reed's Followers
pinkyboo pinkyboo1972
hi i want more friends so if you want too be friends just friend me ok
Tommie III Lego-Tommie
チェッキー kanaryu0825
ねがさん、ぴくとさん、あしあと、ともさん面白くて好きです。ゲームは大好きです^^ 年は11歳です スプラトゥーンのウデマエはS15~30です プラベいつでも誘ってください。フレ登録待ってます フォローもお願いします 絶対に返します!
SK★Yoshi AkatsukiYoshi1
Hello everyone! This is the real AkatsukiYoshi. I feel I must say this because I had imposters in the past. I look forward to playing with everyone as I do enjoy a good challenge and fun. Online games I own: Mario Kart 8 Super Smash Bros Wii U Splatoon MKW Custom Tracks Wiimmfi Anyone is welcome to friend me, but no blank friend requests please.
ςς☆Royce Tagalong_81
Kon'nichiwa!! Hello!! You found my page!! Here's a few things about me... - Do not accept blank Friend Requests - Favorite Color: Rose Gold -Clans: -ςς(Co-Leader) ~ςн(Co-Leader) ~КΆ ~ ςςκ ~ƒτι(Leader), ~HL ~CC ~ив(Co-Leader) ~★\Splats/☆ ~ςρт(Co-Leader) ~ωω(Co-Leader) -I can speak fluent Japanese and english - I love watching Anime especially Naruto, DBZ, and One Piece. Well bye now. Mata Ne!!
Sloubie Sloubie
Mesdames et messieurs, bienvenue à mon profil! My name is Sloubie, nice to meet you! I'm a *cough* *cough* experienced *cough* *cough* maker in Mario Maker! I always happily read your comments in your levels too! My favourite types of levels are music levels, so I will always enjoy hearing them :-) For now, bye! (#SaveMiiverse)
DJ MCcool1
I like nintendo, my favorite game is Splatoon 2, and my favorite console is the nintendo switch!
Maëlian27 Maelian27
miiversel un monde tellement virtuel ou des amitié se forme souvent a chaque seconde de la planète tellement de personnes se retrouve sur wii u ou 3DS pour les p'tit nouveau la bienvenue de ma pars évènement:end of miiversel (5septembre,26 septembre)
PandaSplat amibosguyane
Salut toi,je m'appelle Ludovic g 8 ans et je suis né le 19 décembre 2008 miaou , je suis en CM1 miiiiouuuu !!! J'adore les chats miaou et les pandasroux Mrc pour tous mes ami(e)s et abbos :) !!!! franchement vous êtes les meilleur(e)s !!!! :) ;-) Le nom de ma chaine c Ludo Gaming mais je pense pas que ça va marcher :( ... mais je vais essayé de faire des vidéos ! Ngies a plus tard calamar !!
SS.Ava ^-^ Joshuak99
Hello and welcome to my profile here are some things about me. Name: Ava Age: 10 im SS. leader (Squadin squids) Splatoon: rank A (reset when i was level 43) Mario kart 8: i almost have the golden wheels|kart Minecraft: feel free to build what u want btw friend Glitchyglitch101 thats my other account if im offline then im on my glitchy account thats some things about me bye and have a nice day!
liam nbo liamisthebest215
Hello Welcome To My Profile Page ile Tell A Little Bit About Me! I Was Born In Some Were In April Girlfriends:None D: Still Looking For A Girl That Truly Loves Me! Im Kind, Really Respectfull Im Mostly Online 100follows★ 200follows★ 300follows★ 400follows★ 500follows★ 600follows★ 700follows★ 800follows☆ 900follows☆ 1000follows☆
CSA~junior gabywii
splatoon and splatoon 2 are my favorite games! and these are my best friends, CSA~lar, CSA~jack, awesome, salvador, redstone/mlg, samuel, and goincain, make sure to follow them, im part of the CSA~clan. i also has the switch and splatoon 2. my birthday is 7/6
SG◆Josh cheesy4959
Whats Going On Guys? I'm Josh. You Can Expect Reviews, Tournaments And General Stuff From Me! I Love Series Like Super Mario Bros, Banjo Kazooie, Crash Bandicoot And Mario Kart. My Favourite Game Of Time Is Crash Bandicoot XS, #GBA! Anyways, Have A Good Day! ( Shoutout To @HL▲Rosie! )
Piguex™ Markiro
Hya, guys! Just an Inkling here. I like games like Splatoon, Smash Bros., Yoshi, and a bunch of other games. Let's be friends! ¡Hablo español! I hate the Wii U Chat app, so please don't call me. Let's play Splatoon! Now, go check my posts! Look for Meguex™, my other account. If you want to Squid Party in Splatoon, please send a message or comment about it in my posts. Thanks! Bye!
Hi! If you have super smash bros. for WII U give me a message. And also i cant play games on weekdays sorry Im also under 13 so no freinds
B4N4N4 B4N4N4
Smash Bros. and Mario Maker sum it up pretty well. Play my courses!!
Gαгετн® kaboodle
Hello! I'm just a 13 year old waisting his life in his basement I mainly play Super Mario Maker, Smash Bros., and Splatoon, but I play a few other games on occasion. STOP FRIENDING ME TO ASK IF I HAVE MINECRAFT!! I DON'T HAVE IT!! Thank you guys for almost 200 Follows. No blank friend requests, please No Wii U Chat. At all. Ever. Josh, I'm looking at you. That's about it. Bye.
Naruto AustinDuve
Hello, my REAL name is Austin. I live in Grand Blanc, Michigan, in the USA. I am 22 years old, and I am a big Nintendo fan. If you see any of my posts, be sure to Yeah or comment. If you are playing a game that I have played, I can help you out if you need it. I will get along with anyone younger or older than me. Best of luck with gaming! By the way, I don't play online.
Randy GamerX73
Hello Everyone! My name is Randy. I am a huge Nintendo fan. Some of my favorite Nintendo franchises are (Mainly) Super Mario, Super Smash Bros, The Legend of Zelda, Kirby, and Animal Crossing. The greatest Mario games in my opinion as of this time are Super Mario 64 DS and Super Mario Galaxy 2. My favorite Nintendo character of all time is Luigi. I guess that's all for now. Enjoy!
Hanad FARHAN2121
EGRayan rayan2208
hoi ik ben rayan ik ben 9 jaar ik hou van gamen doe aan wiiu chat en ik ga voor de 500 volgers plzz volg me dan volg ik jou trouwens ik wil met met mensen vrienden worden en ik word het liefst vrienden met mensen die minecraft hebben en mijn ja racord is 114 ja,s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dg darrell10
rodney rodney123108
This user's profile comment is private.
ÑinténGírl supermariogirl53
Hey there! My real name is Tionna, I'm 18 by the way :P I recently started college and I'm honestly not sure if I'll be online the majority of the time... but ya know I'll try be on here time to time so don't worry! (^_-) I'm pretty competitive at Smash Bros and MK8 Wouldn't mind some more friends :) ♥☆♡★♥☆♡★
Hey guys! I am, without a doubt, the #1 biggest Yoshi fan to ever live on this planet even surpas...
Hey guys! I am, without a doubt, the #1 biggest Yoshi fan to ever live on this planet even surpassing NCS! Ultra big Yoshi fan aside, I am good online, never rip people off in Super Mario Maker play exchanges, and am STRONGLY against swearing. By the way I DO NOT use Wii U chat.