danTDM's Followers
shy guyPUG darpug
Kids Mikal-Payge
Hello everybody I was born in dallas texas and i love nachos . my favorite fruit is pineapples. I love the song hide away by daya !!!! I love daya !!! my favorite game is minecraft creative. l also follow my followers !!!
XxDarthXx AndOneKid08
Thanks everyone for giving me posts on my stuff and i will be geting the dlcs for mario kart8 soon and minecraft bye.
GMLMgames GorillaGrace496
Hey guys! It's Grace! If you know Liam, he's my brother so go ahead and follow him and don't forget me!
Jöşë Ļųΐş coolboyrl
Hello I'm José I also speak spanish and I want everyone to know that I am happy to have alot of friends so here's a little info 'bout me. Best Friend (ID): steckle77 #1 BFF (ID): badboyrl All time Friend(s) (Nickname) (at least 5): #1, Ъâď◆Joel, #2, Luke-ario, #3, Jordan, #4, Sonic, and last but not least #5,Jose!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for going to my PROFILE!!!!!!! :) and Mimi W., a friend
Tilou tilou5
Yo. abonez vous prochain objectif 700 aboner plus :Mon profil bcp minecraft mario maker et splatoon faite moi une demande d'ami mot pour mes abonner:merci de continuer a suivre mes message et a likez mes message xD je veut des bon amis bonne vacance tout le mondes ceut qui joue a minecraft demander moi et merci de vous abonner je suis fier de vous :-D bah c tout a+ <3 bye-bye...
Filipe☆★:) Filipe.gamer123
Ola amigos eu sou o Filipe e seja bem vindos ao meu perfil. -------------------------------♪ hi friends im Filipe and welcome to my profile. here you can see what i like play and another things -------------------------------------♪ ★my favourite games: resident evil4, minecraft, just dance, Zelda, splatoon, porzito zero, bayoneta 2★
danielleao danielleao3674
ςς☆Mavs titos_c
Hey Name:Maverick ( My nickname is Mavs ) Gender:♂ Relationship:Currently ♥.....Single.....♥:( Age:13 Things i dislike: Negative people, Hackers and people that like to squidbag in Splatoon Things i like:Positive people, Music, Animals and School Games i play a lot: Splatoon, Minecraft, Sm4sh and Mario Kart 8 I hope you will find me as a nice person Fave song: DISS TRACK ED By NetNoBody Bye.....
Anthony dzortz
Hi. My name is Anthony. I'm a big fan of Super Smash bros, Minecraft and Animal Crossing. My goal is to reach 1000 followers and 100 friends.That would be a big help to me.So feel free to follow or friend request me. ( I do not accept blank friend requests.) I also speak in french. Je parle aussi en français. Aurevoir!
GamerBoy11 Sports_Is_Best
*LEON* hipstarhipstar
Hey Liebe Miiverse Nutzer Ich bin euch sehr dankbar für eure unterstütztung Ab heute werden jeden Tag neue und spannende beiträge Zum Thema Need for speed most wanted Mario Kart 8 und viel mehr Am meisten Bedanke ich Mich an die vererizierten Miiverse Nutzern Für eure informationen und Eure Netten Kommentare und beiträge
Richboi Richboi216
nintendo fan since 1986 love mario and Zelda, dont forget to send a friend request or follow and ill send one back love mario kart 8 looking forward to burning some rubber with ya...
Ellα Phantom_Star_Fox
Hi friends and followers.As most of you know Miivese is shutting down.So, I need to say a few words…Thank you guys!Sure we can't see,call, and talk in real life…But, that doesn't mean you not close to my heart!Every yeah,click, and follow I'll remember!Special thanks to Rafael!He help me though everything!Also, to Mochi!An artist who made me get better at art (I'm still horrible).I luv u guys!<3
********** bubsnbobblehead
Bye-Bye Miiverse. ‹°♪°•♪•°♪°•♪•°♪°•♪°› ———————————————————————————————————————— .·:♥:·.~♪A ł α и ' s h ε я ε~♪.·:♡:·.
