teresina10's Friends
Neko★Gal AnnabelleTheGirl
Best Friend: τκz★Star☆ I'm 13 and I love music. I'm new here and I already got a lot of followers! Peace out!
Hamburger ilikehamburgers1
hamburgers......... i eat hamburgers...... why are you here? stawp! ugh..... fine keep going... okay........ can you stop now???? WHY WONT YOU LISTEN?! fine i wish i could be a chese burger. are you happy now? bye.
Щøłƒ Δłт LucarioAlt
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ashey 20wiiu16
i been doing good so yeah i am the champion
keshun keshun1121
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ÎÑК$ΔΠŠΦΩΨ grungust81
Miiverse is shuting down on November 8,2017 on both Wii u & 3Ds #Save Miiveres protest Pass it on. (=(.
Chiaragame Chiara0410
ciao !io sono Chiara vedi il tasto segui cliccalo !e io ricambiero' simpatia ★★★★★ gentilezza ★★★★★ videogiochi ★★★★★ musica ★★★★★ pro ★★★☆☆ mi piace la musica Trapper. il mio compleanno è il 4 ottobre . seguite: funjam tv©,elena,«— sim —»,Gaia e matilde. entra anche tu nella nostra tribù ♥ faccio una storia: i misteri di milano finita il 18/10/2017
T.J.Dassau uassad
I was born on Super Bowl Sunday with a football shaped head! I had two major head surgeries as an infant. For nearly four years, I had lived with my parents and my older brother, Nick, in Massapequa, until our parents divorced. At age three, I hit my head on the kitchen table, causing blood to gush from my left eyebrow. Our mom took us away with her to live in an apartment for about a year.
Dylan2007 dylank910
Junko Milkyteapocky
┏┓ ┃┃╱╲ in this ┃╱╱╲╲ house ╱╱╭╮╲╲ we ▔▏┗┛▕▔ appreciate ╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲ Inkling boy ╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲ ▔▏┗┻┛┃┃┗┻┛▕▔
michael BigM2000
my favorite game series is sonic and my favorite anime is sailor moon and dragon balland doreamon.
Giada Giadaa08
CIAO RAGAZZUOLII!! Mi chiamo Giada e ho 12 anni Se mi segui ricambio Grazie per i +300 followers, ora arriviamo a 350 mi piace: scuola♥♥♥♡♡ amici♥♥♥♥♥ miiverse♥♥♥♥♥ MK8♥♥♥♥♥ wii party u♥♥♥♥♡ nintendoland♥♥♥♥♡ chitarra♥♥♥♥♥ di youtuber seguo Gabriele Vagnato, Nadia Tempest, Eleonora Olivieri non andare giú, vai su e schiaccia quel bel pulsante +SEGUI!
hi guys my name is jay jay and im 14 i play mk8 im the 2x champion and my favourite character is mario, my favourite angles are kari and steph qt and im one of the AO members KS , BH and AR
♪☆sαsнεε☆♪ sasha-k-star
i love to draw! favourite pokemon 1.primarina 2.goodra 3.silvally 4.whimsicott 5.slurpuff 6.glaceon 7.gourgeist 8.gardevoir 9.absol 10.milotic pokken tournament, mario kart 8 and pokemon S&M are my favourite games. member of GTSET, paladin porygons, ΜΚΓ, team darkrai, team marshadow , eevee guard and eclipse
Totta♪ Duchessa4
Ciao!! Io sono Totta! Ho 12 anni e la mia bff é Eli e la mia SMBFF è Rikki!!! ATTENZIONE: NON FACCIO CHAT!!!
CAT-Edniel ednieladam_123
Hi here is info about me Name:Edniel Age:14 Favorite game: mario and pokemon games Favorite Wii u game:paper mario color splash Favorite 3DS game:mario&luigi dream team Favorite song: Never let up-BigBang-pokemonxy wild battle Favorite pokemon: Oshawott and Popplio My neko twins:Noah13Pink-cindy Bestfriends:Satu~Kun-Ice-sky My sister:amber My pokken teacher:Rubyrose61
SPIRALCRIS Character Designer FACTS -Orange Headphone Inkling Girl aka WOOMY is Best Squid -Professional in Squid Parties/Fiesta Calamarrr ~Stay Fresh and don't get cooked stay Off the Hook~
suy guy 17jamareon38
hi my name is king 10000 but im not a real king i have lots of nice friends and they all my best friends ever
VENTUROCCO roccoventurini
▲к.нёаят▼™ laur9124
--> Roses Are Red, Violent Are Blue, If You Are Looking At This,Thank You☆ basically im a girl ♀ Miiverse is ending get ready :< You all are pinnaples :3 Im taken ♡ i wuv my art OFCORSE ^^ and idk ._. are you there? ye? Ok now go go Give me cookeh then go ._. Are you going now?! Ok baii everyone •˛•
A7 victini09
Hi I Love Minecraft & Splatoon My life Is About Video Games Since I Was 4 Yrs Old 1/28/2007 Is My B-Day So If You Want To Play Minecraft Splatoon & Smash I Will! I Have Dustin lawilson Riley Jon Lucy Pacoto Tess And More Friends (100) I Have A 2DS & Friend Me To Play Minecraft Splatoon & Super Smash Bros 4 WiiU With Me! I ♥ You All My Best Friends+Followers! My Line Is: #Im HeroKitty!☆★♥ \(^.^)/
Sloubie Sloubie
Mesdames et messieurs, bienvenue à mon profil! My name is Sloubie, nice to meet you! I'm a *cough* *cough* experienced *cough* *cough* maker in Mario Maker! I always happily read your comments in your levels too! My favourite types of levels are music levels, so I will always enjoy hearing them :-) For now, bye! (#SaveMiiverse)
Nectar jervinnectar
If you see me playing, I'm slacking off RL responsibility. Tell me to get back to work.
Sans myjoey
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Jasmine jasminekirby2006
Hello i am Jasmine- elizibeth - jayne and i love netball and rounders growing up with a mum a stepdad and five brothers. follow me ind i will follow you i am still in teaching
cari amici coniglietti visto che molti di voi mi conoscono e altri no sono teresa (questo é il mi...
cari amici coniglietti visto che molti di voi mi conoscono e altri no sono teresa (questo é il mio vero nome) oggi ho voluto chiamarvi così perché mi sembrava molto carino come voi (ovviamente) ma se non vi piace oppure ho copiato qualcuno diventate miei amici e ditemelo
approposito seguite la mia amica shira(ID clarissa02002
e possiamo raggiungere i........200 followers?