Elizabeth's Followers
smiley Happy28-07
ミバで出会えた皆さんに感謝してます。 楽しい時間と思い出をありがとうございました!! Thank you for everyone who took care of me. It was really nice meeting you!
kylliane Matteolezombie
bon me je présente : cc je m'appelle kylliane j'ai 12 ans truc préféré : splatoon,faire des figure en BMX,allé dehors,joué avec mes amis,aidé moi petit frère et ma petite soeur et aller à la salle de sport att mes BFF son MR★sidjay★ et Océane et leur indentifiant son emma1599 et Toscane830 voilou tu coco ma vie parcontre remonte t oublié de t' abo
Tristen TristenPowers
Click on "Posts" to view ALL of my posts! Important: Profile Page • Only shows a summary of activity Play Journal • Only shows posts after July 2015 Recent Drawings • Might omit new posts Sadly, people who only check the sections will miss out on some great stuff. I make long posts because it isn't useful to be shallow.
Wispurr LordTigerRoar
Profile comment NOT hidden by admin. Let's see, I don't know what to say. Few things you should know: ♥ to draw. Rarley do screenshot posts. Don't do Wii U Chat. I do weekly BRAINTEASERS. Forgot to say thanks to all my followers for the 200+! Not greedy but let's get it to 300, OK? Any good suggestions for anime, make sure to tell me. See ya! MIIVERSE IS ENDING EVERYONE PANIC!
Didith Kutoii
petite présentation ( my self ) nom/name : Judith âge/age : 13 classe/class : 4e passion/hobbies : dessin et jeux vidéos ( drawing and video games ) folow : Arc☆64 ChuckNista Amanda Alien Lynαllα Tiago Agathe ˘G&Kmaeva˘ Grithis JroViens Princess Mymily Jade Toutes ces personnes sont incroyables ! *n'hésite pas à t'abonner ^-^* folow me ( if you want, of course ) objectif 650 abonnés!
peanut coolbo_peanut
2 slow wolf926
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Paul slycooper136
MαJυ irmasMJ
Mario and Donkey K. forever "With great powers comes great responsability…" Hey,Smile!This isn't a bye-bye, this is a see u soon! Ryne, Geigus, Rhett, Julien, John, Link, Bryan, Rosie, Donna, Maddy, David, Gengar, Kadu, Biozin, Zack, Geronimo, Tokito, Alejandro, Tiger, Gabi, Liam, Isabella, Mike, Negima... You're a nice people, guys! ♥Thanks, dear friends, for the races, battles and good time♥
Luly Chiquilino
Hiya. Name's Luly. I love videogame, especially The Legend of Zelda and Professor Layton. I like movies, especially animated. I also read, mostly adventure books, and everything How to Train Your Dragon. But my greatest passions are animals and nature. I also love drawing and...well, sleeping. I always search for some new friend and anything to break the routine. So welcome to my profile.
Mike nessahurt
Mega Man nerd here! Also a 16-year old Christian! b-day 7-15
Frances Itachiuchiha0081
I'm Frances harmony cook My favorite games r The Legend Of Zelda Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword and Tomodachi Life. My friends r : Sofia Sonia Talia Aliyah Abby Shydyn Taryn Jazmine Deason
lorenzo lolodragonright
Hey welcome to my profile :) I'm Lorenzo 12 year old boy Live in the Netherlands favourite games * Splatoon * Fire Emblem * miiverse user since 29-04-2017 bye
emmajane emmapem17
norm sweetnorm82
Natedog720 Natedog720
Whats up. Im 20, currently at Camp Lejeune, NC. Smash bros, mario kart, and Zelda! Feel free to message me anytime :)
Jhané JhaneTatyana
Dethbring0 DethBringer0
Seawolf Seawolflinkon
#Dontendmiiverse #pleasedontslamthedoorinourfaces I'm sorry.. Wow.. Miiverse made me feel more connected to Nintendo, and fellow Nintendo Fanatics.. The Switch is a barren wasteland (not because it doesn't have many games yet either)..with no menu..it is an isolated, connectionless tablet [no miiverse :(]. I have a Switch, I wanted to like it, I could have eventually.. Now, I'm Furious!!! ♥♡♡
Cuicher Cuicher2
Dennis Al_Wesker
Marinette bellacherry19
hi i'm dayanis i loveZelda breath of the wild
Milo JoyDev
Mikey BraverMedia
Grim linkthelegend922
miah UzumakiKuruma
beastboy07 Tryppwilliams
hi i'm Trypp. I love me.
Siddiata Diana61
Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean i'll miss you untill we meet again.
