Users erik Is Following
Johan J.S.PKmon
My name is Johan Severin. I am 16 years old and I plan to do voice acting and writing for video games and all sorts of animation. Through these games and animations I will make people smile. Nintendo takes up about 20% of my life.
anthony antinator
Tom NintendoTom
Hi I'm Tom from Nintendo! Whenever there's anything new happening to Miiverse, I'll be posting about it on Miiverse Announcements. I'll also be sharing tips and other Nintendo news that (hopefully) matters to you. I'll occasionally be popping up in other communities, so keep an eye out for me!
Ovo Angelo Hekatonkeires
Azotadme! Aquí estoy Azotadme Merezco que me azoten No lamí las rompientes La sombra de vacas Las espinas, La lluvia, Con fervor Durante Años; Descalzo, Estremecido, Absorto, Iluminado, No me postré Ante el barro Ante el misterio intacto Del polen, De la cama Del gusano, Del pasto; Por timidez, Por miedo, Por pudor, Por cansancio, No Adoré los pesebres Las ventanas heridas... Como hubiera deseado!
Layzie Dalayzie1
Im Layzie and.......umm..........hmm.................uhh.............well?........................thats about it Age: Twenty-something In Las Vegas Want ARKHAM KNIGHT / FALLOUT 4 Follow me as I lead a path of happiness and delicious waffles HAHA :D If you want me to follow you, just YELL AT ME I also own a XB360 and 3DS
§Joshua☆∞★ cromers
hi miiverse and as you no i am josh i LOVE HAVING FRIENDS!Friend request me any time i accept all of them!one rool before i'm done no vid chat understand? I LOVE MINECRAFT!!!!!!!!It is awesome!I own 2 3DSes!Please friend me!I have a 3ds and 3dsxl! I'm wanting a xboxone! if you get one please bud me k? if you want to learn how to make a light saber then bud and chat me and i'll talk later!