PVP★PugBoy's Friends
wyattco gamerwyatt07
Matty Penguingam3r
thedude thewindude
Nick TheLuckyWolf256
Nathan carmyne2005
Hey, whats up! hello?
Dark★ProZz WeHaveSkillZz
Hello! Welcome to my profile and don't block me Plz!
Matt krasyrascal2086
2Guns JamesTDD969YT
What's up everyone I'm JamesTDD 969 you may reconize me from my youtube channel(user).Well I have my own NNID (Nintendo Network ID)and Miiverse user (account).Anyways I play anykind of video game from anykind of video game console because I'm a mastergamer and I'll probably see you on YouTube when I will make another video BYYEEEEEEE!:)
awsomenes 54321blastoff_pi
NFF*um…eh? peanut879
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Viper DerpXdude
so... i like minecraft... and thats all...
Chara CharaTheDemonKid
Brobott12 brobottkdbs
FP★admiral rocklee2016
hi i love naruto shipuden and i have another acount called SUP3RCÖÖL
dino lover Gojiralover12
HomieYosh makeitrain64
hi im good at games and im a pro.
Mikey littlemike09
jocelyn oliverramirez
sam kelly134255
Tyler Gore Newlife1881
brian :) po4136
i love gaming my favorite game is minecraft then legend of zelda i hope you guys love my post remember to follow me i cant wait to play with you guys
Batman DVBatman1168
Hello im DV my identity is a securet because i have Batman in my name (thats one reson why my name is DVBatman
werewolf PopularMaddy
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I ProGamer jeffery027
i like mincraft and mini game i love bows on mini games i loveeeee! terriea its amazing byeeeeee add meeeeee...plz....im out!
#Beastmode nateman1024
#Let's Go Beast Mode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mom Hmharper747
Austin austinh19
yellow bnmsop
Jeff otbotrc
XDABRAHAM is my name well username but why you reading this part hhahaha. ill like to follow you whoever is reading this message .for one simple thing follow me too¡ ok -no you dont have too so im waiting for it or friend request
mςm★shadow devoncry
hey guys i am a big tripolar fan but I will never be able to join cus i won't be alloud ;_; it would be my dream to be on youtube but my life is nothing to me cause I will be kicked every time I join to play (I was crying when I wright dow the comment)
HiddenCoin HiddenCoin
I guess I like blocks due to the fact I like both Minecraft and Terraria. Oh yeah, I like Mario and Zelda games too! :P
Sage wellman28
oh hello im sage.Im a fan of minecraft,too.Oh well i can tell you...IM A BIG FAN OF MARIO!!So everyone is so awesome.Watch Markiplier!And I also have plush Foxy from FNAF4!Goodbye!
ElMexicano PacificNote159
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Mississipi WAZZ88
hi...im new to wiiuniverse
Syed SayedRobinRouf
Samuel samtheman1212
sam massey love call of duty and watch dogs
teddie jose22027
hi my name is jose im a fan of pokemon,i like to play with other people so friend me so that we can play together
LostLuinór Rasandi
Welp, it's been fun. No more Miiverse. I mean, what's the point to try to get followers and yeahs now. All I'm trying to say is that Miiverse is a great place to communicate with other people, make a lot of friends and get to be a good person, But now...... it's shutting down on November 7th, 2017, 10:00 at pacific time, meaning that it's no longer going to be here. So everyone, stay positive. :)
TC TC81782
JOYCONBOY kevinrools
OW! that hurt.now my face hurts well do u feel bad?...bet ya feel bad.to make it up to me slap that follow button↑↑↑and maybe even friend me here is a bit more about me colour:red game:overwatch hobby:drums personality:cancerous youtuber thirsty for fame sport:football club:dancing anime:onepiece language:english age:12 name:kevin...duh bye and remember to follow to wash that guilt away!
cool game louislble
splash toon amazing gameskidsgames
bikerboy bikerboy9460
ha dude wana play some games
ТнеĞαмея DadRulesTheGame
Hi, i am an expert gamer. I'm obviously a gamer :D. But, i like netflix,beyblade,pokemon,and yu-gi-oh. My fav games are... Splatoon, Mario Kart8, Smashbros, and Legend of Zelda windwaker. Cya!
