{MT}~Olex's Followers
しゃちょ syacho
フォローは1000000%ぐらい(たぶん)の確率で返します。ww 好きなゲームはマイクラ、スプラトゥーン (で、出たー。ゲーム好きな前提で話してくるやつーwww) 主にマリカーとスプラトゥーンのプレイ日記を投稿しています。下手ですwww。 マイクラはwiiuではなく他の端末でやっておりまっせ。 建築センスなっしんぐwww まあちょくちょくと更新もしておりますのでよろしくお願い申し上げます。\(-_-)/ フォロワー300人突破。ありがとうなのです。
Matt babyfernando2012
yes i do play
Yas yas6hubabuba
HI I'm yas , my real name is Yasmine , I am 11 years ald . I have golden cerls at the ends of my hair because when I was little I had blonde hair . I love : anime and manga ; disny films ; CAKE! and chocolate . my dream is to own a cafe and be the baker . Also l am half britches and half morrocn , if you don't know were Morroco is ; its in north–west Africa . I also go to the gym to keep healthy !
~Mέlί~ alexa-nounouche
/(*≧ω≦*)ノbienvenue dans mon monde\(*≧ω≦*)\ prénom:… âge:…½ ~voici trois chose inutile a savoir sur moi~ ¹JaimeMaVie ù_ú ² je suis là depuis 20/05/16 à 17h20 mais osef ³je suis une flemarde Merci au 227 ouais à mon message favori ^ω^ Désolés d'être inactifs. voila et n'oublie pas de t'abonner
superstar☆ Jacquery
Ryan ryanrwhite
Hey guys what is up? (The Sky) My biggest goal of my life is to have a great one ! I got the Wii U on christmas and it is real special to me....... ok um heres a list: Unlike on miiverse-Bullying, Getting banned, and that only 13+ can do friend requests:( What I do like about miiverse-Communication, The Activity Feed, and some more things I maybe forgot I liked:) Bye!!!!!!
nate NateDownload
popo popolatechni
DEEAAAMMN le gens j'espère que vous allez bien. Nouveau compte miiverse, vous pouvez vous désabonner a mon ancien compte je ne m'en servirait plus. voilà tout,biz... Mon anniv est le 30/07 Merci à mes 128 abos objectif 150 abos BOOOUUUUMMMM
Chee■★Moon KordWiiU
Hello and welcome to my profile my name is Chee■★Moon Fav animal: Cat Fav show: Family Guy Fav food: Spaghetti Fav snack: Cookies (Chocolate Chip) I really like powerade I don't care which flavor my friends always go to subway Oh! speaking of which my fav restaurant is apple bees and mcdonald's I like apple pie and cookies What's your favorite foods and restaurants? #SAVEMIIVERSE!!!!!!!
geoffrey ipergy
poudre de perlimpinpin!!! .code d'erreure de la masse neronal 12/76 de♭=33,3333333...‰de■=½ ↓↓↓ erreure sistème ↓↓↓ un androzzzzz...iiizzzzzzb vas paralisé le cerveur de votre zone→→→ donc√puis———–————...(«objectif⇒500abos)!...!
Elizabeth whatever92
Hi! this is Elizabeth's alt account. I don't post much on this account. I only use this if I run out of posts. Go follow my other account. (SmartSteve)
Nathan CaptainTnTAswa
hi im nathan if you follow me ill follow you friend requests are welcome and half the time i might do wiiu chat You can stop reading #SAVEMIVERSE
PIKAと申します。(名前けっこう変えます) このごろスプラトューンや、マイクラにはまっています 出来ればフレリク送って下さい どんな人でも大歓迎 フレンド100人集めたい(`∀´) まじめに暑いよ…誰か 誰かタスケテ 文字間違い探し~!(簡単) 日日日日日日日日日日日日日日日日日日日日日日日日日日日日日日日日日日日目日日日日 文字間違い探し~!2 暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑署暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑暑
Yadaliz Lizzieee01
this is may first day of Miiverse an aym glad your with my because this is goin to cheinsh my lave
Graison J. G-mac1
Hi everyone, I'm Graison J. . Welcome to my profile page. Take a look around and see what games I like to play, check out some of my posts and feel free to ask me anything. :D
Tom TRobinso1252
Hello I'm Thomas ... sup If you have anything you want me to post I will gladly do it. Remember to like and follow!
Luke lukeisawsome9068
Hi first of all i am Christian. also thanks gracie cat soly and all my other followers.here are some things about me favorite anima : naruto favorite animal : red panda favorite game : pokemon sun /zelda that is all bye guys/gals †††††††
HypnoCrome SHARKSmack
Hello to all who have happened to tap me by mistake. I'm that smert boy i've got mario kart (which im super good at) and super smash along with splatoon. Send me a friend request or not ,another friend is always better A SHARK Smack inc. Product
malachi SonicLover261Wii
Hello Miiverse. This is the WII U version of SonicLover261. The original profile is on my 2DS. Hope you enjoy!!! &Knuckles
illuminati adriamix
hola aliens de marteee xDDD ▲←illuminatih zegitme pls BBF: unaxperdin,JBA , holasoyoshi, wii u adamlolXD, x-box 360 .... y muxo maz quandoh me levanteh no me zierrez el lavavoh que nezesitoh muxo tiempoh pa' lavarme el ravoh. holaaaaaaa???? adioz krak :v el tiempo ez oro y su tiempo noz perteneze :v tu tiepo de positado aqui :v
Mario ColinZ00
スゲワカメ kafe_kimu
miiverse *フレンドs、メッセで話してくれてアリガト。 *フォローしてくれてアリガト。 *レギュラー、プラベ、タグマに合流してくれてアリガト。 *アリガト話してくれて。 ミバのbgmを聞くたびにあなたの事を思い出す。 メッセ見るたびにあなたの事を思い出す。 本アカmiiverse開始日 2017年5月 サブアカmiiverse開始日 2017年9月 []--------------------キリトリ------------------------[] もう一週間くらいで終わってしまう・・・。 最後にミバの親友を言います・・・。ちぇぽ(ミズ)ちぇぽと呼んでいます。 ·'΄こんなのと話してくれてアリガト·'΄ 多分これ以上は投稿しないと思いますが、なるべく、投稿するようにはします。共感も。 []-----サヨナラ-----[] サヨナラmiiverse・・・
Zeltica02 Puppy116
I absolutely love TLoZ. Zelda games owned: Windwaker HD Skyward Sword Breath of the Wild Miitomo: Zeltica02 (currently not active. but will possibly around november
René Octo_Squid_13
MyMcGame's julestravis1969
Hello my name is ★Gamer999★ im a kid/Squid that likes splatoon,and nintindo land im a fnaf and undertale fan i like dressing up as youtubers if you seen my uploads and i like to show my main gear of jose for fun not to brag anyway have fun :D!!!!!!!!
