John's Followers
PSYCHO fwrdgdrtsstchsej
hi i just joined miiverse and am very confused of why it is ending so i am trying to get as many followers as i can. i am 12, love 2 rap , i don't have but 4 games and sadly home schooled. followers are excepted
ThunderYT DiamondDanTDM
Hello everyone!!! I play SMM, Splatoon and more. Feel free to friend me!!! My favourite franchises are The Mario Series (including Luigi), TLoZ Series, MK Series, MP Series and more. My Top 10 games that will release on the Nintendo Switch I'm hyped for: 1: SMO 2: Splatoon 2 (get it???) 3: TLoZ: BoTW 4: MK8 Deluxe 5: Arms 6: 1-2 Switch 7: MC 8: MCSM 9: JD 10: Rayman i liek turtles!!!
Lilia tiny_pumpkin
Hibros2017 HiBros2017
It has been nice being with you guys. Miiverse is gonna be over soon. *sniff I hope there is something like this on 3DS because it ain't dead. I am gonna miss you guys. *sniff sniff Goodbye on November 7, it is so sad! *sniff sniff sniff Goodbye! :'( #SaveMiiverse Best mates: M^®!0, Lorretta, & Bry
I love Mario games. I grew up playin Nintendo games. Follow me and I will follow you. I also love heavy metal music and anime. Updated on 12-8-2016. Updated on 9-19-2017. I love movies from the 80's and cartoons from the 90's
ψθJulianθψ Julian0601
Steckbrief: Julian0601 Name: Julian Alter: 10 Familienmitglieder: 4 Haustier, Art: Micky, Hund Hobbys: Fußball, Zocken, Chillaxen, Pokémon malen Eigenschaften: Nett, Cool, Tierlieb, Sportlich BBF: LpJustin11, nikita☆★☆★ Wohnort: Villingendorf, Landkreis Rottweil, Baden-Württemberg Clubs: #JaddiiClub«3 und SZC Ich hoffe, ihr habt Spaß mit mir! ♥♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪
felix felix21305
mario maker is the best game ever! ; )
WAZZUP, IT'S YA BOI RIDLEY U! I'm just a goofy whatchamacallit that does things! (Insert Life Story here) Most of my time here is spent on SMM (Super Mario Maker)! In SMM I'm Working on many Projects! Go check 'em out! Closed: YaBoiRiley Light S W I T C H: 4 8 9 0 1 1 5 8 9 8 9 7 I'll never forget you guys... Farewell... -Riley The Native Weird Thing
GARY.efc gaz.EFC
I would like to thank everyone on miiveres Big shoutout to..... Rileytron w, Daft banana kong, noah, glen, oscar, The boss, myy100, bruhhhhhh, daver7, david ,super kev and everyone else. If you still want to keep in touch gamefaque.. GARY.efc 01 Closedverers.. GARY. efc at the moment its called https://closed. pizza/why. My light SWITCH has a no on it. sw-3493- 4144- 3526 Thanks everyone .
Jhmolik Jhmolik
Michael MarioTheLandlord
Hello, my name is Michael. Welcome to my MiiVerse profile! I live in sunny, cold, rainy, and warm/hot California. I enjoy Nintendo related things, video games, PCs, biking, cold weather, vehicles, and more. Now, to get serious for a moment... if you do add me, please be mature, and please message me with your request that you added me from MiiVerse. Other than that, enjoy your stay!
Starf!sh Midnamystic