kento poli-gentil-gg-g
salut j'm'apelle kento mon vrais non ses léo moi je sui fan de dragon ball Z ,fairy tail, de naruto et de star wars one pièce objectif:300 abonner s'il vous plaît abonner vous.Ma liste de personnalité:gentil★★★★☆ méchant:★★★☆☆(quand on m'insulte qu'on m'énervd ou qu'on se fiche de moi) rigolo:★★★★☆ blagueur: ★★★☆☆ joueur:★★★★☆ amical:★★★★★ confient:★★★★☆ s'il vous plaît abonner vous
Chu - eh mychuyur
Uh.. Hello! My Name is Chuy, but please call MEH Chu - eh ! If you think I swear, well guess what?..I DON'T swear! Back up Profile is Chuy 2 . And Sister's is: Derpsarecool [ashley]. Don't friend Request me when I have a HUNDRED friends, Just Please!.. Don't do it in that Day! Also I accept Random Friend Requests. - I Do Wii U Chat! - I'm not online very OFTEN! Well.. daz it! Bye:3!
F1レーサー suta-uo-zu
好きな映画?»スターウォーズ! 好きな食べ物»トマトと、ししゃも 好きなアーティスト»X.JAPANと、イエローモンキーズと、マンウィザミッションです。(知らない方はオススメなので調べてみて下さい) 好きな名言»挑戦することを恐れるな挑戦しないことを恐れろです あとがき»ぼくは今(2017年)中学1年生です フォローしてくれると100%フォローするので、フォローお願いします! あっ…部活は剣道部に入りました。
ゆっくり RIM4K yukkurirm4k
皆さんどうも帰って来ました! フレンド大募集! ▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽ YouTubeプレイ日記のこと! 投稿スペース遅れます。 [質問コーナー!] うp主 [お知らせ] 霊夢、魔理沙、妖夢、うp主 [茶番] 多分全員 [マイクラ天空バトルゲーム!] 今バトルワールド作っています。 [ルール] 赤チーム、青チームに分けバトル! 青チームが誰かわかるように青の染料で染めます。 赤も赤の染料で染める! 詳しいことは完成したら伝えます! フォロワー600人ありがとう! これからもよろです! ▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽
nana lannoute
salut je m apelle Anna mais tous le monde m appelle nana je suis :gentille ★★★★★★ moche ★★★☆☆☆ belle ★★★☆☆☆ mechante ☆☆☆☆☆★ drole ★★★☆☆☆ jalouse ★☆☆☆☆☆ sportive ★★★★★★ résèrvé ☆★★★★★ ouverte ★★★★★☆ lante ☆☆☆☆☆☆ rapide ★★★★★★ maladroite ★★★☆☆☆ chanceuse ★★★★★★ colante ☆☆☆☆☆☆ travailleuse ★★★★☆☆ organisé ★★★★★☆ calme ★☆☆☆☆☆ agité ★★★★★☆ si vous vous abboné a moi je m abbonerais tout de suite a vous
SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY My Personal Games Genres: .RPG'S (Role Playing Games) .Fighting .Racing .Action .Action Adventure .Adventure .Platform .And many more! .Huge fan of anime! I enjoy gaming with families, friends and all other friendly gamers out there. Happy Gaming Everyone!
$eth djfizzfizz
My favourite users are honeycanyon12 and barpow.My favourite game is mario kart 8,luigi u and 3d world and minecraft follow me and I will folllow you and we can play mario kart 8 together.Feel free to follow me$$$☆★☆★☆★☆★♀
Troy1One tdog1212
hi welcome to my people my rill name is troy so im so not itsidine for master ●going to switch sorry im play wiiu doz●
cutegirl alandrialutin
i lovealbe and so sweet and first alandria and i love roblox and i love everyone and i will respect everyone and i will accept your friend respect and everyone is cute and Bff is emma and jordan i help people who needs a friend bye friend me if you need a friend in mine and also have a question look at discussion and see and i play with my sis and i can wiiu chat and team mate rose ☆ashley☆
Jibreel Mr.Sir2
I like Swagtron, Mario, Kid Icarus, Pokémon (especially Pokémon Y/ Pokémon Moon), Minecraft, Super Smash Bros., and time away from my sisters. Need new 3DS because the trigger buttons have been worn-out from too many hours of Kid Icarus (300+ as of 3 months ago).
