BobDaGhost's Followers
Christian3 PacManWorld2
Hey, i'm Christian. I main toon-link, Pac-man, and zelda in smash. Favorite game: Pac-man world 2. I'm a big Pac-Man and rhythm heaven fan. Electric Light Orchestra is my favorite band. Talk to me anytime. Vinesauce 4 life. Nothing but trash post on here, with a drawing occasionaly. Get cozy and make yourself at home in my trash bin. Christian X Ava is best ship
Țегпψ(•ω•) Scrubypleb
ayy im back i guess hi im terny just your normal lonely 13 year old who likes memes i like osomatsu san,jojo and FOTC n that i have no idea anymore meeeep
BURNTOAST2 Sceptile202
I like Super Mario, Pokemon, and more other Nintendo Games! #Sceptile4President P.S. don't ask me why my name is burntoast2 Goodbye, Miiverse! Thank you all so much for the great times and fun memories!
~Areianna~ Areianna06
my other account got deleted so friend me everyone and i will friend you back also i don't do wii u chat.
Loser zombiebunny13
This place is like being trapped in a burning building. I used to want to call for help but now I just wanna set up a lawn chair and watch it burn.
S p o o k PlanetDab
I know Miiveres ends in 3 weeks but meh. ill post art and stuff and thats it. btw At: SpicyMemes133
S P I C E BonelessDab
My old id was kingjoe14 lol
zeke 122188-marie
Hi im ezekiel i like trains and turtles
CσσκιεΡιε KeksAndMe
Hey leute ich bin 8 jahre alt und in der Klasse 3a und habe 8 spiele,Meine Schwester ist Diana-Donut. PS:CookiePie
@AngryAidan1 its my "blue bird" follow me there and on my "instaphoto" @angryaidan_
Neo★James jdarulerjr
hey guys my name is james my favorite game is smash bros and i like mario kart 8 and im in the Neo age clan and make sure to follow mark
Ûmbrian Kæ DarkLordofFood
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Boo awesomeoshawott1
★☆Bandana Dee and Fawful for SSB5!!☆★ Goodbye random people I hardly knew! I wasted so much of my life on this site :) L'p dzhvrphyloodjhu rq wxpeolqj zklfk lv zkhuh L'p prvw dfwlyh. Wzhhwhu lv IdzixoKdvPhphv dqg L wklqn pb Ghylrxv duw lv pxvwdug-ri-grrp oro THREE LETTERS BACK Also Switch on your Nintendo for won hive mine - mine for hive tree - mine for hero hive I HAVE FURY!
Drew drew8104
Thank you for clicking on my face. Now click follow. I accept all friend requests. Unless you're a creep. -MY ALTS- Drew - "drew8104" (Me) Drew-PlanB - "abraddock3" (My 2nd account) *And 3 secret accounts* K.
David GadgetJax
Name: David Peters Internet Persona: Jax Stand Name: SMOL BLUE Friends: Nanashi, ChillBitz, Braden, TimeSlip, DaedraLord
Ant:) lucca0712
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Judy~poody judemac7
hi i'm jude you but can call me judy poody as you can see it seems that i'm a miiverse mii just like you! i'm just a mii that is calm and you can friend me if you want to i'm 13! and thats it so see ya if you can! ;) R.I.P. MÊMêverse
☆Fαβιαηα☆ AngelicMelody21
hey…it's me…Fabiana (angelic21)… my 3ds had some problems and i had to reset all… but now…I'M BACK :'D #NoMiiverseEnding >:0
Where chocolate bar memes are just a suction cup away. Hello there. Im Doc Louis. Chocolate Bar Enthusaist, and Supporter of Muscular Scrappy Doo, in the NSLU. I also do birthday parties and weddings. If you need a trainer, call the Doc. (Closed verse is a maybe. Check following to see where you can catch my unfunny memes after this place goes.)
