Recent Play Journal Entries
Open Discussion

most frivolous thing(s) you'll remember from miiverse when it's...
some things that come to mind: potato, miiverse dating, yeah bombs, miiverse wars, badmins, have a cookie, yaaas, yolo, iluminati, smash community, ridley draws, ....
To All: if you want a friend, be one & you've got one here.
Status: loving & loved by my girl. a...
To All: if you want a friend, be one & you've got one here.
Status: loving & loved by my girl. as such, please don't mistake witty repartee as interest in anything other than grins & giggles. i am no one's judge, but Miiverse dating is not for me. i don't cheat.
Age=x: 13<x<113. only interested in interesting conversation, smart/funny posts & artistic talent on display. so, my age is irrelevant.