liam nbo liamisthebest215
Hello Welcome To My Profile Page ile Tell A Little Bit About Me! I Was Born In Some Were In April Girlfriends:None D: Still Looking For A Girl That Truly Loves Me! Im Kind, Really Respectfull Im Mostly Online 100follows★ 200follows★ 300follows★ 400follows★ 500follows★ 600follows★ 700follows★ 800follows☆ 900follows☆ 1000follows☆
rose jflores1423
hi i am lindsay flores , i can't wait to share adventures with all of you. if you want to be my friend then please send me a friend request so we can have fun and be best friends♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡
とも TOMO324
すきなことはマイクラです!!フォロ一おねがいしまーす!!あとフレンドリクエストもよろしくです。 自己紹介・・・・名前・・とも 年齢・・・・13歳 すきなこと・・ゲーム、(マイクラ、スプラトゥーン)、テレビを見ること(ア二メ、ドラマ) 今は中2です。 自己紹介終了 見てくれてありがとうございます!。 そしてミーバースありがとう。
sky OPGamer696
i like playing zombie and lotes of games
konnPvP_gg natsudaiemma
こんにちは! えっと後僕はpvp勢なので、誰か強い人たたかわないか! pvpワールドある方フレりく送れ! 所属チーム BTS〆 PvP 好きな軍艦は、 カールヴィンソン ロナルド レーガン ジェラルド.R.フォード ドワイト.D.アイゼンハワー まあ、これぐらいです! see you!
GamerKid GamerKid7285
Hi I'm GamerKid. I play alot of games such as Minecraft Super Mario 3D World etc. My goal is to hit 500 Followers!! So just friend me and follow me;) Things about me: Favorite Game: Minecraft Favorite Food: Porkchops Favorite Sport: Hockey Favorite Movie: Minions Favorite TV Show: Henry Danger Favorite Book: Diary of a Wimpy Kid Can't wiiu chat And those are things about me!!!
leo craft ILoveClashRoyale
Olá, sou o leo craft, sou bom em jogos expecialmente Mario Kart 8 e Minecraft. Faço construções muito giras e sou muito bom nas corridas do MK8. Sou bom no Splatoon e adoro a Callie Também adoro dançar ao ritmo de Just Dance®2017 E gosto de jogar New Super Mario Bros. U Wii U Chat- Com pessoas conhecidas na realidade Se quiserem ser meus amigos eniviem-me um pedido de amizade.
MR.MASTER saknint
HI I AM MR.MASTER! I have a lot of games and am really sad that Miiverse is closing!! This is my life! I love Miiverse and you guys! THANKS FOR THE 100 FOLLOWERS!!!!!! (^o^) (^o^) I have drawn the Dark Lord as a celebration!! Again, thanks so much for the 100 Followers!! I can't thank you guys enough!! 2 years ago I was at 0. Now look where I am! THANK YOU GUYS! REALLY! MY GOAL IS DONE! ♥ U!
Link zeldarulz25
Favorite Series : The Legend of Zelda Favorite Game : Ocarina of Time Favorite Pokemon : Lucario Miiverse is Dead as of November 8th Goodbye everyone I will miss you
Gεл★²² mamabuttz
You know my name, splatoon 2 is my game. good bye miiverse and all my followers :( here some info about me ★splatoon lvl: 41! ☆Plays Lost Reavers ★Minecraft = let's play? ☆marina fan lol ★MK8 player ☆Fan of splatoon songs ★sweetheart: ♥PHOENIX★²²♥ ☆Blueinkling26 is my best friend ★Osomatsu san is life ☆follow my splatoon amino user name: Gen (limeinkling22) #L22 support G x P :3
CσcσGamεr Coco_Gaming_2006
Salut moi c'est CσcσGamεr , j'adore la Nintendo Swith qui vient de sortir et les jeux de 3ds et sinon j'aime : -MK7 = ★★★★★ -Super Mario Maker = ★★★★★ -New Super Mario Bros.2 = ★★★★☆ -Place Mii StreetPass = ★★★★★ (★) -Nintendo Badge Arcade = ★★★★★ (★,★) -J'adore discuté avec mes abonné(e)s dans un messages et n'oubliez pas de vous abonnez , je rend !!!!! (-nouvelle team à 14H00-) À plus !!!