Chizuru Hhstar7
Hello everyone! Have fun looking at my posts. Probably most everything i draw is from animes. Lots of animes.Hope you like them. ^-^ Many people like video games, but I like music instead. ^-^
☆★καуιεε★☆ TheWorldIsKawaii
hOi!! My name is Kaylee. I like playing videogames (Who in here doesn't? xD), singing and drawing (˙ˇ˙)/ Follow me, i guess, if you want? u v u «It's so sad that Miiverse is going to end soon ;-;» I speak English mostly, and Spanish. I really like cute things, and also, "uwu" rules. •Online [Yeah] •Offline [Nope]
Dani LegendofZelda564
Hullo smol bean Not very active here as you can see :') I play: FE AC:NL Sploon BoTW -Team Pearl!!! So uh bye
Katelyn^_^ FalconX37
Hi! Im 14, and I hope someday I can become a softball player. Im really quirky, and im the only person in my group of friends that still has a DS:-P Interests: Vineyard Vines, Science, Softball. Interesting Fact: I live in the same city as the McKnight Family! I go to a different school district than they do though.
JayJay bee489
Hi im 32JayJayi love my family my sister patty my brother mike @ my mom @ dad @ i love my best friends honeysweet @ chris @ sammy @ kelly @ Alyson @ sheay@ taylor@ talya
This is my alt account. I'm a guy who's an expert retro gamer since '96, a serious Brony, old car enthusiast, and I ♥ cute things. Look in my main for more info. Little x Fluttershy/Princess Cadence forever ♥. Because MV is about to die, my MLP meets the General Lee comic is sadly skipped to the ending wedding scenes to finish it ASAP. I'm very sorry, fans. Thank you all for supporting me. :'(
Nury JossMabbitt
Hi there!! My name is Nury I'm from Mexico city I love the legend of zelda, my favorite are twilight princess, SSBB, Pokemon, and more xD I like draw anime style. nwn Languages Spanish English Follow me n.n
Lalito Katitar
NCS;tenten tenten0702
おはこんばんにちは^_^NCS;tentenです 好きなことはゲームスプラトゥーン、マリオカート8、絵心教室と卓球です!ちなみに、卓球部ではキャプテン!ぐへへ フォロー、共感、フレンドよろしくお願いします! フォローは100%返しマスオ!絵心教室は、始めたばかりで、下手ですが共感よろしくお願いします^^ あと、フォロワー様が500人突破しました!ありがとうございます! クリスマスパーティーで高級なカニを食べました! カニの実はふわふわというかぷにぷにというか、歯 ごたえがよく味もしっかりしていて美味しかったです! 味噌という部分も少し食べましたが、\*_*/ ↑ この意味はご想像におまかせでーす! オエーーオロロロロローーー!?あ!やっべwwwwww 更新2017:1/6
Amanda LinZelMLIY
♡Hi!♡ I love The Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem and Super Smash Bros. My favorite character is Link, I love him so much! I fall in love with him!♥ 2nd favorite characters are all bishounen of the games and animes.♡ I love ☆BTS☆ and ♥TaeKook♥. I like BL (Yaoi), animes and manga, and I love nekos, they are so kawaii! My favorite animes are Naruto and Pokémon. I love Nintendo! Here since: 2016/04/06
Yσκσ~Cнαη 3.Hyrule.3
———.·•Kon'nichiwa•·.—— I'м στακυ ~(^▼^~) #I'мAGhσυι! I ισvε »>dσίηg vεrγ "nσrmαι" τhίngs. :'3 Bε cαrεfυι I'vε gστ α -Dεατh Nσtε- αnδ I knσw hσw τσ υsε ίτ. I ωαητεδ τσ τнαηκ γσυ αιι fσг αιι τнεςε αмαzίηg γεαrς I'νε ςρεητ hεrε…I've мετ α ιστ σf bεαυτίfυι ρεσριε αηδ αrτιςτς τнατ I'ιι ηεvεr fσrgετ∞ <—Tнαηκ γσυ <3—« Mαγβε σηε δαγ... (\ (\ (^ω^)
Nadja lovelyNadja
Hy ich heiße Nadja ^-^ Leider wird es ab 08.11.17 nicht mehr möglich sein, das MIIVERSE zu benutzen. Sehr schade!!! Ich wünsche allen alles gute für die Zukunft! VIEL GLÜCK UND VIEL SPASS!!! May see 'ya in paradise...
Hey guys! I'm Elizabeth :)
I'm a 23 year old artist and I've been a major Zelda fan since I was l...
Hey guys! I'm Elizabeth :)
I'm a 23 year old artist and I've been a major Zelda fan since I was little.
I've been here since 2013, and I've made some amazing friends! Thank you!♥
Due to miiverse closing, I have created an alt. art account elsewhere on the internet for future artwork. (DA) (ninjasTopHat)
Thanks so much for all the yeahs and follows!
Check out my sister Gracie!(PurpleDolphin0-0)