zeek's Followers
EGaddHedge ElvinGadd
This profile comment has been hidden by an angry ghost! I am Prof. Elvin Gadd, an expert on all things paranormal. It seems as though my research on MiiVerse has almost come to a close. I have recently begun research on a new subject: Dragons! I don't Wii U chat. I only Wii U chat with those that I know personally. Also, I only accept friend requests from people who are 12 and up.
Sakki Classic980
♥Kon'nichiwa imu Sakki♥ ♥I am known as Misaki for profession♥ I play the following games so friend request me if you wanna play together~ ♥Minecraft Wiiu edition ♥Super smash bros 4 ♥Mario kart 8 ♥Cube life island survival ♥And many more Message me if you wanna play Or Roleplay ~Sakki Katawo~
aydan clovenleader66
im clovenleader66
D. Monkey meca2micah
Hey guys, no time to explain, but that post that i'd made just now IS going to be my last post, i repeat, warning: this is not a drill, FINAL POST FOR TODAY!!! If i were you guys, i'd be copying those informations down to ya DS'/ devices in order to keep on in touch with me before our sweet lil' Mii faces vanquished, i'll see ya guys there. Thank u all for everything too and Miiverse especially
bob cturchetti
want to play minecraft with Fab hi i'm fab i play minecraft,lego dimesons and oher fun games........welcome to Fab2.0 follow because that will make me make awesome screen shots i only kick people in minecraft if they swear or break my whole world thanks for reading. fab club members Alesks,mattew2.0,scarmans,and other
Avacadis Ms.ImaUnicorn
·∞· New Purchases: 2048, Super Mario Kart, Mononoke Forest ·∞· →☆→Taken 11/8/16←☆← ☆•Awkward•☆ ★•Clumsy•★ ·¤·I'm one of a kind·¤· Favorite Nintendo Games↓ °•.Captain Toad Treasure Tracker, Super Mario Sunshine, Mario Kart series, Mario Party Series, Kutar Seriesº·. ★•Nintendo fan sence '05•☆ !→Active User←! °♪• My Nintendo Rewards is my MCM •♪° Follow mii & i will follow you back
GHost GHost_0018
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Anemone Anemone978
Hey my name is Tiffany, you can add me or follow☆ Games I Own Wii U, 3DS & Switch ★Super Mario 3D World ☆Yokai Watch ★Prof. Layton Miracle Mask and the Azeran legacy ☆Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer ★Super Mario Maker ☆Super Smash Bros. ★Splatoon ☆Zombie U ★Sonic & Mario Sochi 2014 ☆The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD ©1988
gg savannahsnetwork
Krennic dangerpig99
Welcome to my profile! Here you can hear reviews, ideas for games, and predictions for upcoming games and i can chat pretty much anywhere! (mostly about youtube) P.S EVERYTHING IS AWSOME EVERYTHING IS COOL WHEN YOUR PART OF THE TEAM!!! P.S Anything naughty posted i will report you, that said HAVE FUN!!!!! P.P.S I got 3 new Lego Games that i got for Christmas (but i'll just play Lego Dimensions)!
munky chocolatemonkey7
hello im Natalia.R i love to talk and sing im also very stilesh i love everyone(^-^)
Talon 2dsTalonX1
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Goblin thatowlkid
☆★☆Jose★☆★ JoseAngelelpro
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J-O.C. JoshisthaMann
Hey, everyone! It's so nice you clicked on my face & welcoming to my profile! It's still me, Joseph, but more importantly, Joseph's O.C.! Thank you for following me & it's a real pleasure checking out my drawings & stuff, you are so kind & supportive, i might follow if you keep this up a little longer of how much you enjoying my artwork & some silly random posts ^~^
walrus BishamonD
Hello,I like to play splatoon and mario maker.If you send me friend request I'll accept it.I love to play splatoon with friends,and play my friends mario maker levels.If you wanna play with me send a friend request.
