Users Zach—————— Is Following
ąηg 2fab4uWeeaboo
Gonna be lots of cartoons on here, I can feel it Feel free ta chat* Games: LoZ, Supersmash, Pokemon, Minecraft, CoD BoII Youtube: Pewdiepie, Markiplier, ERB, Domics, Filmcow, BGT/AGT *Sensible debates backed up with validated information and virtue are the only ones I will respect.
Courtnay CJluvsMJ27
Today's the end I guess. If you wanna find me on "kick" or "bird sounds" page, I use the same Nintendo name as I do here. I hope to see you there. :)
Lindsey vampirichippo
This comment has been taken by Kaito Kid. He should return it once he deems it fake. It seems Kaito Kid gave my profile comment back. He stuck it in one of my drawers. I'll keep it as a souvenir. With that out of the way, hi! I'm Michael! (AKA Mariotag. I'll probably change my Mii to reflect that better.) ...and I've little keeping me here now...
Rellmon Rellmon
Hello, Im Rellmon, one of the most dedicated gamers you will ever know! I hope to be one as long as life will let me be! Gamers, especially oldschool and nostalgia freaks get my attention in priority!!!!! Lets be cool together! Or at least til the Switch over.
IceHammer SonOfSnake2
Quit Using this Site Ran by Hypocrites. The Son of shofu/Solid Snake & The Little Brother of Rellmon Work–Man IceHammer, Ph.D. Tabajador HieloMartillo 氷のハンマー 労働者 i.e. Doctor Kirby himself. @KirbyDoctor
Anthony SmoshAnthony
bizaroフィル bizaroPhildor
Wingnut BigDaddyWingnut
Jools RenegadeJools
Creator of Mutant Mudds, Xeodrifter, and Chicken Wiggle. 🐣 Hi, my name is Jools. Nice to meet you!
Dry Bones Moodeeb
Gaming w/ Nintendo from the beginning. Favorite NES games include: NES: S.C.A.T, LoZ (1&2), BattleToads,MGS SNES: Super Metroid!!! N64: Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Starfox (so many!) Gamecube <3: Eternal Darkness, WWaker, P.N.03, Rogue Squadron, D.Dash! Wii: S. Sword, Xenoblade, Dead Space, RE 4 WiiU: ZombiU, ME3, Shovel Knight!, Miiverse! I cosplay A. Wesker daily. Blank friend requests R rejected.
Undead_T Undead_terror
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) jell0! (hello) it is I thee undead one, feel free to add/follow mii! Favorite genre of games in no real order: Shooters, Fighting games, Platformer, Adventure games, rouge like. And indead that is mii in the top ranks of the Smash Bros 4 Brawler cards and Splatoon Player cards! Big fan of octagons as swell!
Tingle FunIsland_RoSE
~~Koolimpah!!! Hello Everyone and Welcome to the Requiem of Spirits Events! This group is an LoZ event group that wishes to bring back the quality and livelihood of the community by creating original, diverse, and more forum-based posts. To see how it works, look at the "RoSE revamp" post, and come join us in the chatroom :)
iZbo iZbo1993
hey guys... who's loving the Wii U?
Jester Jestersoup
Dylan JetSetGo
Hey-yo! While you were reading this, I raided your fridge and ate your cake. Sorry. On the bright side, though, it was delicious. For me. Not you. Muahahaha.
T-SMACKA_3 Tsmack3
JC is my saviour!!!!! Who Dat! Saints! New Orleans! 504! Gun pow to the dome and split the bone - Wu Tang Clan #KnockinBootsProduction #Eett?
AJ Sonic198399
I'm a huge Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Rayman, Pokèmon, Shovel Knight, Sonic, Cave Story, Shantae, and Super Smash Bros. fan. I'm not very active anymore, so sorry... Quotes To Life By: "I HAVE FURY!"~Fawfull "Beef? I am lacking in beef. Fawfull is beefless."~Fawfull And most importantly: "I HAVE CHORTLES!"~Fawfull Remember: Every follower counts!
M4th Theveryrealm14
Bring in the New Year correctly by cuffing a bad female. Happy 2017 homiez
Zach~~~~~~ noswal1990gamer
Profile comment hidden by admin. This my alt I will be using this one from now on because false reporting. Don't worry I'm still using my main to post in game post but commenting on other post I'll be using this account.
Julio HeroOfShade-Link
I love the Legend of Zelda games! My all time favorite game is Ocarina of Time. I also grew up with Dragon Ball, Spider-Man, Pokémon, and many other franchises. Nintendo and gaming have been a part of my life since I was 2 years old, with some of my first memories being playing the family's old Super Nintendo. I'm 18 years old.
JV® joaovi012
Favorite game: -Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii) Hype Top 5: 1-Xenoblade Chronicles 2 2-Metroid Prime 4 3-Kirby Star Allies 4-Yoshi for Switch 5-Project Octopath Traveler A few notices: -I won't accept random friend requests; -Please refrain from turning my posts into off topic chatrooms and comment only something related to the post.
Cranky legendofgood
these are a few of my favorite things... raindrops on roses mario and luigi as kittens.bright golden trifoce and white fluffy mittens..worn by iwata while announceing new things ,flying in mario3.. without any wings these are a few of my favorite things epona colored ponies,and crisp apple streudles,ocarinas warp whistles and cool miiverse doodles and when the dog bites when the bee stings........
