[(-Neon-)]'s Followers
lilly Lilly-Prinzessin
Hallo Leute
lucas_2007 Lucky482985
hola me llamo lucas,tengo estos juegos:minecraft wii u edition,super mario 3D world,yoshi wolly world,super mario maker,splatoon,paper mario color splash,mario tenis ultra smash y mario kart 8. Y si me sigues te sigo Y #no miiverse ending
わちゃろー Saida.Yuichiro
皆様、ユウというやつです。ユウは、車、緑色、スプラトゥーン、スタバの抹茶ラテが 大好きです。 ユウを気に入ってくれたらフォロー&ゲームなどのコメント 宜しくお願いします。 ☆仲良くしましょ~☆
AudioMyth Stallion-9
AGGRAVATED not-a-pro-1-2-3
Sam Rives02
This user's profile comment is private.
Xile Torigamez
This user's profile comment is private.
654 danki654
Marcos Marcosdiaz2006
Hola soi Marcos
Henry wombat-leaf
'¯' ya'know. I'm changing.. XD Help. I am now a weird af girl who is obsessed with HENRY, and most likely wants a body pillow of him. I have too many husbandos at this point but. Don't we all ;v;. (Help '‹') Honestly I can see myself being a psychopath when I'm older who well love you if you give me candy '‹'. I'm trigering but MV is more trigering with those admins. Alsoooo... #Voltron-v-b
Matthew mariomatt25
hey guys im back! yeah’s goal 1500 i like pokemon, mario, tomodachi life, Minecraft Wii U And Wii sports! i dont wii u chat and there is everything you need to know about me also check out these users Bowbo isabelle νχ★gaming CJdestroyah Alex/CND elli
Lugia Lugia2712
nuria NURIAchicadorada
Sora Sora20226
Sup peeps, I accept messages, friend request and anything else( except Wii U chats and blank friend request). I play Splatoon and Xenoblade Chronicles X and some other games...hope we get along...
TKS♪Μυdκιр Pikabolt918
i will teach anyone the way of sm3dw speedrunning, just ask me Games i play: SM3DW, Splatoon, and Minecraft Alternate account: IanMaley love to wii u chat :D Will accept blank friend requests I also herd u liek mudkipz
kid boo Lanarocks123
i like beyblade,smash bros, mario ,naruto,minecraft , pokemon,yo-ki ,street fighter, ray man,link,and zelda
♪Xαvιαη♪ MidgetArmyMajor
Miiverse is now coming to an end, so I guess this is farewell? I really don't give a care.
καωαııснαη w1nst0n3
♥κοη'ηıснıωα!♥ —————————————————————————————————— ωαηηα βε ƒяıεηδς? γες ηο →ıм βοяεδ —————————————————————————————————— αηıмε ηεяδ δıƒƒεяεητ ωεıяδ εητнυςıαςτıс ςнγ ƒυηηγ? #gαмεяgıяιˇ¯ˇ ♥ςαсяıƒıсε♥ ˇ˘ˇ ƒяıεηδιγ βαı ˇ˘ˇ
Здравствуй katuo1
※無言フォローはやめてください。無言フォローがあった場合、ブロックします。フォローする時は、理由をコメント欄に書きこんでください。よろしくおねがいします 過去の名前 ミャーーー!!! ITM レミリア→ ⊂(=⌒∀⌒=)⊃ えらばれたあやたか ( ´∀`) (/`д´)/ (´・ω・`) ( ・∀<)♭búk ( ・∀<)♭ðis でんせつのケチャップ でんせつのエビフライ でんせつの('∀') ?~5月29日 でんせつのさんま 6月1日~6月10日 バキオメンディー 6月10日~7月10日 (`・ω・´) 7月10日~9月17日 (⊃д・)⊃ 9月17日~10月21日 ÆON(;∀;)10月21日~2017年8月7日 Здравствуй8月7日~
Salut tout l'monde c'est Skeryz ! J'adore les jeux vidéo ! En ce moment j'possede Mario kart 8, Super mario 3D world Splatoon, Super Smash Bross et Super Mario Maker .Like et abonne toi !
GanjaGal GanjaGal247365
Hi, feel free to call me GG! WARNING: Aquired taste required! A little about me...I'm painfully shy & have a severe, incurable, rare case of sarcasm. ~>~ KushQueen is my alt..looks nothing like this.
painty☆ MeliaDash
hello i love to draw obsessed with love live & pll loves dogs im socially awkward k bye (ps friend me to squid party sometimes!)
ξscorpion√ escribano
I am good at what I do
Harleyquin ReaperSymphony
hi my name is harley quinn im a girl and i love to sing , dance and draw , wright songs
τειιí #втs katiesaiyan
Heyo im a kpop fan, (a nerd. but idc) BTS-Yoongi bias Got7-Jackson bias Seventeen-Jihoon bias
Gabe Thenderdragon24
Hi im Gabe. Im a long time gamer. My first game was pokemon crystal for the game boy color. the game ive played the most is mario kart double dash for the GameCube. If you ever want to play anything with me, just ask!
▲P.J.▼ PJ1196
Sup? Call me PJ. My real name, not important. I play a lot of video games. I draw a lot, too. I don't allow friend requests, by the way. I have two acounts. I also play Miitomo.
[(-Star-)] Starrlightx3
Anime fan trainer1232
Shiv08 SmashMasterKyoya
Hey im shivan and i play smash bros wii u and splatoon i wished smash bros was a anime show so follow and comment me
FASTFLASH2 theflashisrunnin
CarlynsTPS carlaissis
★jammy jr★ ely369
Cat Man JE40781
i accepted all friend requests and u follow me i will follow u i also chat if u want call me feel free to call p.s i hold 16 nintendo systems and 5 playstation systems
Gracie SaktingGamer
I am a tween that loves all sonic games splatoon super mario maker and more
Sgt.Pupper FlyShy
Êιισ τħęгε мγ ļīттιε мαгςħмειισωş, Jцςτ απ δгďιпагу рцррег оп тħē ļööςε! Everything happens here! This is where I do everything in terms of gaming! I'm a captain by many places! S+ Dynamo player of Splatoon! ★★★ player of Mario Kart 8! Ike player of Smash bros! Club wielder of Uprising! Do you wish to battle me? If so, come and get me! I'm usually available! Do not underestimate my power!
WoomyRiolu ProfessorBulba
I'm 10 and love Animal Crossing, Pokémon, Crossy Road, Goat Simulator, and Splatoon! One day I'll be a Lucario!
[(-red-)] dmzfera
Im the best gamer ever. I like red, and fighting games.
だっちょ keito-yuuri
[(-neon-)] zebra947
follow my other account named the same thing, thats the one on my new wii u, i still go in this account sometimes...
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