Tone $wank TonyAHDMV
ChloeJadon chole118
Thanks Miiverse. For keeping my universe going. Special Thanks To Administration, For keeping miiverse friendly. Nick, For being the person there for me. Mike, For being a good brother. MemeSenpai, For keeping me going though the hardest times. Every Follower, For keeping me feeling like i matter. Jadon, For being a good cousin. And all you independent people. Thank You. I love you miiverse♥
Isaac IsaiahX3
Hi! My name's Isaiah. I'm a 17 year old Christian guy, & I'm happy 2 B here. X) I'm extremely nice, & will try 2 always make U happy. ;) I might leave miiverse in January cause I'm starting college, but I'll have to see. Bye! Just keep on smiling y'all! ;) God bless U all! XD Ok, so please follow my fav ppl on miiverse;Ms.Claire, Micky, Irish Girl, REBEL, *Indiya*, Alayna M B, Lili, Mathilde, etc.
Ashley LegendofAshley95
hai!! i am 22 years old. i am completely obsessed with Legend of Zelda [: like, i have the triforce tattoo behind my ear xD
spectral Spectral04
hi there, the names Spectral and im a great sonic fan! i grew up with sonic,link,and mario, GOTTA GO FAST!!! PS. i will accept any friend request and if you want to play splatoon or super smash bros wii u with me message me:) ROY'S OUR BOY!!!!
LucaLink LucasMOJO
Good Bye c'étais LucaLink j'ai 14 ans *Mes mangas préférés:One piece/My hero Academia *Mes jeux-vidéos préféré sont: SSB for Wii U & 3ds/mario kart 8/Pokémon Ultra Lune/Mario sport mix/Ac new leaf/Tomodachi Life/Hyrule Warriors Légend/Miitopia Merci à vous tous pour ces bons moments Good Bye Miiverse
Skylar kitkatloki
Hello! I accept friend requests I love to squid party in splatoon (not on rank battles though) I love splatoon, pokemon, animal crossing, and the mario kart series. I love to play online with friends especially on splatoon and animal crossing. bye!~ :D
Link ShedOfHyrule
Greetings!!! i am Shed the happy mask salesman's loyal assistant Ghirahim's BFF and Ruto's anonymous sister that doesn't exist or at least i wish i was.... i obviously i have a serious LoZ obsession
Steven Valence-12
☆Cotton☆ mandochristopher
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Cooper KirbytoYoshi
(smash bros is legend...........wait for it ....dary legendary!!!! :) ) so i'm a person that pushes farther into video games if i fail i still go farther i've played many games in my life so far i even own an nes and a snes so if you follow me i'll follow you i will do many of who will win(s) so i hope you can stick around and see what happens (i also do glitches) (R.I.P Iwata ;-; thank you)
Bruce TheGamerIsHere
Hello, Welcome to my User Page! I'm Bruce or Bubby Boy, I am a gamer. I have played games since I was 2 Years Old! My first ever game was The Legend Of Zelda! But anyways I love games, I have games like Terraria, Minecraft, Super Mario Maker and ect. But I love playing with ppl, if you are not very nice I may delete you from my friends list Well see ya'll later thanks and remember Stay Fresh!!!!!
Islwi Ishak1
Hi Guys My name is Ish and I love Play video games ! Favorite Game : Agar.io Slither.io Diep.io Mope.io Nebulous Minecraft Roblox Splatoon Mario Maker Mario Kart 8 Youtuber favourite : FGTeeV CbGames Agentgb Furious Jumper Frigiel PopiGames Dedicated to : Kaeloo26 Don't Forget To Subscribe To My Channels !