Dogoween Applejaxs07
hello my name is dogoween but my real name is victoria im 10 and i like many games tomodachi life undertale many more me female you may comment on posts give yeahs and follow me and requests i don't mind but i have school so i might no answer forawile You may not ban me for no reson whatsoever ban me for resons that are not on the banning list thx u for understand clubs: the dogo club um
♪★maurice↑ maurice-cup
don't do wiiu chat I relax try not to get banned from miverste really im a fan of dragen ball z nothing else but miverste I whatch yutuebe neflix chuchyroll and aldut swim
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σωσTehCat! Nyah123owo
Oh, H-hai, im Ortensia! i ish a cat~ Meowr!!!! sowwy for yelling~ nothing special here im smol ;v; NU! you may NOT TOUCH MEH TAIL My loving owner is Pastel ♥♥♥♥♥ ~.~ eh here *gives a cupcake wat chu wunt!!!!!! hue!!!!! alright lookie around, there ish only toon trash~ buh bai~ ♡♥♡♥
sans game WrathOfDewdrop
im 7sans gamin7. this is why cobblestone is life: stone is from meteors. stone turns into cobblestone. cobblestone turns into potatos. everything is made out of potatos. cobblestone is life. your wii u or 3ds is potatos which is cobblestone. that's why cobblestone is life. ... #SAVE DABBING ... question of the week: are u on frisks side or charas side???????????
Damien paikilr38
popularmmo ssgill
guys im im ofline in november cause miiveres is going to be unavalible to all residents in miivreres
Phillipe xPhillipe
IG - phiiillliiipe ROBL0X - iiAuthenticPhillipe The "Tweeting Bird" - phiiillliiipe Yellow Ghost - xphillipe Closedverse - xPhillipe Thank you, Tony and EggDanny. ♡
Ca Alterca
Your body exists for the purpose of carrying the love concealed within forever,and ever,since the day you were born. Yes,that's right,I hope I can make it in time wthin my lifetime.Even if there are no pretty names for gave me,those thoughts will still dance nimbly in the sky of memories. I want to live without any dark cloud,so don't hate this temporary rain. From Mask by AquaTimez!
Priam sebflorida
Don't let people who don't have the same gaming taste as you say you aren't a gamer simply because you don't play the games they do. Play what you want to play, and enjoy! Badmin Notifs: 27 Bans: 0 Farewell, everyone... 'Till the day we encounter each other again on the Interwebs... It's been a wonderful ride...
izzy joannaisthebest
hey yall just your local flop,lmao 15 y.o~ wii u is litt~ series/shows are litt too~ memes are my life!~ leo~ les~ fangirl~ lazyaSs~ i love black nail polish ik its emo but so am i~ and i absolutely love making new friends,so make sure to hmu :`)
MiiNewsKev MiiNewsReelSCOOP
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Brandon gagebr
Miiverse ends today RIP People I'll miss: Jos DerpJacob Kyle Venoct Laurzy Daniel Mii King Moon Little Bee Greenvolt and much more. Check my following list if you want to chat on a cord.
***** Ruby_x_saphhire
CutterL CutterL
Hope to see you again in the future. CutterL, CutterL_, cutterl98, CutterL#6951 Hey, I try to draw here when I can, lots of videogame stuff. You can find my art other places as well. I'm a big fan of Nintendo. I've played their games my whole life and I really enjoy every bit of them. I'm a little crazy, and kinda shy, but feel free to talk to me.
GhøstFrog yourghostisback
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Lisi Legendgirl_04
Hi! My Nickname is Legendgirl04 and i love RPG`s I'm working on my Alolan Pokedex and i hope you can help me out a little ;) (I mean with some Pokémons for my Moon Dex(Just for a little trade to my game and then back to yours)) Thanks for your Support Stay Determined! Legendgirl
MV Admin. lukeh2004
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Steve DorianGabe
I am The Nemo Kid! I know that wii u is fun! My favorite game is on Nintendo Switch Super Mario Odyssey. Thanks for following and playing!
★Mario★ Luigiguy77
Bird: @Mariosomeguy77 Discord: NorahIsMySugarMama#7864 If I get banned, peace everyone. Shoutout to my buds ★Damon456♪,yventura34, and vîx. ‹3 you guys
D05m8 quezo123456
at: AAStudios03