Users Pablito Is Following
cuz2CHRIS cuzchris1985
aidenwiiu datboyaiden
Name:Aiden Anime: Dragon ball z Books: Harry potter Favorite teams: Astros Rockets Texans Favorite players: JJ Watt James harden Jose altuve Favorite board games: Monopoly Uno Apples to Apples Connect 4 Trouble Favorite food: Pizza Favorite candy: Jolly rancher Milky way Kit kat Skittles Favorite games: Paper mario Super mario maker Splatoon Super smash bros Mario kart Call of duty
★Mauricio☆ maurovelez
pappy lemmongrabber
★TRG★снгίς Sauron17
Hello I'm Chris, and I like turtles. Curent feelings: Fine and good. I am the CEO/President of the GMU. (TRG, 3MM, NLM, T7W, TRON) Owner/Leader of TRG. Co-leader of OMC & Member of 3MM & TCW. I ♥ playing SMM, Minecraft , Splatoon, MK8 & SM3DW. I have over 3500 stars in SMM. I usualy Wii U Chat when I am up for it. WAFFLE! That is all! Bye! :D
Hayden dumpface123
my profile is hayden.
Lassi lassic_gamer
♪<>♪<>♪<>♪<>♪<>♪<>♪<>♪<>♪<>♪<>♪<>♪ Checking my profile? You must be really lost. Well, I'm just a guy and: -I'm 16, ♂ -Kind of a loser -Sometimes I try to draw -Not particularly good at games. -Some of my favourites are Metroid, Zelda, Rhythm Heaven, the Mother series, and Shovel Knight, etc. -I may be kinda hard to become friends with, so... Good luck I guess. :P -Yup. :τ
Gabby GabbyGaming
Komichiwa! My name is Gabby! I have MC, POKKEN, SSB4, SM3DW, MK8 This page is cancer so i would suggest leaving... Oh, chu are stubborn... Fine, take dis heart ♥>//~\\<
GP| Tait Eightfield123
Warning: Connection errors imminent. GP| Tait, but you can just call me Tait. Welcome to my profile, where the grickle grass grows. I upload SSB4 replays from time to time. I don't have a consistent upload schedule, therefore hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out!
←Lizzie→ Lizzonya
Hi my name is ←Lizzie→ I'm currently engaged to ←Sam→ I don't accept friend requests I'm friendly and kind I have OCD I love to make people smile and happy I will not tell where i live at any time I love to play Splatoon and Art Academy I wish to have 200 followers some day If you don't know who ←Sam→ is go check him out because he is the most amazing husband i have ever had
♪Cleo♪ PrincessCleo89
Hi my name is Cleo. Games I like: Pokèmon Nintendogs Animal crossing Mario maker My best friends: Every single one! My birthday is July, 14. I will accept all friend requests! Follow me and I will follow you back! Please no Wii U Chat. Thank you. ♥♥♥♥
[] K Ooodin
Well, ya might as well enjoy these last moments on Miiverse. I loved you all! ;..) Prepare for Miiverse Doomsday!
Bernd Bernd-1984
Hello, I am a Nintendo gamer from Germany since the Gameboy and SNES era. The Mario and Zelda games are my favorites. Send a friend request so we can play online together some time. ;-D Have fun everyone!
GSB realgavin2
★Krash★ StudioRocks
Hi :)
Zach Nerd456-Hi
Kokiriean JanisStuewe123
Hey, mein Name ist Janis hier ein paar Fakten über mich Bin 15 Jahre alt Liebe TLoZ, Dubstep und Pizza :D Hab nh Freundin und liebe sie natürlich auch<3 Lieblings Youtuber: -DubstepGutter Lieblings Bands: -FallOutBoy -Panic!at the Disco Hobbys: -Mit meiner Freundin was machen -Feiern -Schlagzeug spielen (Lieder Covern) -Musik hören -Trainieren Freitag,mein zweit Lieblingswort mit "F" <3
Heidimelon heidiwiebe
hey everybody! it's Heidi! so i guess your here because you want to know some stuff about me. Well here are some facts about me you probably did'nt know. - I'm a follower of God - i am 13 years old - my best friend is Skyblue14 (aka Linda) - i absolutely love soccer and badminton! - i'm a big fan of Matthias (Youtuber) Thanks guys for following me! luv ya all! \^o^/
Δι♭¡ε Albies_NINID
william stickboy101
Hannah Hannahbanna123
Hi everyone, my name is Hannah. I love video game, baking. my favorite color pink. I'm a sweet and kind, smart person. my favorite games are animal crossing, wii fit u, mariokart8, super smash bros and ect.... I would like to be friends with you guys:). I love to helping others
Rosy DinoRyu
This user's profile comment is private.
☆Logan☆ 150947
Ello, my name is Logan (Golden) Pszalgowski. "Achievements in Gaming": •Did a TAS in Super Mario World •39K in •67K in •Over 4000 stars in Super Mario Maker •Owning a Realm with my brother, Aidan, in Minecraft PC. Other Shtuff: •13 Years Old •Loves Pop'ems \(^o^)/ •Had a dog that died ó_ò •Enjoys Gaming, Fishing, Eating, and Talking Bye! BTW Check out my SMM account!
[Blank]0~0 CyberDwagon
Heyo! Not the best artist, so excuse the mess. Hmmmm might make a list of cool peeps to follow....
gdmaster18 tigerclub13
Hello,I play geometry dash alot.But,I still play some splatoon,but not much.Sometimes I like to go on miiverse alot!Also,yes I do wii u chat!
Evan pandaboy78
Hello! I am a Piano Performance Major in college who composes for some games, and consider myself a pretty good gamer, but not a major hardcore 360 Noscope gamer! I play in tournaments in SSB4 at my college as well! Also I'm extremely excited for Yooka-Laylee by Platonic Games! I love making Super Mario Maker Undertale Music Levels as well! I main Villager in Smash!
Ashley N3MESIS
Hi! :) • ■▼(]!!!IN CASE OF A BAN FALLOUT!!![)▼■• ---Here are my back up profiles--- [★AND PLEASE DO WRITE AND/OR TYPE THEM DOWN NOW AND SOMEWHERE YOU CAN FIND LATER★] N3MESIS-2 Adm1nsB3stFriend ---Thank you for reading this and I hope you have a wonderful time visiting my profile! ^^--- *No WiiU Chat pls *
Patrice :/ xXNekopupXx
I will continue posting till the final day...not as much though :c R.I.P Miiverse (Nov 8, 2017)
Hey i know i just wrote a note but, as you know I play Super Mario Maker. Also thank you because ...
Hey i know i just wrote a note but, as you know I play Super Mario Maker. Also thank you because i just reached 819 stars in super mario maker and thats great guys. Anywho I play other games like smash 4,mario kart 8,and splatoon online and in splatoon im in level 35, My favorite smash character is Lucas, and favorite game is Mother 3 or Super Mario Maker!