luis lualbert_1810
Hello , the name is luis , i am 14 years old , I like TLOZ , PKMN , and SSB4 . if you like my profile be my friends or ......... whatever you want . Im really from spain but the wii u say that i am from colombia ( i dont like to wii u chat ) tambien hablo español . DAB
bonnie Imerial30
my name is x im here to make friends and play games thwts it things to know about me: fav show: spongebob squarepants fav game: mk8 ,zen pinball , and lost reavers siblings: sister & brothers. please follow mςν★alone★ and friend him i've never met a bonnie age: 9 yrs
おうか→かずなり ouka103
こんにーの♡こん相葉♡ おうかです♪ 嵐の大ふぁん♡ FC歴2年 ファン歴2年 担当は…ニノ♡ 同担拒否は絶対にしません!!←むしろ同担の方と仲良くなりたい♡ 他担の方も大歓迎♡ 他に好きなもの NEWS→小山担 You Tuber→水溜りボンド フィッシャーズ はじめしゃちょー など… ゲーム実況者様→赤髪のとも Pocky Sweets ぺいんと たくっち など… 無言フレリクNG! ここまで見てくれてあいばとう♡ あいばいばーい♡ ('◇') ノノ`∀´ル (.°ー°) (´・∀・`) (`・з・´) □♡▽○ * 2/6 こーしん *
Corina Rival_Ziggy
Hi,there how are you? I'm just a some silly ġiгl hobbies: swimming, singing, art, volleyball, etc. likes: Zootopia, Twilight, Starbucks, fav games: Splatoon, ssbs4, mk8, and more, When I get older one day I would want to go around the world helping people to setting them free from poverty. Besties are 1. ★Jdog.exe☆ 2.TCQ 3. ROCK!!!! Thx for reading and God bless you!!
MasterLord AngstLordBrandon
I'm shy, moody, aloof, jaded, and absent minded. My interest include: writing, philosophy, art, YouTube, and science, etc. Among my favorite franchises are: The Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem, Mario, Avatar:TLA, Batman, Star Wars, DBZ. I'm currently enjoying Breath of the Wild! Quite possibly the best game ever made! ☆ c==({::::::::::::> ★
xXHunterXx GhostHunter443
Hai im GhostHunter and I have Splatton and SmashBros. If u wanna play with me or be friends its ok or send a mesage.
NerdyOtaku marinelife951
Hey my little munchkins I like,anime,Zelda,Animal Crossing,I am a nice person Creepypasta I also love Sword Art Online(˘ώ˘) Starbucks coffee is bae(^-^) Yandere Simulator by Azzman Follow 4 follow Nooo Wii U chat Age:14 Drinking coffee right now get away from meh Creep STOP IT Okay Get your own coffee So derpy TOUCH MEH STARBUCKS COFFEE YOU DIE(òωó) P.s I wear big glasses P.s.s Half British
Partygirl★ Partygirl102
☆online ★offline ← maybe forever :> ♥OMG HEY MISSED CHU!!! ♡Currently a person who lives her life looking at chickens and doing parties :D ♥ :): -shmood ♡→→WARNING←←: IM A CHICKEN LOVERRRR :) ♥FRIEND REQUEST IF Y'ALL WANT MY NUGGETS!!!! ♡ Time to crack open a cold one with the boyz :>
SSJ☆Kani kidkani
whats up my name is kani sounds like a weird name i like playing super smash bros i am very nice and friendly and cool! also be sure to follow me if you want and friend request me!\(^^)/ for super smash bros my main characters are grenija,mario,bowser,and my me fighter! and tell me if you want to smash? plus my goal for follows is 100
Lassi lassic_gamer
♪<>♪<>♪<>♪<>♪<>♪<>♪<>♪<>♪<>♪<>♪<>♪ Checking my profile? You must be really lost. Well, I'm just a guy and: -I'm 16, ♂ -Kind of a loser -Sometimes I try to draw -Not particularly good at games. -Some of my favourites are Metroid, Zelda, Rhythm Heaven, the Mother series, and Shovel Knight, etc. -I may be kinda hard to become friends with, so... Good luck I guess. :P -Yup. :τ
Paige Paige1196
Hiya and welcome to my profile! My nickname is PJ. I play Splatoon, Mario Kart, Pokken Tournement, Pokemon X and Pokemon Ruby, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, and many more! Shoot me a friend request and will play together! I'm 19. Follow me and I'll follow back! Also, thanks for over 300 followers!
Tanieli♪ stephanie1314
Hi there :3 Some of you might remember me as Eeveelove. I love drawing, anime and videogames. Dont be afraid to stop by and say hi! -τаņięιi
skygamer drolljr69
hey my name is skygamer and welcome to my profile i play splatoon and smash brothers and i am on miivirse alot if you view my profile please be my freind right now
fugi robertlong212
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Adonis Frog_Rider998
Bruh I can play I wii u chat.Btw welcome to the only user page that genderbends on splatoon. If you got any questions just friend me i'll be sure to look. :3 :p