Goodbye jennifer1963
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Melody♪♪♪♪ starla6262
Trevor linkthegamer34
Hai! I'm Trevor! Welcome to my profile! If you follow me, I'll follow you. Check out some of my Mario Maker courses! I recommend Bowser's Airship Blockade. It's my best, in my humble onion. I don't use miiverse anymore. If you have a question or comment, hit me up on reddit. It's the same as my nnid.
CountDooku lordcountdooku
Hello i am Count Dooku, i have a history on Miiverse and am a proffesional meme lord. Ive been on miiverse a long time and have learned alot. If you need something, ask me, i might be able to help! My clan history: Created and led the CIS, Sth high council, COF, the sith Empire, ive also conducted many advocacy campaigns, and been ruler of miiverse! Post limit:ded Room 88 is MINE!
Iwata SatoruIwataA
Hello, I'm Satoru Iwata, global president of Nintendo. Thank you for enjoying our products. Along with my duties as company president, I also focus on "Asking" and "Delivering news directly to you".
ゆうこぽん yukojapanese
Hello~♪Thank you for follow me and reading my message♪
Tom NintendoTom
Hi I'm Tom from Nintendo! Whenever there's anything new happening to Miiverse, I'll be posting about it on Miiverse Announcements. I'll also be sharing tips and other Nintendo news that (hopefully) matters to you. I'll occasionally be popping up in other communities, so keep an eye out for me!
Daniel daniel20134
ゆうこ yukopon
This user's profile comment is private.
sweetman sweetmanjohn
people can anyone help me
angie~RoS Linkfan4eva_eva
alt Proud RoS member~ ▲RoSD is a group dedicated to protecting the LOZ com. from the ones who want to disrupt the peace. If u are ever in trouble, please feel free to contact us▲ ▲The RoSE is an all LoZ event group that has daily events any LoZ fan can be apart of▲ If u are interested in joining either, feel free 2 contact me :) Have a nice day, may there be peace!
swallow MM MikeITGreen1991
I enjoy Nintendo games, i love my lady and hanging with my friends
U umer12
Some People to thank for the great memories: My followers, friends including Jah 9 7 1 0 Awesome One Angie Skelter Julio Chase Colin Seth Mac 32 Zach Terry Kai Melody M14 Jeff Eli Helen Tuo sev Trevor And so many more. Thank U for the memories, everyone! Its been a great ride.
▲ Helen ▲ trojanbeauty
Council member of the Requeim of Spirits (RoSD) Please note, I only use Wii u chat with family and people who I personally know. I guess you could say I'm a huge rpg lover. Some of my favorite game franchises are Legend of Zelda, Paper Mario, the Tales series, Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem, Kingdom Hearts and Golden Sun.
Uncle_V whatever1212
(Draws more often on his 4.1. than anywhere else.) (4=D, 1=A. Big-uncle-V. More the same, but prettier.) Yeah-bombs are prohibited, any offenders will be told thusly and labeled. (This rule does not apply to Rich. ^~^) Glad you spotted me, user! I'm just a high-lv rookie, who draws a little and makes a lot out of it. Games. *FanLife *MK7-8 *KI:U *SSB(Wii U) (Titles subject to change.)
A1 JOnny5.7732b2c
Most call me A1, others knew me as Cool Boy, and others still know me as Jon. I've had fun in my 3 years of being here, but the time for me to go is upon us. I sincerely thank all of you for making me who I am today. I owe a lot to you guys. Truly, thank you. - Jonathan / A1 Final SD peak: #45 on OU ladder. 1853 elo rating. #TheNinamoriNationWillLiveOn #RoSForever
Skelter jonwskelly
USA!!! 19 and ♂, Love soccer, skiing, and camping. Nintendo enthusiast, Zelda and Metroid are the best. I enjoy having discussions, so feel free to start a convo with me! Follow for cool drawings and good talks RoS forever, bois Favorites: Super Metroid Xenoblade Mother 3 Link to the Past Mega Man 3
Issi☆ NightFuryMidna
☆I'm The Twilight Princess Issi☆ Check out my posts! 600 Followers, thanks everyone! :D My favorite anime is SAO. I'm a sηίper in Splatσσп >:] Midna is the best TLOZ character! My favorite Zelda games in order: TP, ST, OoT, WW, SS, MM. ☆<~KoB~>☆
Melody♪♪♪♪ mscarlet
This user's profile comment is private.
angie~RoS Linkfan4eva_x3
Offline Proud RoS member~ ▲RoSD is a group dedicated to protecting the LOZ com. from the ones who want to disrupt the peace. If u are ever in trouble, please feel free to contact us▲ ▲The RoSE is an all LoZ event group that has daily events any LoZ fan can be apart of, it can be found at FunIsland_RoSE▲ If u are interested in joining either, feel free 2 contact me :) Have a nice day!
M14 TherealM14
I'm just an average everyday guy who likes to play Video Games, Watch NBA Basketball and listen to Hip Hop. Also a Real person who speaks his mind. I'm a Huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog and Legend of Zelda games. Games i currently own for Wii U and 3DS Are displayed on my favorite communitys list. I also own a Nintendo Switch 8244 5001 0935
angela Linkfan4evaa
Main - Linkfan4eva Greetings from my aunts house. New gaming profile come at me *insert stern determined face here* Rest in Peace Mr.Iwata, you will be missed #YearOfIwata ▲IT'S DANGEROUS TO GO ALONE▲ Take this and fight with me ¬l========> (\_(\ (=' :') ~♥ MH4, Splatoon, HW, SSB4, MK8 (,( 0 ) Lazy ♥ Anime ♥ Food
Hello this is my alt account. my main account is noswal1990