Salut, c'est Marty ! Vous avez vu la vidéo attachée qui montre mon départ pour l'espace ? Je ne suis pas un robot, mais maintenant je suis astronaute ! (Bzzzt !) Merci à tous de m'avoir soutenu jus...
Hello everyone! I'm Chris and I've just arrived at Nintendo of Europe. This is my very first post on Miiverse, which is quite exciting in itself. However, what's more exciting is that I'll be able...
Hi Miiverse friends! I'm new at Nintendo of Europe and it feels like such a fun and friendly place! I’m looking forward to being able to share Miiverse news and updates with you from now on. I hope...
Today's Nintendo Direct is available for your viewing pleasure. Let me know what your favourite part is!
Hi, Miiverse friends! Thanks for all your lovely comments, drawings and the warm welcome to Miiverse. I’m really glad to see how many followers I have received already. :) I look forward to seeing ...
Hi, Miiverse friends! It's Erika, and I'd like to announce a new Miiverse update. (Yay, my very first one!) 1) When looking at a list of posts, for example in a community, you will now be able to ...
Hi, Miiverse friends! Erika here, introducing a brand new update to Miiverse. As of today, if you check your activity feed, you'll be able to see when the people you follow start following somebody...
Thanks, everyone, for letting me know your favourite game of 2014 a couple of weeks back. It seems I'm not alone in my love for Mario Kart 8 and there are plenty of Super Smash Bros. fans out there...
Mario Party 10 arrives next week! I can't wait to get the party started with my friends and, of course, my Yoshi amiibo. Have you checked out the new trailer yet?
¡Solo falta una semana para poder disfrutar de Mario Party 10! Estoy deseando ponerme a jugar junto a mis amigos y, por supuesto, con el amiibo de Yoshi. Por cierto, ¿habéis visto ya el nuevo tráil...
Mario Party 10 débarque la semaine prochaine ! J'ai hâte de faire quelques parties avec mes amis et, bien évidemment, mon amiibo Yoshi. Vous avez vu la dernière bande-annonce ?
Nächste Woche wird „Mario Party 10“ veröffentlicht! Ich kann es kaum abwarten, die Party mit meinen Freunden und natürlich mit meinem amiibo-Yoshi steigen zu lassen. Habt ihr euch den neuen Trailer...
Mario Party 10 esce la prossima settimana! Non vedo l'ora di iniziare a giocare con i miei amici e, naturalmente, con il mio amiibo di Yoshi. Avete già dato un'occhiata al nuovo trailer del gioco?
Mario Party 10 komt volgende week uit! Ik kijk er erg naar uit om een potje te gamen met al mijn vrienden, en natuurlijk ook met mijn Yoshi-amiibo! Hebben jullie de nieuwe trailer al gezien?
Para a semana é lançado Mario Party 10! Mal posso esperar por fazer a festa com os meus amigos e, claro, com o meu amiibo do Yoshi! Já viram o novo vídeo de apresentação do jogo?
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