lil b Kenshad18
Hello im Brysen and my nintendo network is Kensah18. *List what i like to play* splatoon super smash bros. i accept friend request if your mean to me i will block you or not be your friend anymore if i like you alot then i will send a friend request or in a event don't block me pls NO WII U CHAT!!! well smarty chu is my friend
Cool Cat Cat_Kong
Qυαžάг nicosaedre86
Hey! Je suis Quazar, ou juste Quaz, je joue à Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Minecraft, et Edge. ———————————————————————— Abonnez vous à la chaîne YT: "OcariKnights", ce n'est pas une question. Achetez Edge de Two Tribes et Mobigame, ce n'est pas une question non plus. ————————————————————————
Iηές♪ Inesmimi11
Salut,moi c'est Inès j'adore les jeux Pokémon aussi les autres jeux . J'aime la paix et l'amitié parce que c'est ce que j'ai de plus précieux . A oui j'ai 11ans et merci à mes abonnés . Gentille★★★★☆ Joyeuse★★★★★ Passionnée★★★★☆ Μεπςι
Сιεм∞αсηι clemousse.c38
Sαιυт ! Jε ςυίς ηουνειιε ςυг мίίνεгςε... εηfίη ρας εχαстεмεηт... Αвοηηές-νους ά мοί, jε гεηdς ! Jε м'αвοηηε έgαιεмεηт ά тους сευχ qυί: -S'αвοηηε, -Qυί мεттεηт dες "Ouais" ά мες мεςςαgες, -Εт ά сευχ qυί ιες сοммεηтες; Сιίqυε ςυг [Suivre+] αυ ραςςαgε.
Cнιснι chatondeabou
Hι mγ ηαmε ις CHICHI(Anastasia) J'αιmε...Lες снαтς lες сσσкιες Aн μι j'αιmε mγ ςεηραι οωο ρεгςσηηε mε lε νσlε >~‹ Eμн mαιητεηαητ qμε τμ ας νμ ςα J'αι μη сσηςειl fσг γσμ ABONNE TOI OU JE TE MANGE Tσμτ ςμιτε :3 MAINTENANT
Dre ACAM_1109
Limon Blotze
Tschau Miiverse morgen wird es gelöscht Wir werden nie mehr Miiversehaben!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeein
Ciao amici!!
∞|Sãråh|∞ XCascouX
Kůkű tε νσιlα ςΰr mόή pгоfĺł ^-^ Ici tu découvrira du Acnl,Tomodachi,Vlog ( Acnl ) ^ω^ Le reste a découvrir :p Aimable c: ★★★★☆ Méchanceté :/ ☆☆☆☆☆ Bouffe ★★★★★★★★★★ *-* Abone toi a ma page tu ne vas pas regretter Fais partie de la TDC = TEAM DES CHOUCROUTE ^^' *-* :p Remonte pour t'abonner ! ^^ ;D
Kévin enzostache
Michael miket.43
Camille kmille76190
Salut, moi c'est Camille et Bienvenue sur mon Miiverse j'espere que tu seras content(e) du travaille ^-^ Je demande a Lila et Loyd 67BMW leurs c.a se serais génial, donc le mien est : 5086 - 4979 - 3499 Mii : Camille voila ! et merci si vous me l'avez donnez
cristi guapac
Hola soy Cristina para vosotros Cristi y soy una maquina de la gimnasia rítmica y me encanta. Se me da fatal cantar pero mi cantante favorita es Taylor Swift. ☆Si me seguis podreis disfrutar de Concursos,Series de mis juegos,Os enseñare trucos para vuestros juegos y os lo pasareis genial besos besos besos muak★ ☆ Si me sigues yo te sigo XD ★
Arie creativecat465
Hi i'm Arie. Here are some interesting facts about me. Birthday: December 18th 2006 Age:10 for now Favorite games: Splatoon, Minecraft and, Mario Kart 8 Favorite Animals: Meerkat, Elephant,wolf/dog and, turtles. Favorite color: Lime Splatoon team: Marie for life! Well untill next time... Staaaaaaay Freeeeeesh!!!!!!!
Super Pi92 pietrob06
Salve a tutti amici di miiverse io sono un professionista in questo portale e un appassionato di giochi per Nintendo 3dsXL. I miei gruppi preferiti sono: fai il tifo per sonic the hegdeogh tomodachi life lego star wars il risveglio della forza gruppo you tube mario sport super star nintendo badge arcade gruppo longue miitopia. SEGUITE I MIEI MIGLIORI AMICI CHE SONO @matDRUMMER e @Ğιαcσ06-4.
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