Gabe captainvideo9
Luna LunaWiiUYay1999
Hey ^^ Willkommen auf meinem Profil! Hier einpaar Fakten: - Ich mag die Liebe nicht - Ich mache keine Videochats - Ich gebe nix Persönliches Preis, also fragt erst garnicht - Ich Spiele Gerne Online - German/English - Five Nights at Freddy's Fan
ayden MasseyMan65560
i hate getting yeahs
foxy tonywill14
☆★☆★☆★thanks for all the follows so thanks if you want you can ask me to friend you!i'll try to follow all of you!:)#awesome! who wants to play with me on minecraft? if you do comment on my favorite post!:D oh and i don't have disney infinity 3.0:( and SMILE MORE!!!!♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥ goal:get 1000 followers
11170 ely305
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Garrett PhilLynnot
DEVON devontoad100
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angel angelgameer
me justa mucho las consolas de nintendo y tambien sus juegos nintendo es a la unica compañia de videojuegos que he probado en mis 13 años de vida
EndPros jd1800
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Carlos marifer27
Hello everybody , i love Mario , Smash. I can speak spanish and a little english
ethan wndrwoman36
Anthony AnthonyAD
Hi everyone, if you like minecraft survival, adventure maps, and cool builds, you will like my post. I have a big mini game server with a lot of games. I also have a community build world. Other People I Recommend You Should Follow: Rose_Carlos, puggam3r, allplyngms, daddex, and awsome5603. I have a mini game server and a battle game server.
sofa mango Em-Aari
Hey! My name is sofa-mango! -I like gaming and talking with friends -I like any type of games... -If you follow, I will follow back -take drawing request. -love drawing pokemon Merry Christmas! 'w' That is all my good miiversians, have a good one!
☆★JØĦŇ★☆ rose_carlos
I know my name says rose_carlos but plz call me John. I'm 14 and most of the games I play are Splatoon and sometimes Minecraft to get things off my head. This is not my profile,I just got all my saved progresses in this account. BTW, I do look like my Mii My good friends: AnthonyAD, Raines100, and Soccerkid123456.
Everett VinnieAcnl
Jovan 305246
Brandon bw2558
I enjoy playing with people so don't be shy to friend request, and don't worry i'm always on my games so just ask and i'll join you.
kierra kierrang
Brayden tessame
Q Themilestone
ςшαgMephi Socrates11
Hello my name is Mephi! I love playing videogamez: MarioCart 8, Super Luigi, Super Mario bros, MineCaft. I have a 2ds :-D What i love doing best: PLAYING SOCCER MAKING FRIENDZ AND HAVING FUN! I love all of my fanz and friends! THANK YOU 4 ALL OF THE SUPPORT!! HAVE A AWESOMELY AWESOME DAY!!! Jesus's!! Saves!!
Guzma Axcent429
usdh TheMiniWaffles
i'm 14 i like cats. i'm a gamer. i like naruto. and the flash ( season 3 why not on netflix?)i like league of legends and terraria
jake jakesnake0308
The creator of MIIVERSE'S best Minecraft Theme Park Resort, 'Splash Valley Resort'
boss madden96
fight no matter what
OWW! Thanks, now my face hurts. Welp, to make it up to me you can hit that green follow button↑↑↑...
OWW! Thanks, now my face hurts. Welp, to make it up to me you can hit that green follow button↑↑↑ So ummm... Here's some stuff 'bout me.
Game (XboxOne):Fallout4
Game (Xbox360):TheElderScrollsVSkyrim
THERE!!! :]