And I'm a pneumatic drill to your cement! Viva la resistance, fight the power and all that jazz! ✊😂
Craig's Yeahs
Ice Cream Surfer Community

Here comes the summer's son,
He burns my skin, I ache again, I'm over you, I thought I had a dream to hold, Maybe that has gone' Your hands reach out and touch me still, But this feels s...

So my mother wonders why I strongly dislike shoe shopping. It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the fact that the shoes I picked looked like they were "for an old lady".

I see also Craig missed some races... a shame to not see a second room and cheers to "Papipupe Peach" for your victory so much fun as usual @Céline quand tu gagnais les courses j'étais juste derri...

Craig: Where is this legendary free speech online territory for miiversers of which you speak? I guess it would be easier to seek out this refuge before the miiverse shuts, rather than after ;)

Miiverse is what brought us all together in the first place and enjoyed all the memories with everyone on miiverse and never will forget that even after miiverse is gone. I enjoyed the good times w...
Back up account for Craig (smaffie)