me thanks bye;)
OW!!!! WHY DID YOU HIT MY FACE!? Rutink FTW!! R.I.P Miiverse.. #KeepHoldingHands Akkotte
diogo gonzaloomero
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aniah aniahjam
I'm Aniah. I love dancing games. My ID is AniahJam I love everyone. follow bad girl #follow me and i'll follow you My birthday is 5/18/09 I'm 7 BYEEE
addji.z addji591
salut je mappele addji et ma meilleur amie et amelia
Martin maigareval
los que quieran ser mi amigo si pueden saludos de...:)yo hago fiestas en splatoon,laser tag y las escondidas todo en splatoon the ones that want to be my friend doit I play splatoon laser tag, hide and seek and party thanks to be my friend hablo ingles y español I speak inglish and spanish me gusta: -Minecraft wii u edittion -Mario bros -Splatoon y otros mas y me gusta undertale.
Fineas7 antoineg7
Hey guys my name is Fineas this is my second profile if you want to know my first one search on 'search uses': netgear735 I love playing Mario and Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, my favourite character is Blaze please comment or smash that ''yeah' button on my posts please follow or friend request me Hope you like my profile and play journal p.s. my first profile has more posts thanks - bye
james ironmuscleman8
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Dat DatAsian14
See I told you I made a second account
Franklin VaneAndrade
Ð¥☆Zαιre Tayshaun33
Main clan: D¥ Age:13 Favourite game:Splatoon & mario kart 8 splatoon:lvl 49 A+ rank Mario kart 8:17520+vr country:england im an African-american
Øwen Mockingjay170
May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor † Ehhh Everyone Welcome :P Inspirational Quote→Dσл'ī çσμητ тħε dαyş мąkε τнę dαγş ćφчиτ! I Play the Drums & Trumpet♪ Nature Fanatic^.^ Love to Read Sort of Nocturnal lol Fav Game Series:Pikmin,PM,LOZ Fav Shows:TWD,OUAT,SPN,GOT,OITNB,BM Mood:Sarcastic ;P Online{ } Offline{•} Outta Posts { } On Miiverse { } I Solemnly Swear,That I Am Up To No Good… Ciao;) |-/
★Omgpop 4 Omgpop04
whitewoods is my waifu
«*Clover*» ConsumedByEvil2
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そうし sumiresou
Psycho Red minionhms
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Ðaηao Cupcakes_And_You
Nao, Danao ou comme tu veux :D 15 ans, 1èreS Twtt> @Surimiette_Nao J'aime dessiner, lire, danser, écouter de la musique et jouer .n. J'ai faim Je suis "bizarre" mais fais toi ton avis heeeheheheehehe Je parle un peu Anglais et encore moins Allemand lul Va mater mes dessins faits à la va-vite c: 2k c'est énorme D: ... COMME MA... BICYCLETTE WAZO !
★Joseph josephgindi2615
i love games like mario kart and supersmash bros I LOVE ANIMAL CROSSING GAMES TOO 私もどうぶつの森ゲームを愛するマリオカート、スーパースマッシュブラザーズのようなゲームを愛し
Ava quaver1597
Hello I'm Ava I'm 10 years of age my BEST friends are: 80sretrogamer and gamergeek06 I am addicted to gaming please follow me subscribe to my brothers youtube channels they're Okeydokeytv-games and garsidegames DONT GO ROTTEN GAMERS IM OUT.
Zu nowana
hello welcome to my page!!! and now PUNS.
my puns are tear-able *tears paper with pus on it* :D :...
hello welcome to my page!!! and now PUNS.
my puns are tear-able *tears paper with pus on it* :D :D :D XD